• 尽管英国这样,但日本荷兰法国其它国家符合其中一些标准它们没有实现工业化。

    While this was the case for England, other nations, such as Japan, the Netherlands and France also met some of these criteria but were not industrialising.


  • 但是尽管英国恢复不够充分,但产出下降时也欧元区那么大。

    But though the British revival has been subdued, output did not drop nearly as far as it did in the euro area in the downturn.


  • 心脏病巴西人是英国尽管英国人口密度不是巴西的五倍。

    Five times as many people die of heart disease in Brazil as in Britain, though Brazil is not five times as populous.


  • 尽管英国不大,但区域间距离,却让看起来人们想象

    Although England is so small a country, the distances within it always seem to be greater than one would expect.


  • 尽管英国平等现象,但大多数在大多数时期,生活依然不断改善

    Despite inequality, most of our people, most of the time, had never had it so good.


  • 研究者尽管英国人均收入水平较高英国社会家庭关系破裂程度很高

    The researchers said although the UK achieved high income per head, it had high levels of social and family breakdown.


  • 补充尽管英国大部分军力都针对中东,但是将来不会太平洋缺席。

    He added that while the majority of the UK's defence capacity will be directed toward the Middle East for the foreseeable future, Britain will eventually have a military presence in the Pacific.


  • 尽管英国广播公司使浑身解数,但电视媒体面前保密工作可真没做到家。

    Despite the best efforts of the BBC it had become one of the worst-kept secrets in television.


  • 但是尽管英国拥有一些小型葡萄酒酿制厂,但却最终使用的玻璃很少需求

    But with only a tiny wine industry of its own, there is little demand for the resulting glass.


  • 但是尽管英国气候在一年中的大部分时间不是很理想,这个国家自己的得天独厚之处

    But, even if the weather is bad most of the time, the UK also has its own favourable conditions.


  • 尽管英国投资银行不用国际竞争对手持有更多资产,但它们不得不欠下巨额债务以吸收亏损

    Although Britain's investment Banks will not have to set aside more equity than their international rivals, they will also have to issue a thick layer of loss-absorbing debt.


  • 英国失业率比起美国还要不如欧盟平均水平一样糟糕尽管英国整体失业率低一些。

    Britain's youth unemployment rate is worse than America's and as bad as the European Union average, even though Britain's overall jobless rate is lower.


  • 然而这项措施不太可能实施尽管英国大型银行总部伦敦全球投资银行对此项提议表示赞同

    Yet that measure is unlikely to be implemented, even though the big British Banks and the London-based operations of global investment Banks have agreed to it.


  • 尽管英国人如此不,但却“心胸宽广”,42%受访者承认他们遭到背叛伴侣重回怀抱。

    But despite the nation's infidelities, Brits are a forgiving bunch, with 42 percent of those surveyed admitting they have taken back a partner after being cheated on.


  • 尽管英国国家银行基本利率保持了不变,但是信用卡利息率还是过去有了持续增长

    Credit card interest rates have continued to rise over the past two years, even though the Bank of England base rate has remained static.


  • 尽管英国国家党青睐日本风格移民控制政策,喜欢日本学校填鸭式教育,但是他们却强烈反感进口日本汽车摩托车。

    (the BNP likes Japanese-style immigration controls and rote learning in schools, but strongly dislikes the import of Japanese cars and motorcycles).


  • 尽管英国普通读者一生中书上超过4000英镑,但其中55%的人承认他们买书的目的为了装饰不是为了读书

    Although the average reader spends more than 4,000 pounds (5,890 euros, 7,760 dollars) on books in their lifetime, 55 percent admit they buy them for decoration and have no intention of reading them.


  • 尽管英国央行刺激流动性做出努力信贷市场仍旧资金紧张投资者世界主要投行进一步的大幅亏损仍然保持着警惕

    In spite of the efforts of central Banks to boost liquidity, credit markets also remain extremely tight and investors are cautious about further heavy losses from the world's major investment Banks.


  • 有趣的尽管英国清教徒们是很虔诚的信徒,但1621年的感恩庆祝活动中他们只是感谢自然,而感谢上帝他老人家。

    It is interesting to note that the religious element, giving thanks to God, was not present at this particular celebration in 1621, even though the Pilgrims were devoutly religious.


  • 尽管英国女性也许渴望拥有像这个47岁的女星那样年轻健美的身材,但她们似乎的小老公——31岁的阿什顿·库彻并不感兴趣。

    But while British women may wish for the 47-year-old's youthful, toned figure, it seems they do not hanker after her toyboy husband, 31-year-old Ashton Kutcher.


  • 实际上尽管英国失去13个殖民地但是大度的英国人依然允许u”这个字母单词中存在,例如最爱或者邻居这样的单词。

    The British lose the 13 Colonies but are allowed to keep the letter "u" in words such as "favourite" and "neighbour."


  • 来自牛津大学移民观察CarlosVargas - Silva指出尽管英国经济衰退来自东欧国家移民数却又一次激增。

    Net migration from eastern European countries, which reversed when Britain's economy collapsed, is rising sharply again, points out Carlos Vargas-Silva of Oxford's migration Observatory.


  • 尽管英国公司倒闭数目过去3个月开始减少英国企业破产及重组顾问公司Begbies Traynor仍发出上述警告。

    The warning came even though the number of companies failing has dropped in the last three months.


  • 研究还发现尽管英国意大利西班牙法国依然是受欢迎的留学目的国,这四个国家的海外留学生人数分别2.5%至10.8%的降低。

    While Britain, Italy, Spain and France remain the leading destinations, the study found, all four hosted fewer students, with the declines ranging from 2.5 percent to 10.8 percent.


  • 调查显示,尽管英国有260万新年第一开始减肥,但在当周结束时,已有92%节食减肥者放弃,不再运动而且开始大吃大喝

    Despite 2.6m people starting diets on New Year's Day, researchsuggests that by the end of the week 92 percent of dietersgave up, shunning exercise and gorging on comfort food.


  • 调查显示,尽管英国有260万新年第一开始减肥,但在当周结束时,已有92%节食减肥者放弃,不再运动而且开始大吃大喝

    Despite 2.6m people starting diets on New Year's Day, researchsuggests that by the end of the week 92 percent of dietersgave up, shunning exercise and gorging on comfort food.


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