• 我们第一位于北京西郊马鞍山麓4a级景区——戒台寺。

    Our first stop was Jie Tai si - an "AAAA National Tourist Attraction" nestled in the hills in the west side of Beijing.


  • 山麓等待集团很快使穿越中央河谷流入山麓公路108。

    The foothills await, and the group will quickly makes its way across the Central Valley flowing into the foothills on Highway 108.


  • 沿山麓Elburz因此基本上一个肥沃土地

    The zone along the foothills of the Elburz is therefore, essentially, a small strip of more or less fertile land.


  • 1991年出土于澄海樟林附近鸡笼山麓陶瓷残片,不久前完成了阶段性的清理工作

    The sort - out work of the potsherd unearthed in 1991 at the foot of Jilong Hill near the Zhanglin Ancient Port in Chenghai has called a phase not long ago.


  • 美国俄勒冈州中部城市,位于尤金以东斯喀特山麓的东部伐木旅游业重要经济支柱。人口20,4'9

    A city of central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range east of Eugene. Lumbering and tourism are important to its economy. Population, 20, 4 '9.


  • 此次葡萄酒晚宴将您展现中国本地最杰出两个来自山西太谷县的怡园酒庄来自宁夏贺兰山麓银色高地

    Come and join us to taste wines from the two legendary wineries from China, the Grace Vineyard from Taigu County of Shanxi Province, and the Silver Heights on Helan Mountain of Ningxia Province.


  • 阿尔塞纳官员们首先阿尔卑斯山山麓地带来木材,然后(将木材)从北方运至雅斯特,最后从亚得里亚海对岸运来(木材)。

    Arsenale officers first brought timber from the foothills of the Alps, then from north toward Trieste, and finally from across the Adriatic.


  • 坎博山麓坐落着一个对于胜乐金刚来说很神圣地方

    In the foothills of Kambo lies a place sacred to Chakrasamvara.


  • 也许为了解决山麓漫步的问题,他们不得不松开绳索吊钩

    They may have to hang up their ropes and carabiners and settle for rambles in the foothills.


  • 坐落于德国巴伐利亚西南富森附近阿尔卑斯山麓一个崎岖的山峰的新天鹅。这张照片摄2007年7月31日

    Neuschwanstein Castle, perched on a rugged hill in front of the Alpine foothills near fussen, in southwest Bavaria, Germany, viewed on July 31, 2007.


  • 朱莉-Zickefoose一位作家水彩画画家,家住在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚山麓,方圆80英亩野生动物保护区

    Julie Zickefoose is a writer and watercolor painter who lives on an 80-acre wildlife sanctuary in the Appalachian foothills of Ohio.


  • 路德维希旧天鹅度过了大部分童年时光,喜欢探索周围湖泊攀越阿尔卑斯山麓

    Ludwig spent much of his youth in living in Hohenschwangau, exploring the surrounding lakes and Alpine foothills. (Joseph Albert)


  • 山麓小丘之下瞥见两个坟头,坟头已经裂开,样子与火山口相仿——也许,它是部落首领埋葬之地,或者就是某个迷失的游牧开拓者的一座里程碑

    Once or twice under the foothills I glimpsed the mound of a kurgan, broken open like the lips of a volcano – the burial-place of a tribal chief, perhaps, or the milestone of some lost nomad advance.


  • 企图逃避自我,于是逃离东海岸,跑科罗拉多州落基山脉的一山麓小丘上大学

    I attempted to escape by leaving the East Coast and heading to the foothills of the Colorado Rockies for college.


  • 一些泛滥泥浆已经将西北侧山麓染成黑色。

    Some of these overflows have darkened the northwestern flanks.


  • 经过多年探索前辈们到达山麓攀登上去被认为是难以实现不可能的。

    When, after many years of exploration, pioneers reach the foothills, the ascent looks formidable or impossible.


  • 作为流经波兰境内条干流维斯瓦河发源于波兰南部喀尔巴阡山脉巴拉·尼亚山麓

    A major river in Poland, the Vistula originates on the western slopes of the mountain Barania gora in the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland.


  • 种植者们试图让他们作物自己越好,他们住山顶上或者山麓小丘覆盖的林子

    Growers tend to locate their crops as close to their homes as possible, on the edge or just inside the forest that carpets much of the foothills.


  • 路上过了密歇根州俄亥俄州阴沉天气、像坐过山车一样翻越巴拉起亚山脉的山麓、忍受了进入市区后拥堵的交通和蜗牛般前行的无奈。

    I pushed through some dreary weather in Michigan and Ohio, climbed the roller-coaster foothills of the Appalachians and battled traffic and chewed up roads as I entered the city.


  • 亚拉腊山,亚美尼亚人又国家标志山麓矗立着已服役31年核电站仍然这个国家决心苦难象征

    In the shadow of Mount Ararat, the beloved and sorrowful national symbol of Armenia, stands a 31-year-old nuclear plant that is no less an emblem of the country's resolve and its woe.


  • 几乎每个山谷或是山麓都不乏关于掳掠民间故事。

    There is hardly a valley or mountainside where folk cannot tell you of some one pillaged from amongst them.


  • 如今路德维希仍然所建成试图建立城堡而著称他建立的众多城堡中,著名的城堡当属伫立于阿尔卑斯山麓高处天鹅堡。

    Today, Ludwig remains famous for the castles he built and attempted to build, most notably Neuschwanstein castle, perched high in the Alpine foothills.


  • 2010年9月8号科罗拉多州博得附近野火落基山脉山麓小丘

    A wildfire burns through the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on September 8, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado.


  • 2010年9月8号,科罗拉多州博得附近,雨云群飞过野火肆虐基山脉山麓小丘上空。

    ain clowds move over a burning wildfire in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on September 8, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado


  • 很多科学家都认为地震大坝之间联系,他们其为“水库引发地震”,这种地震已在位于美国内华达山脉山麓下的加利福尼亚州奥罗维尔附近发生过。

    Many scientists believe this link between temblors and damscalled reservoir-induced seismicity—may have been what happened at California's Oroville Dam, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada.


  • 很多科学家都认为地震大坝之间联系,他们其为“水库引发地震”,这种地震已在位于美国内华达山脉山麓下的加利福尼亚州奥罗维尔附近发生过。

    Many scientists believe this link between temblors and damscalled reservoir-induced seismicity—may have been what happened at California's Oroville Dam, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada.


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