• 婚姻美满幸福,尽职尽责的父亲,忠实的丈夫

    He married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband.


  • 避免尽职尽责的同事发生对质

    Avoid confrontations with coworkers who aren't pulling their weight.


  • 一个尽职尽责秘书

    She is a responsible secretary.


  • 同时过去年里各国尽职尽责执行联合宣言

    The conscientious efforts of both sides during the past two years have been dedicated to the full and smooth implementation of the Joint Declaration.


  • 当然我们不会忘记那些稚气未脱但尽职尽责的教员

    Of course, we won't forget the young tutors who tried their best to help us.


  • 所有这些都不能对事先决定结果造成什么影响确定尽职尽责城市形象

    None of which could make any difference to the preordained result, but which confirmed the civic image of conscientious balance.


  • 现在身体长期以来诚实守信,尽职尽责力量来支撑的身体终于到下了。

    And now at last her body, which had long been supported only by the force of honesty and duty, had fallen.


  • 现在我们必须最好想法结合在一起并且美国人民显示我们仍然可以尽职尽责的时候了。

    Now is when we must bring the best ideas of both parties together and show the American people that we can still do what we were sent here to do.


  • 美国作为致力于遵守《不扩散核武器条约》的核国家履行自己义务会加强我们确保其他国家尽职尽责的全球努力

    When the United States fulfills our responsibilities as a nuclear power committed to the NPT, we strengthen our global efforts to ensure that other nations fulfill their responsibilities.


  • 看来,理想大学生活海量书籍阅读好友陪伴、能聆听尽职尽责的教授谆谆教诲、有方便快捷上网条件。

    As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Internet.


  • 我们保证一个辛苦工作,尽职尽责爸爸机会感受到这种感觉不仅仅星期天这一天,而是要贯穿全年的每一天。

    Let's make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one Sunday, but every day of the year.


  • 1990年4月起哈勃太空望远镜开始的外太空冒险之旅,这一干就是漫长19年时间,直到2000年这架尽职尽责的老机器才电池耗尽传感器开始老化了。

    The Hubble Space Telescope began its outer-space adventures in April 1990, but by the early 2000s its batteries were drained and its sensors weren't, well, sensing.


  • 大多数认为女王过去50年中尽职尽责

    Most people think the queen has done a good job over the last 50 years.


  • 外交事务中的尽职尽责赢得了国际声望

    It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international prestige.


  • 所以想法尽职尽责,你重点,是优化两个宝贵的资源

    So be conscientious about the ideas that you focus on in order to optimize these two valuable resources.


  • 有时心想识别出就是其中某个那本书描写年轻漂亮看守,对自己的工作尽职尽责,一丝不苟,但我又不敢肯定。

    Sometimes I thought I recognized her in one of the guards, who was described as young, pretty, and conscientiously unscrupulous in the fulfillment of her duties, but I wasn't sure.


  • 好的一面是,老板评价很高,认为尽职尽责并且注重细节认为我的点子证明“我潜力无限。”

    On the plus side, my boss thinks I do great work, I'm conscientious and detail-oriented, and my ideas show "tremendous promise, " he said.


  • 真正解决方案团队组织双方共同成功尽职尽责

    The real solution is a commitment to succeed by both the team and the organization.


  • 出门去了泳池尽职尽责打开其中三个试播节目中的笔记本,是他帕姆跟人定了合同要排演的节目。

    He went out to the pool and dutifully opened a notebook for one of the three pilots that he and Pam were contractually obligated to develop.


  • 远程项目通向成功关键使用正确的工具、加强运用恰当敏捷实践成功尽职尽责

    The key to success in a remote project is to augment the right agile practices with the right tooling and have a commitment to succeed.


  • 因此承认孩子不算尽善尽美,我做母亲不够尽职尽责

    So I'll admit it: My kids are not perfect. My parenting isn't perfect.


  • 因此承认孩子不算尽善尽美,我做母亲不够尽职尽责我也知道:我并不孤单

    So I'll admit it: My kids are not perfect. My parenting isn't perfect. And I know I am not alone.


  • 因为即使是最可通融老板也希望他们员工尽职尽责工作,大部分员工都希望自己成为有用之才

    Even the most flexible employers want their people to do a good job, just as most employees want to be useful workers.


  • 克里斯队员清清楚楚地承担责任他们全心全意尽职尽责大家团结一心纽卡斯尔成绩提高。

    Chrissy's clearly given his senior men responsibility, got them fully onside and everyone is working together to get Newcastle promoted.


  • 旧时的第一波士顿公司职员,也是尽职尽责我有位朋友,在五十年代那里工作。

    The old First Boston Company had some honorable employees and one of the employees was a good friend of mine. He went there in the early 1950s.


  • 就是进入花甲之年的查尔斯尽职尽责没错激进当然不过似乎拥有人类大同的观点,关心地球胜于关心臣民

    So Charles at 60 is dutiful, yes; radical, certainly; but appearing to care more for the planet than his subjects.


  • 未来几周意见可能听取,工作上可能推荐一个更好位置因为你受到过好的培训并且工作尽职尽责

    Your advice will be sought and listened to in the coming weeks, and in many ways you are being groomed for a better position professionally, not least because you are well trained and conscientious.


  • 在这里提醒我们我们需要工作职责尽职尽责这样才能使我们国家强大和谐

    He is there to remind us that we need to be conscientious in our roles and duties in order to make our country to be strong and harmonious.


  • 在这里提醒我们我们需要工作职责尽职尽责这样才能使我们国家强大和谐

    He is there to remind us that we need to be conscientious in our roles and duties in order to make our country to be strong and harmonious.


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