• 尽管书籍注意,但没有弹性婴儿摇摆床托架,你的宝贝照样存活下来。

    Even though the books caution otherwise, your baby will survive without a bouncy seat, swing and front carrier.


  • 尽管书籍注意但没有弹性婴儿椅、摇摆床托架,你的宝贝照样存活下来

    Even though the books caution otherwise your baby will survive without a bouncy seat swing and front carrier.


  • 尽管书籍大多数主题(包括Python)入门一个极好方法,Python本身带有一些非常好的文档

    While books are a wonderful way to get started with most topics (including Python), there is also very good documentation that accompanies Python itself.


  • ·克莱齐奥认为,尽管书籍从外观看来老旧过时,但它仍然是传播信息最佳工具,能够把信息传递天涯海角。

    For Le Clézio, the book, despite its old-fashioned appearance, remains the best tool for disseminating information to the furthest corners of the planet.


  • 尽管书籍仅使用一种版式设计,但在实际页面设计上,目录索引等页面,基于基本版面重新设计。

    Although in books, there tends to be one template for the page format, some further design effort based around the basic page format will be needed for pages such as the table of contents and indexes.


  • 尽管努力孩子们对书籍兴趣,孩子们每周花在阅读时间只有一个多小时。

    Despite efforts to get kids more interested in books, the children spent just over an hour a week reading.


  • 其他科学家著书非科学家们解释他们研究领域不得不忽略数学运算以使得书籍简单易懂,尽管数学运算他们理论提供了基础

    Other scientists have written books to explain their fields to non-scientists, but have necessarily had to omit the mathematics, although it provides the foundation of their theories.


  • 过去十年里尽管收入平等现象有所加剧,但在育儿方面的一些社会经济差异,比如孩子朗读书籍、陪孩子图书馆已经在缩小

    In the past decade, even as income inequality has grown, some of the socioeconomic differences in parenting, like reading to children and going to libraries, have narrowed.


  • 凡是音乐到的地方,书籍也会那里,尽管企鹅公司其他出版商希望受到类似这样的毁灭性影响

    Where music went first, books are set to follow, although Penguin and other publishers would hope without the same devastating effects.


  • 尽管顶楼地下室车库存放玩具书籍地方,但是,它们不是存放衣物理想之地。

    While attics, basements, and garages are good places to store old toys and books, they're less than ideal for clothes.


  • 研究发现尽管那些逃亡巴勒斯坦犹太人竭尽能,带走了大量书籍但是随着逃亡人口增长,他们德语文学需求也随之增大。

    She discovered that those who fled to Palestine took as many books as they could carry, but as the exiled population of German-Jews grew in number, so did the demand for German literature.


  • 尽管他们相当快就可以上手使用了,可还是认为最新入门书籍有所帮助。

    Although they picked it up fairly quickly, I could see that an up-to-date, entry level book would have been a help.


  • Tatyana拥有一个图书阅读器尽管喜欢定期书籍

    Tatyana has a book reader, although she likes regular books more.


  • 尽管Addison -Wesley主要销售来自零售市场o' Brien学术界开发这些书籍交叉潜力

    Although the majority of AW's sales are in the retail market, o 'brien also exploits the books' "crossover" potential for academia.


  • 尽管有些过时用户开发人员UNIXLinux介绍的最佳书籍之一。

    Though somewhat dated, its still one of the best introductions to UNIX and Linux for users as well as developers.


  • 很多书籍采用了 sans-serif字体印刷尽管作为一种serif字体TimesNewRoman 字体很流行)。

    Most books are printed in sans-serif fonts (despite the popularity of Times New Roman, a serif font).


  • 书籍出现的链接有权威性尽管它们可能已经过时

    Links in books could be more authoritative, though they might also be outdated.


  • 尽管如此一些人认为短时间不会取代传统书籍

    Even so, it is believed that it will still not replace the traditional book in the near future.


  • 尽管如此能让开口一文学评论书籍实在不多。

    Still, not many books of literary criticism make you laugh.


  • 尽管电子书籍销售日渐增长,但如何搜索购买电子书依然是亟待解决的问题。

    Even as eBook sales soar, the experience of browsing and buying eBooks still leaves a lot to be desired.


  • 尽管如此尼尔森表示印刷书籍明显阅读速度超过了电子图书。

    However, Nielsen says the printed book was the clear winner in terms of speed.


  • 一些心理学书籍我们自己的古老文学但是没有点燃所以现在尽管可能我来说已经太晚了。

    I have read some of the psychological books and our own ancient literature but it doesn't set me on fire, so now I have come to you, though perhaps it may be too late for me.


  • 尽管从没像最近这段时间那样那么多书籍,但是我确实习惯,并且那些书会待书架上封

    Although I never read much until recently, I did have the bad habit of buying booksbooks that would only collect dust on my shelves.


  • 所以尽管因为英文版本书籍一些较大城市卖出去,但是中文版本需求量的多。

    So while English language editions of the books may sell in the larger cities, the demand for the Chinese editions are a lot more.


  • 尽管存在种种预言,但阅读仍然人类精神生活一部分即便电脑取代了铅笔书籍不仅摆上店铺书架进入了掌上电脑。

    And despite the predictions, reading continues to be part of the life of the mind, even as computers replace pencils, and books fly into handhelds as well sas onto the store shelves.


  • 尽管厌恶书籍,但偶然得到一点闲空时也读书,因此并不完全不通文墨。

    In his leisure moments, which were far from frequent, he read, although he hated books, this caused him to BE not wholly illiterate.


  • 如今喷墨打印设备印量巨大,包括有书籍标签照片尽管传统印刷机仍然印刷大量书籍报纸

    Inkjet devices now perform a multitude of printing roles, from books on demand to labels and photographs, even though traditional presses still roll for large runs of books, newspapers and so on.


  • 如今喷墨打印设备印量巨大,包括有书籍标签照片尽管传统印刷机仍然印刷大量书籍报纸

    Inkjet devices now perform a multitude of printing roles, from books on demand to labels and photographs, even though traditional presses still roll for large runs of books, newspapers and so on.


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