• 尽管很幸运,与妻子结婚,可是我们关系需要不断地努力无限的耐心

    Despite the luck I had marrying my wife, our relationship still takes a lot of work and patience.


  • 尽管亚米也男婚女嫁,看不到一只结婚戒指因为即使这种形式最简单珠宝,在他们当中也是被禁止的。

    Even though all Amish men and women marry, you will not see a wedding ring, for even this simplest type of jewelry is banned among them.


  • 尽管我们举行80场婚礼,但我们人们拥有其他任何一个日子我们教堂结婚一样体验

    Even though we will have 80 weddings, our couples will have the same experience that they would have on any other day they were marrying with us.


  • 他们结婚尽管已经工作时间,但一点储蓄没有。

    Before they got married he had no savings, despite having worked for more than six years.


  • 事实上我们谈论结婚尽管不是正式的(正式求婚)。

    As a matter of fact, we are talking about marriage, although it is not official yet (he hasn't formally proposed).


  • 这种做法经常法律于不顾:尽管印度法定结婚年龄18岁,但是一半左右调查印度妇女这个年龄之前已经结婚

    Such practices often flout the law: whilst the legal age of marriage in India is 18 around half of the Indian women surveyed were already married by that age.


  • 然而尽管父母一直催促结婚,但这样的婚纱照不是他们期盼的:围观者的众目睽睽之下,含情脉脉地凝视着另外一个女人

    But, although her parents had been pressing her to marry, the photographs were not what they might have expected: she is gazing adoringly at another woman, surrounded by onlookers.


  • 对情侣上周二宣布已订婚尚未确定日期或者会场尽管他们有望明年春天或者夏天结婚

    The couple announced their engagement Tuesday, no date or venue has been set, although it’s expected that they will get married next spring or summer.


  • 文章尽管使用犀利语言但是并不结婚遥远未来杞人忧天

    Despite the sharp language used, the article is not necessarily pessimistic about the about the enduring future of marriage.


  • 尽管他们结婚多久杰克森仙农却得到友谊宽恕锻造出来的可能性

    Though they are no longer married, Jason and Shannon share a friendship: a possibility forged by forgiveness.


  • 但是面试官却认为年龄这么大了还没结婚男朋友怀疑她们心理缺陷尽管她们确实人才

    Lily: But the interviewers don’t think so,they discredit the unmarried women above the normal age have mentality defects, although they are turly bright people.


  • 虽然确定教育程度女人结婚,我并不想教育程度相同一个关键因素- - -尽管最后她们拥有硕士学位

    Although I definitely wanted to marry an educated woman, I wouldn't say that it was critical that she match my mom's level of schoolingthough in the end, they both earned master's degrees.


  • 尽管每个组织例行内部自定的规矩,例如:绝不提倡和组织之外的成员结婚,但是这样的社会给予无声抗议机会,这样的机会数之不尽

    And despite the internal self-discipline which each community practised-strongly discouraging marriage outside the group, for example-such cities offered endless opportunities for quiet defiance.


  • 警方称,通过这些在网上认识了这个男孩进行一场秘密恋爱尽管父母已经给她安排结婚的对象。

    Using those, she carried on a secret romance with a young man she met online despite the fact that her parents had arranged for her to be married to someone else, according to the police.


  • 但是尽管大部分期待威廉凯特结婚并不是每个人都心情洒五彩纸屑

    But while most people are looking forward to seeing William and Kate walk down the aisle, not everyone is in a mood to throw confetti.


  • 没有简单答案而且决不会假装尽管已经结婚十年了。

    There are no easy answers and I certainly won't pretend to have them, despite having been married for a decade.


  • 尽管空间相隔他们友谊大学延续到结婚、再到离婚以及经历其他人生危机包括一个二十多岁女孩离世

    Despite the distance, their friendships endured through college and marriage, divorce and other crises, including the death of one of the women in her 20s.


  • 常会听闻这样事情吗? 一对结婚五十年的夫妇,其中一位不幸离世,另一半接下来的几个甚至几周内也紧跟着去世尽管他/她当时身体状况良好。

    And how often have you heard about one spouse in a 50-year marriage who, despite being medically healthy, dies a few short months or even weeks after the death of the other spouse?


  • 毕业前遇到·贝内特(Joan Bennet)结婚尽管养家糊口,但爱德华并不需要为此去找一份工作

    Just before graduation he had met and married Joan Bennett, but even with a wife to support, he was hardly in need of a paying job.


  • 玛丽.玛丽亚阿姨——吉尔伯特经常这么尽管只是父亲的堂姐妹——经常叫我‘安妮娅’”,安妮颤抖了一下,“而且她在我结婚后第一次见到我时说,‘吉尔伯特选择了你这真是太奇怪了,他本可以在那么多好女孩中选择。

    "Aunt Mary Maria . . . Gilbert always calls her that although she is only his father's cousin . . .


  • 尽管永远不结婚,但她仍希望成为一个婚礼策划师,“害怕恋爱,”她说道

    She hopes to become a wedding planner, though she says she will never marry. "I am afraid of relationships," she said.


  • 尽管矛盾重重,南莤离婚之后一对还是结婚

    Despite the difficulties between them, after his divorce from Nancy the couple married.


  • 直到今天我们仍然朋友尽管我们不同结婚

    We stayed friends, and still are today, even though we're married to different people.


  • 他们尽管相恋了几年,可是没有结婚

    They never got married, after dating for years.


  • 几个世纪以来,家族各个家庭包办婚姻都成了社会契约一部分尽管阿富汗法定结婚年龄女孩16岁男孩18岁,但是家族和各个家庭还是继续包办婚姻。

    Forced marriages involving girls have been part of the social compacts between tribes and families for centuries, and they continue, though the legal marrying age is now 16 for women and 18 for men.


  • 尽管如此知道结婚这个可能会他们意味着什么,意味着他们可以以此来形象的描述我们在一起生活,我就不想这么了。

    Nonetheless, while I know the word "married" would mean something to them, something tangible they could use when describing our life together, I can't do it.


  • 记得尽管我们结婚但是房子还是

    Remembers that even if we're married it's still my house.


  • 尽管北美平均结婚年龄逐渐增高,但人们还是希望结婚的。

    Although the average age of people getting married in North America is creeping upward, people still tend to do it.


  • 尽管如此研究人员认为结果证明一旦人们结婚,也可能约会关系升级后开始,人们往往有些随心所欲,不太在意自己的形象。

    Still, researchers say the results support the notion that once people are married and, presumably, off the dating market, they tend to let themselves go a bit.


  • 尽管如此研究人员认为结果证明一旦人们结婚,也可能约会关系升级后开始,人们往往有些随心所欲,不太在意自己的形象。

    Still, researchers say the results support the notion that once people are married and, presumably, off the dating market, they tend to let themselves go a bit.


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