• 尽管之前举行过几会谈双方还是没有达成任何协议

    Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement has been reached so far by the two sides.


  • 尽管欧盟伊朗官员日内瓦会谈没有取得进展,但欧洲各国外长呼吁通过外交途径不是军事手段推动伊朗放弃活动

    European Foreign Ministers have called for diplomacy rather than a military option to prod Iran to abandon its nuclear activities, despite lack of progress in talks with Iranian officials in Geneva.


  • 米切尔试图劝说巴勒斯坦继续以色列进行和平会谈尽管以色列约旦河西岸定居点冻结令上星期日已经到期

    Mitchell has been trying to persuade the Palestinians to remain in talks with Israel, although Israel's moratorium on West Bank settlement construction expired Sunday.


  • 尽管格并没有这样会面中感觉到加拿大带头结束童工而努力,但是会谈发表其他一些价值的东西—国家新闻传媒喜欢故事

    And although Kielburger didn't walk away from that meeting feeling Canada would lead the way toward ending child labor, he did come out with something else of value-the national media loved his story.


  • 尽管这位曼联前锋俱乐部高层会谈最后收回转会申请关于转会西班牙意大利的传闻一直不断。

    The former Manchester United forward subsequently retracted the request after talks with the City hierarchy but speculation linking him with moves to Spain or Italy has continued ever since.


  • 会谈目的在于设定2008年达到目标尽管先前美国极力反对此类目标,但现在看起来正在欧洲妥协

    The aim of the talks would be to set targets by 2008-which, given America's previous hostility to targets of any sort, looks like a concession to the Europeans.


  • 尽管双边的会谈持续许多取得成果却十分有限不过双方某些关键问题上却走到了一起

    The bilateral meetings lasted for many years and produced limited results, but brought the two sides together on the critical issue.


  • 尽管韩国统一部官员会谈破裂”,但我们认为文尚均很快回到谈判桌上

    Though officials from South Korea's unification ministry say the talks have "collapsed", it will be a surprise if we do not see Colonel ri back at the table soon.


  • 尽管如此国会演讲结束打发克里斯托弗中东挽救陷入僵局和平会谈竞选活动温暖关系承诺以色列争论

    Even so, after his speech before Congress, he sent Christopher to the Middle East to revive the stalled peace talks and make good on his campaign promise of a warmer relationship with Israel.


  • 尽管曼谷紧张气氛在增加,但英国能源气候变化大臣埃德·米利班德哥本哈根会谈上达成协议表示乐观

    Ed Miliband, the secretary of state for energy and climate change, said he remained optimistic that a deal could be struck at Copenhagen, despite the increase in tension in Bangkok.


  • 尽管很多高层会谈干预但实际上由于1973年3月上旬严重中风才最终促成了儿子获释

    Despite the highlevel talks and interventions, it was her severe stroke in early March 1973 that accomplished her son's release.


  • 尽管谈判正在私下举行会谈的级别不断升级法国俄罗斯提出美国牵头和平会谈做东。

    Although the negotiations are being held in private, they have reached such an advanced stage that both France and Russia have approached the us offering to host a peace conference.


  • 盖茨尽管伊朗西方国家提议回应令人感到失望,但是相信如果伊朗接受目前计划参与会谈国家积极回应

    In spite of the disappointment about Iran's response to Western proposals so far, Gates said he believes the countries involved would respond positively, if Iran is ready to accept the current plan.


  • 尽管表面上极富耐心会谈其他似乎都茫然不知所措

    The other five parties to the nuclear talks, under the guise of showing patience, seem at a loss as to what to do.


  • 尽管普遍反应宣布自己盖茨先生会谈感到高兴

    Despite General Liang's responses, Mr Gates pronounced himself pleased with the talks.


  • 尽管可以你的客户地进行远程会议最好的方式还是进行面对面会谈

    While you could very well telecommute to meetings with clients, it's preferable to meet with people face-to-face.


  • 尽管近年全世界受到日益频繁干旱洪水极端天气的侵害,气候变化会谈却时不时地陷入僵局。

    Even as the world is vulnerable to increasingly frequent extreme weather events such as droughts and floods in recent years, climate change talks run into stalemate from time to time.


  • 尽管外界一再施压要求奥巴马邀请希拉里·克林顿作为竞选伙伴,但是联合声明并没有透露任何会谈细节

    The joint statement by their campaigns included no details of their talks, as pressure mounted for Obama to invite Clinton to become his running mate.


  • Ghalioun莫斯科俄罗斯官方举行会谈称,会谈富有成效,尽管对方立场没有改变

    Speaking after talks with Russian officials in Moscow, Mr Ghalioun described the talks as fruitful, although there was no change in the positions of either side.


  • Ghalioun莫斯科俄罗斯官方举行会谈称,会谈富有成效,尽管对方立场没有改变

    Speaking after talks with Russian officials in Moscow, Mr Ghalioun described the talks as fruitful, although there was no change in the positions of either side.


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