• 44克尔·纳泽尔-阿里是伦敦市中心一名助理主教作为罗彻斯特主教,他是英国国教首位非白人教区主教;在肯特郡

    MICHAEL NAZIR-ALI, 44, an assistant bishop in central London; as Bishop of Rochester, the first non-white diocesan bishop of the Church of England; in Kent.


  • 克尔一名注册会计师儿子佛蒙特州长大,时候就在那儿学会滑雪

    Michael, the son of a CPA, had grown up in Vermont, where he learned to ski at age seven.


  • 在2001年六月20克尔所大学年级的学生,几个被查出患了一种罕见白血病。一想到要给儿子增加痛苦感到不安

    It was June 2001, and just the thought of causing any more pain to 20-year-old Michael, a college sophomore diagnosed a few months earlier with a rare form of leukemia, made her anxious.


  • 罗赞丈夫刚出生儿子克尔一起到了洛杉矶离婚搬回了新泽西,为自己和迈克尔找到了新的生活,迈克尔现年17家人围着他转。

    Ms. Lang moved to Los Angeles with her husband and infant son, Michael, but after a divorce, she moved to New Jersey, and forged a life forherself and Michael, now 17, surrounded by family.


  • 丈夫都已经78了(的丈夫小说家剧作家克尔·费恩),需要我多陪陪。

    I'm 78 and Michael [Frayn, the novelist and playwright, and her husband] is 78, too, and he also needs a bit of attention.


  • 克尔24,是科尔盖特大学毕业生,因学业优秀而获得院长早上浏览公司网页寻找合适工作机会

    Mr. Nicholson, 24, a graduate of Colgate University, winner of a dean’s award for academic excellence, spent his mornings searching corporate Web sites for suitable job openings.


  • 让我们来仔细探究一下:1845年,31·胡克尔已经有了11军龄

    In 1845 Joe Hooker was 31 years old and had been serving in the army for 11 years.


  • 克尔·法拉第铁匠儿子幸运21事业便有了突破

    Michael Faraday, the 21-year-old son of a blacksmith, had a lucky break.


  • 克尔莱吉,一位来自伦敦34管理顾问2004年布宜诺斯艾利斯不久之后了家自然风味熟食店,供应咖啡有机食品

    Not long after Michael Legee moved to Buenos Aires from London in 2004, the 34-year-old management consultant opened the Natural Deli, a market and café offering organic fare.


  • 39那年克尔卖掉了可移动厕所出租生意不想退休

    Michael Enos sold his portable toilet rental business. But at 39 he wasn't quite ready for retirement.


  • 现年36岁的克尔常常同志生活比作洞穴或者牢笼

    Michael, who is 36, now often refers to gay life as a kind of cave - or cage.


  • 赛季,车队的名称布朗已经梅赛德斯取代而且车队也失去上赛季的冠军车手,同时招募了一脖子问题的41车手,但这里要附带提一句,这位车手的名字克尔舒马赫!

    This season Brawn have been superseded by Mercedes and, having lost their champion, recruited a 41-year-old who may have a dodgy neck. On the plus side his name is Michael Schumacher.


  • 克尔·卡里克——这样个和伦·霍德尔相似的中场放在了中卫的位置上,与青年学院才刚过1911的依齐基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half. He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 克尔·卡里克——这样个和伦·霍德尔相似的中场被放在了准中卫的位置上,与青年学院才刚过1911的依齐基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half.He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 美国人物》杂志报道,65岁的奥斯卡影帝、美国著名男星克尔·道格拉斯日前诊断出患有咽喉癌入院接受化疗

    Oscar-winning US actor Michael Douglas, 65, is fighting throat cancer and will undergo chemotherapy, People magazine reported.


  • 13克尔五兄弟中最小的一位。

    Michael Jackson, 13, was the youngest member of the Jackson5.


  • 夫妻俩(马莎57克尔58芝加哥郊区一家书店,2003年国民金融银行(Citizens Financial Bank)获得了笔5万美元贷款

    The couple (Marsha, 57; Michael, 58) run a bookkeeping business in their suburban Chicago home and in 2003 took out a $50, 000 line of credit with Citizens Financial Bank.


  • 罗伊现已85西班牙儿子克尔英国广播公司电台说,一些客户通过房地产中介他们取得了联系,“这些想要的不只是房产,还有自治权。”

    Roy, 85, now lives in spainand his son michael told bbcradio his family had been approaehed by estate agents withclients "who wanted a bit morethan a bit of real estate, they wanted autonomy."


  • 生活压力非常之大,”旧金山一家较大型经纪公司32金融分析师克尔Alena Meeker)说道,“我喜欢游戏中放松自己。”

    I have a very high-stress life, ” says Alena Meeker, 32, a financial analyst at a major brokerage firm in San Francisco. “I love relaxing with the games.”


  • 丈夫59克尔(Michael)肋击中正在接受重症特别护理

    Her husband Michael, 59, is in intensive care after being shot in the ribs.


  • 现年五十克尔希望前妻蒂娜卸下林赛经纪人一职,以便全身心的做好母亲

    The 50 year old also hopes Lindsay's mother Dina quits in her role as her manager so she can work on being a good parent.


  • 附近其他坟墓显示6岁的AyanoGemeda不是克尔今年死于饥饿第一孩子

    Three other small, fresh graves nearby indicate Ayano Gemeda, 6, was not the first child to starve in Kersa this year.


  • 克尔.郭金来自马赛州Weymouth爱尔兰小孩19,带着浓重的口音。

    It was Michael Goggin, an Irish kid from Weymouth, Mass., 19, with a heavy accent.


  • 39克尔31珍妮弗剧集片场相遇相恋,并于2008年12月结婚,珍妮弗在剧中扮演Dexter无血缘关系的姐妹

    Michael, 39, and Jennifer, 31, married in December 2008 after meeting on the set of their Showtime drama, where she plays his foster sister.


  • 喜欢克尔·摩尔电影,我不喜欢发出的信息,”六十五岁的阿尔·伯尼,他扶轮慈善社董事会成员

    "I don't like Michael Moore's movies. I don't like his message," said Al Bonney, 65, a Rotary Charities board member.


  • 凯里先生放假时,51喜欢带上妻子两个孩子25岁的克尔(NIcole)和22丹尼斯一起旅行

    When he was noton the job, Mr. Carey, 51, loved to travel with his wife and their twochildren, Nicole, 25, and Dennis Jr., 22. "We lived, " Jean Carey saida day after his funeral.


  • 罗赞儿子克尔(Michael)现在一个27小伙儿了。

    Rosanne had one son, Michael, who is now 27.


  • 谈到这个“一体”海国最大优点时,54岁的克尔王子:“这里没有邻居的烦扰,而且还能看到海景。”

    Asked to describe the delights of living on what he described as a cross between a house and a ship, the 54-year-old said: "The neighbors are very quiet. There is a good sea view."


  • 克尔·杰克逊年6时候,便成为了一个超级巨星或许更是世界多人钟爱的小孩

    When Michael Jackson was six, he became a superstar, and was perhaps the world's most beloved child.


  • 克尔·杰克逊年6时候,便成为了一个超级巨星或许更是世界多人钟爱的小孩

    When Michael Jackson was six, he became a superstar, and was perhaps the world's most beloved child.


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