• 宁愿尽可知道这些不是绩效评审的时候,或者更糟的是在我的辞退面谈时才知道。

    I would rather know this as soon as possible, rather than having it pointed out to me at my performance review, or worse, at my exit interview.


  • 软件工程领域通常提到应该项目尽可设计因为之后再改变关键决策时件很麻烦的事情。

    Conventional software engineering wisdom says that you should do as much design as possible early on in a project, because it is difficult to reverse key decisions later.


  • 设置底线就是为了避免这一点,设计必须尽可的意识到得到尊重这样破产风险了。

    The bottom line is that in order to avoid them, design debt must be regarded and respected early enough that bankruptcy is not risked.


  • 我们尽可开始创建我们功能测试集合因为这些测试工程团队来说是非常有价值的工具

    We started creating our function test suites as early as possible, since these tests were an invaluable tool for the engineering team.


  • 时候他们就已经建议美国公民尽可离开埃及。

    It had earlier advised US citizens in Egypt to consider leaving as soon as possible.


  • MEIS内容过程创建具有很大迭代性而且过程人为中心演化部分自动化演化必须尽可进行

    In the context of MEIS process construction is very iterative, and process will likely evolve from human centric to partly automated: that evolution must be made as easy as possible.


  • 测试策略需要集中尽可查找出重要缺陷上,并且最低成本

    The test strategy needs to focus on finding the most important defects as early as possible, and at the lowest costs.


  • 必须尽可指出主要技术业务编程风险不是把风险解决推迟项目的最后。

    You must address the major technical, business, and programmatic risks as early as possible, rather than postponing risk resolution toward the end of the project.


  • 尽可多的获取反馈这有助于节约项目时间

    Get as much as you can and as early as possible. Helps save time.


  • 9持续地全球化加强质量改善应该发生在开发生命周期尽可地时期,最理想的状态是需求收集阶段

    Figure 9: Continuous globalization enhancement and quality improvement should be addressed as early as possible in the development lifecycle, ideally during the requirements gathering phase.


  • 有助于问题升级破坏数据之前尽可捕捉问题。

    This helps catch problems as early as possible, before they escalate and possibly destroy data.


  • 举例来说,架构尤其关注如何尽可的最小化项目的风险因为一点直接关系稳定体系架构所需要的时间。

    For example, a particular focus for the architect is to minimize risk as early as possible in the project, since this has a direct correspondence to the time it takes to stabilize the architecture.


  • 尽可产品环境下,使用真实数据计划进行压力测试

    Plan and execute stress tests as early as possible in a production-like environment with realistic data volumes.


  • 节省时间提高软件质量方法尽可引入多一些测试

    One way to save time and improve the quality of your software applications is to introduce more testing as early as possible.


  • 各国应该哥本哈根错误中吸取教训回到多边轨道尽可恢复气候变化大会两个工作组谈判

    Learning from Copenhagen's mistakes, the countries should return to the multilateral track and resume negotiations in the climate convention's two working groups as early as possible.


  • 研究显示尽可进行强化行为治疗孤独症有效

    Studies show intensive behavioral therapy is most effective when begun as early as possible.


  • 事实上项目成功关键尽可去掉不确定性,这导致制定精确积极的计划能力增加

    In fact, the key to project success is removing the uncertainty as soon as possible, resulting in an increased ability to make accurate and aggressive plans.


  • 尽可地在孩子周围使用礼貌用语比如谢谢,请原谅对不起以及能否?”

    Start using words and phrases like 'please,' 'thank you,' 'excuse me,' 'I'm sorry,' and 'may I?' as early as possible around your child.


  • 尽可开始测试合适的。

    It is desirable to begin testing as early as possible.


  • 尽可实施软件管理确保公司上下都执行稳定代码评审过程,对于开发团队来说,也十分关键。

    That's why it is critical to implement governance and compliance as early as possible and to make sure that consistent code review processes are followed throughout the organization.


  • 开发阶段最好尽可发现这些差别

    It is best that these differences be discovered as early in the development process as possible.


  • 虽然大量理由明显回答保证尽可在进行编译发现问题

    While there are a host of reasons, the most obvious answer is that you want to make sure problems are detected as soon as your build is run.


  • 加载XML文档最好尽可地捕捉错误以免传染其他数据

    When you load an XML document, it is best to catch errors early, before they have a chance to pollute other data.


  • RUP 尽可解决技术风险

    RUP addresses technical risk early.


  • 我们WINDOWS上放出了这个版本用于引起广泛讨论尽可听取你们的意见。

    We're releasing this beta for Windows to start the broader discussion and hear from you as quickly as possible.


  • 以教为先创始人首席执行官魏道慈(BrettWigdortz):“我们致力于扭转教育劣势做到这点,必须尽可儿童接触。”

    Teach First founder and chief executive Brett Wigdortz says: we are committed to addressing educational disadvantage, and to do this we need to engage with children as early as possible.


  • Randler建议说当然通过改变的生物钟,另一种方法就是醒来尽可户外暴露日光

    You can actually shift your daily alertness cycle by going to bed earlier, he suggests. Another way to gear up in the morning is to go outside into the daylight as early as possible after you wake up.


  • 这些发现使我们深信我们已经尽可改变我们的生活习惯。 研究表明要是BMI达到17,就有心脏病。

    These findings are very convincing that we should intervene with lifestyle changes as early as possible.


  • 就是这样因为我们商品尽可地投放市场

    Yes, exactly, because I want these goods on our market at the earliest possible date.


  • 除非有必要采用另外定位要素其它考虑精度通过尽可加工合适的定位要素采用它们进行所有定位来保证

    Accuracy is ensured by machining suitable location features as early as possible, and using them for all location, unless other considerations mean that other location features must be used.


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