• 今天早上,看上去像是为了减轻对刑罚这个73的被告向法官做了一番充满感情的演讲。

    In what was seen as a last-ditch attempt to mitigate his punishment, the 73-year-old defendant had made an emotional statement to court this morning.


  • 今天早上,看上去像是为了减轻对刑罚这个73的被告向法官做了一番充满感情的演讲。

    In what was seen as a last-ditch attempt to mitigate his punishment, the 73 - year - old defendant had made an emotional statement to court this morning.


  • 现年49被告萝莉·德鲁还被控犯有第四罪名:共谋罪,然而陪审团这项指控意见相持不下,联邦地区法院法官乔治·h·宣告这项指控的庭审无效。

    The jury deadlocked on a fourth count of conspiracy against the woman, Lori Drew, 49, and the judge, George H. Wu of Federal District Court, declared a mistrial on that charge.


  • 3年龄1920之间的被告指控蓄意谋杀

    The three accused, aged between 19 and 20, are charged with attempted murder.


  • 老年受害者以及被告自己(其他四个超过75)可能都有可能因为死亡而阻碍审讯的成功。

    Elderly victims and the defendants themselves (the others are over 75) may thwart it by dying.


  • 35成为一个专业的资讯科技人员12这个公司工作有5年了。因为什么,所以他喜欢现有集体文化

    Steve, 35, has been an IT professional for 12 years and at this company for five years: he likes the existing group culture because he is told what to do.


  • 受性别限制,假定被告没有年龄限制,无论违法者男性女性14或者40还是条重罪

    The crime is gender-neutral, and contains no age exemption for putative defendants; whether the perpetrator is male or female, 14 or 40, it is still a felony.


  • 收银员已经核对任何看似低于16以下年龄顾客

    Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16.


  • 被告91高龄,而且昨天宣布判决似乎难于理解自身面临的状况。

    The defendant is 91 years old, and seemed barely able to follow what was happening to him when the verdict was pronounced yesterday.


  • 8沙特阿拉伯女孩父亲许配给58男人,女孩青春期到来之前,她不能够丈夫离婚

    An eight-year old Saudi Arabian girl who was married off by her father to a 58-year-old man has been told she cannot divorce her husband until she reaches puberty.


  • 利比亚一个岁的艾滋男孩输血感染病毒却家人不再受控制东部叛军欢迎

    A ten-year-old boy infected with HIV from a blood transfusion in Libya was told that he and his family were no longer welcome in the rebel-held east.


  • 想到了自己10诉过一些事就是不能过去——因为那边不是你的世界。

    And I realised I'd been told something at the age of 10, that you can't go there - that it's not for you.


  • 51法吉利•木珂寒梅兹亚诺夫妻子已经心脏病发作——其实当时法吉尔义只是因为胸痛家中晕了过去。

    Devastated husband Fagili Mukhametzyanov, 51, had been told his wife had died of a heart attack after she'd collapsed at home suffering from chest pains.


  • 这个案件有利方最终转向原告,身患癌症15男孩。声称被告灌醉然后对他进行了数次骚扰。

    The case ultimately turned on the credibility of Mr. Jackson’s accuser, a 15-year-old cancer survivor who said the defendant had gotten him drunk and molested him several times.


  • 哥达市一家就业服务中心名23女性必须参加一个模”面试,会议上报到。

    At one job centre in the city of Gotha, a 23-year-old woman was told that she had to attend an interview as a "nude model", and should report back on the meeting.


  • 几年一个墨西哥移民男孩了;他们另一个社区诊所去了趟,男孩只是脱水。

    A few years ago, a Mexican immigrant family had an eight-year-old son who was sick; twice they visited a clinic in another community, where they were told that the boy was dehydrated.


  • 丹佛市39JolantaStettler患了黑色素瘤并且最多只有6个月;黑色素瘤是一种眼部少见肿瘤,而且病情已经播散肝脏

    Jolanta Stettler, 39, of Denver, was told she had less than six months to live after getting a diagnosis of ocular melanoma, a rare cancer of the eye that had spread to her liver.


  • 前往上海浦东国际机场航站楼25号口集合,在那里遇见了一位身材纤瘦男人,他今年43穿着灰色格子呢上衣,带方框眼睛,柔软的头发从中间分开。

    I was told to proceed to Door No. 25 of Terminal 2 at Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport, where I found a slim forty-three-year-old man in a gray tweed overcoat and rectangular glasses.


  • 21岁的Takahito Kaji一个“完全食草族”。

    Takahito Kaji, 21, said he has been told he is "totally herbivorous."


  • 过去的研究已经发现3岁的孩子容易轻信别人的一类人群;他们相信他们被告知的大多数事情,而且从不怀疑

    Previous research has found that three-year-olds are a credulous bunch; they believe most things they're told, and skepticism doesn't kick in until later.


  • 里奇巡回刑事法庭8被告中的阿里(28,生于伦敦以东Walthamstow镇)、萨瓦尔(29,生于维克镇)侯赛因(28,生于伦敦东部的莱顿区)三审理过程为期6个月。

    Ali, 28, of Walthamstow, east London; Sarwar, 29, of High Wycombe; and Hussain, 28, of Leyton, east London, were among eight defendants at the six-month trial at Woolwich crown court.


  • 这个来自西雅图24女子,与其共同被告兼前男友佩鲁贾法庭开始审理2007年11月发生的谋杀案起便被一直铁窗之后。

    The 24-year-old from Seattle who has beenbehind bars since the November 2007 murder was in the Perugia courtroom, as washer co-defendant and onetime boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito.


  • 控方通过分析被告宠物血液能够证明22岁的克里斯汀·约翰逊Chrisdian Johnson)案发时就在谋杀现场;狗受伤流的血同时约翰逊袭击现场都有发现

    Prosecutors were able to prove that Chrisdian Johnson, 22, was at the murder site by analysing his dog’s bloodfound both on him and at the attack site.


  • 我们感觉我们这个家庭了,Raghuveer儿子6女儿9他们呆在室内。

    They watched the siege as a family. Raghuveer's son, 6, and daughter, 9, were told to stay inside, where they tended to gravitate toward the images constantly flickering on the screen.


  • 被告是位年30女子,她坚持自己无罪

    The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept persisting in her innocence.


  • 但是21时,他他患有als - a无法治愈神经疾病

    But then, when he was 21, he was told that he had als-a progressive and incurable nerve disease.


  • 被告是位年30女子坚持自己无罪

    The defendant a woman of only 30 kept insisting on her own innocence.


  • 被告是位年30女子坚持自己无罪

    The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.


  • 被告是位年30女子坚持自己无罪

    The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.


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