• 风扇停了屋顶蒸笼盖罩着房子里热了这时,一缕凉风擦肩而过内心渐渐失落了。

    Fan stopped, the roof like a steamer covers, house more hot. At this time, a wisp of cool wind by, and my heart is lost.


  • 本周牛津大学演讲中,博士建议我们市镇屋顶以及路面白色因为有助于地球反射不是以前那样保留太阳热量

    Speaking at Cambridge University this week, Dr Chu suggested we paint the roofs and pavements of our towns and cities white, as it will help the planet reflect, rather than retain, heat from the sun.


  • 另一个实用又具有审美价值的家具用品,雕刻品一样花园屋顶增添一份亮点。

    Another functional, yet aesthetically effective household product, resembling a sculpture to add flair to your garden or rooftop.


  • 柯里斯还说担心那些按照条例规定超过60英尺屋顶,同时他还觉得建这么屋顶花费的成本会变得粉刷它们一样愚蠢。

    As a rule, Chris says he is wary of roofs over 60 feet high, and suggests that the costs of working at such heights would start to look as stupid as the paint itself.


  • 不会希望自己因为喝醉小丑一样从屋顶下来搞了整个聚会而被大家记住

    You don't want to be remembered as the guy or girl who ruined the party by falling off the roof like a drunken buffoon.


  • 薄雾朦胧中我们在一座有黑色屋顶红色柱子庙舍前停了下来,屋子有点首尔宫殿

    In the misty gloom we draw towards buildings with black-tiled roofs and red pillars, like the palaces in Seoul.


  • 屋顶一样复杂系统天空出现

    So the domes of complicated system are appearing from the skies.


  • 据说屋顶最高处象征着人们的祈祷火焰可以一直上达天庭

    The dome's peak is said to be like the flame of prayer reaching up toward heaven.


  • 月亮就在我们上方凸面对着我们仿佛要把我们挤压粉碎,荒废屋顶满目疮痍一个干酪粉碎机

    The moon was above us, a convex shape almost crushing us, a ruined roof, studded with holes like a cheese grater.


  • 所以一个丈夫那样上去茅草屋顶女孩出去工作。

    So, like a good husband, he climbed up and began to fix the thatch. The ugly girl went out to gut fish.


  • 球型屋顶一个形状球体结构

    The geodesic dome is a structure shaped like a piece of a sphere.


  • 几个夏天月夜我会不安魂灵,游荡屋顶花园桶的光影之间。

    Through some summer moonlight nights I would be wandering about like an unquiet spirit among the lights and shadows of the tubs and pots on the garden of the roof-terrace.


  • 鸿浪端的小舟一样上浮,在碳酸冰淇淋共同作用下,屋顶乳白色泡泡漫出

    The scoop of ice cream will rise like a boat on the tide and a reaction between the carbonation and ice cream will cause a dome of big creamy bubbles to rise over the top of the glass.


  • 东面白色教学楼,没了屋顶斑驳黑板,看着现代

    On the east side the former white teaching building is topless, each room still with a mottled blackboard in it, hanging on the wall like pieces of contemporary art.


  • IRobot一样公司致力于消费者提供机器人,将乏味的人类工作自动化例如他们最新产品looj能够清洁屋顶排水沟。

    Companies like iRobot are working to bring robotics to consumers and automate menial human tasks, such as their newest product to clean roof gutters, the Looj.


  • 其中个人团着身子憔悴得上的滴水嘴,问道

    One of the men asked, as hunched and withered as a gargoyle.


  • 住宅看起来根棒子立面的墙面西方雪松包裹,还有出檐深远的平屋顶

    The house appears as a bar, with exterior walls clad in Western red cedar and a flat roof with deep eaves.


  • 此时,“冥想就在我们俯瞰之下屋顶光秃秃的,一个长方形的古怪石

    At this time, "contemplation hall" at our overlook under, the roof is barren, be like the peculiar stone box of a rectangular.


  • 建筑形状一个巨大陡峭屋顶边缘漂下建筑形式使它在冬季滑雪道融合一起。

    The building is shaped like a giant steeply pitched roof that allows snow to drift around its edges, giving it a new form that helps it integrate with the piste during the winter months.


  • 他们接着说:“凹形屋顶即使是在雨量非常的情况下也能够在雨水蒸发之前使雨水屋顶流下来,最终凝聚较大水流收集起来”。

    "A concave roof like this will help make even the smallest quantities of rain flow off the roof and eventually coalesce into bigger drops just right for harvesting before they evaporate, " they added.


  • 改进家装:修建露台或是修葺屋顶这样课程你们一起着手家庭装潢计划

    Home improvement: Classes like deck building or tiling can allow the two of you to begin doing home improvement projects together.


  • 屋顶防水板采用焊接——另一种材料覆面一样,随着时间推移形成氧化层。

    The roof and flashing is of standing seam copper - another material, like the wood cladding, which will weather gaining a patina over time.


  • 儿童文化馆设计惊人,很富有想象力屋顶外墙的结构相同,建筑内部没有普通房屋的“开始”和“结束”。”

    The expression of the Children's Culture House is surprising and imaginative: the roof and facades are treated the same, and the house does not have a 'start' and 'end' as ordinary houses do.


  • 遮挡风雨屋顶透明外皮构成了空间,看起来一个透气体量

    The space has a large air volume, covered with a roof and translucent surface which keep off the rain and wind.


  • 陶瓷重叠鹅卵石一样覆盖独特屋顶建筑表面,装点幼儿园

    The ceramic tiles overlap like shingles to cover the individual gabled buildings that make up Maison de la Petite Enfance.


  • 这种方法通常用于引诱事情是从外部看不到屋顶修理你,绘画窗口嵌缝甲板恢复车道涂层烟囱维修

    This approach is often used to entice you into doing things that are visible from the outside like roof repair, painting, window caulking, deck restoration, driveway coating and chimney repair.


  • 北风呼呼刮着寒风刺骨,那里北方)漫天飞雪,冰天雪地,漫天卷地阿,树上地上,窗上,屋顶上,都变成了白茫茫走进了白色洋。 。

    The howl of the north wind blowing, the bitter, there (north), snow, ice and snow and sky volumes, the tree on the ground, the roof, into a piece of white, like entered the Bai Seyang.


  • 因此城市街区中心游乐区植物俯瞰,没有屋顶大型空间保护儿童嬉戏

    Therefore, in the heart of the urban block, overlooked by the plant row, the play areas resemble to a big roofless space, sheltering children's games.


  • 水平线中点破开,屋顶一个隐喻的山峰

    The horizontal line is broken at the midpoint, where a stack of Cor-Ten steel rises above the flat roof like a metaphoric mountain peak.


  • 水平线中点破开,屋顶一个隐喻的山峰

    The horizontal line is broken at the midpoint, where a stack of Cor-Ten steel rises above the flat roof like a metaphoric mountain peak.


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