• 尽管进攻表现不错,全场大部分时间都处于领先,但波士顿最后时刻还是没能逃脱崩盘的命运。

    Despite a balanced attack and leading most of the game, Boston seemingly crumbled down the stretch.


  • 所以你总是进攻展开赶上观看……尽管进攻通常都是如此收尾精疲力竭的前锋一脚球踢出,球高出球门横木25英尺出去。

    There's always time to catch a play before it unfolds... even though it usually ends with some exhausted striker7 rocketing the ball 25 feet over the crossbar8.


  • 切尔西隆隆声中取得开局三连胜尽管专家指出他们进攻缺乏宽度怀疑接下来他们到底还有多大威力。

    Chelsea have rumbled to three straight league victories at the start of the season, despite pundits pointing out their lack of width, and wondering just how effective they can continue to be.


  • 斯洛伐克只不过证明他们是比新西兰人更加强大对手,这一次,尽管意大利试图进攻寻找灵感,但是意大利面对的是一只让他们的防守漏洞百出球队

    This time, in addition to struggling to come up with any inspiration in attack, Italy faced a side capable of causing their own defence plenty of problems.


  • 尽管利贝如此严苛的安全政策哥伦比亚武装力量举步维艰游击队方面依然有着将近8000人,能力发动武装进攻

    Although Mr Uribe's tough security policies crippled the FARC, the guerrillas still have about 8, 000 members and retain their ability to conduct attacks.


  • 首都居民尽管已经习惯于乍得中心地区的战乱,他们仍然叛军进攻速度感动惊讶

    The capital's citizens, inured to fighting in Chad's hinterland, remain shocked by the speed with which the rebels reached them.


  • 尽管篮板还是短板,但是布鲁克洛佩兹进攻上在这三个赛季了长足的进步

    Jonathan Santiago, Cowbell Kingdom: Though his rebounding is a concern, Brook Lopez has improved his scoring in each of his first three seasons.


  • 孟菲斯大学队的克里斯道格拉斯·罗伯特斯28引领全场,教练约翰·卡利帕里说,尽管球队犯了一些错误他们还是抵住了UCLA大学的所有进攻取得胜利

    Chris Douglas-Roberts led the Tigers with 28 points. Memphis coach John Calipari says his team made some mistakes, but it was able to take all UCLA could throw at it and still win.


  • 爵士周四训练中表现得很轻松尽管他们加索尔第5场比赛还剩20秒结束时抢下进攻篮板随后扣篮帮助湖人取得107:102领先还是有些不满

    The Jazz were pretty relaxed at practice Thursday morning, although still unhappy about Gasol's offensive rebound and dunk to put the Lakers up 107-102 with 20 seconds remaining in Game 5.


  • 尽管进攻这个常见流行用法

    Despite its offensive nature, the word is common in popular usage.


  • 尽管洛桑发来首都遭到进攻消息,他们还是不放弃自己任务

    They nonetheless carried out their mission, even though reports from Coruscant trickled in that the capital was under attack.


  • 但是不是科比无限开火权球员投丢的借口尽管有时候进攻时间的情况下只能尝试跳投。

    It doesn't excuse guys like Kobe who are clearly shooting these shots frivolously, but sometimes it's the only play you can go to when the shot clock is dwindling.


  • 尽管是防守球员,但是必须球队需要额外的边路进攻时候插上。

    Although primarily a defensive player, he must prepared to get forward when the team needs extra width.


  • 欧洲战士咬牙切齿:“尽管来自外部进攻致命的欧洲人决不能臣服!”

    European soldier gnash: Although come from external aggression is deadly, but European can submit oneself to the rule of anything but!


  • 一支球队全力防守尽管如此,一支队伍仍然进攻无奈缺乏效率

    One of the teams kept defending, albeit less, and the other wanted to attack but lacked potential to do so.


  • 尽管湖人篮板占优势,但马刺防守很好,他们进攻也很合理。

    While the Lakers have better team-wide rebounding, the Spurs' defense is appreciably superior and their offense is more disciplined.


  • 尽管利贝如此严苛的安全政策哥伦比亚武装力量举步维艰游击队方面依然有着将近8000人,能力发动武装进攻

    Although Mr Uribe's tough security policies crippled the FARC, the guerrillas still have about 8,000 members and retain their ability to conduct attacks.


  • 尽管遇到顽固抵抗,他们猛烈进攻

    The attacks were pushed home despite determined resistance.


  • 令人吃惊的帕金斯伤愈后雷霆甚至进攻端的表现略有提高尽管好像帕金斯的关系不大

    Still, this is a bit scary: The Thunder have also played a little better on offense since Perkins got healthy, though he does not appear to have much to do with that.


  • 尽管进攻从来不主要威胁,但拜纳姆仅仅二十一岁而且是个出色的策应队员。

    Though he has never been a major threat offensively, Bynum is just 21-years-old and has shown remarkable potential as a post-man.


  • 尽管如此一个扔给大马力进攻钥匙“攻击”的教练还是挺好的。

    Still, it was nice to have a coach just throw him the keys to the high-powered offense and say "have at it".


  • 尽管需要更多提高孙悦依然认为自己一个纯正的PG,自己得分之前首先考虑队友参与进攻

    Sun admits to needing some development and work, but also says he is a true PG, even at 6'9, that he looks to get others involved before scoring on his own.


  • 这种情况延续第二场比赛尽管湖人赢得比赛。这场比赛科比大部分时间都在防守保罗nike 7.0,大大的减少了他在进攻端的注意力体力

    This carried over to Game 2, griffeys, when even though the Lakers won, Kobe was forced to guard Paul much of the time, sapping much-needed attention and energy away from Kobe's offense.


  • 尽管拜仁统治整场比赛创造出更多有威胁进攻黑军团主帅阿莱格里赛后表现淡定,并表示自己对于失利的结果并不意外

    Bayern dominated through the entire game, and were much more dangerous than the Rossoneri, but Massimiliano Allegri did not sound too worrying after the math, saying he's not surprised by the loss.


  • 尽管被认为有着很充足的进攻配备,但是阿森纳长期存在问题,那就是他们锋线上没有一个可以在一个赛季完成20 +的球员。

    Despite their reputation as a free-scoring outfit, Arsenal have a long-standing problem identifying a 20-goal-a-season front man.


  • 尽管被认为有着很充足的进攻配备,但是阿森纳长期存在问题,那就是他们锋线上没有一个可以在一个赛季完成20 +的球员。

    Despite their reputation as a free-scoring outfit, Arsenal have a long-standing problem identifying a 20-goal-a-season front man.


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