• 尽力获得了胜利

    I owe my success to my dedicine.


  • 如果接受这一事实,尽力而不是无止境地追求完美,你就不会为此折磨自己了。

    If you can accept that and just do your best, you stop judging yourself.


  • 你们享受到恩惠膏泽,你们小小地球成为最大焦点由于你们已经申明远播,因为你们通过一直尽力而达成的巧妙成就

    You too shall enjoy it and your little Earth will be the focus of much attention, as you are well known for your wonderful achievements throughout the time you have been on it.


  • 尽力不为过事情多愁善感。

    I'm trying not to be sentimental about the past.


  • 遇到困难时我们应该尽力解决问题不是依赖别人

    When facing difficultieswe should try our best to deal with the problems rather than rely on others.


  • 这个政党尽力最近因丑闻疏远选民争取回来

    The party is struggling to win back voters who have been alienated by recent scandals.


  • 我们孩子们看成了物品,以外表成就自豪不是从尽力满足孩子最大兴趣出发去做事。

    We treat them as objects whose appearance and achievements are something we can be proud of, rather than serve the best interests of the children.


  • 比以尽力做到最好闻名。

    Kobe was known for trying the hardest to be the best.


  • 只狗最多只能因为没有抓住我受到责备,所以它所做的只是尽力

    The dog would only be blamed for not catching me at most, so all it did was to do its best.


  • 如果我们不得不为了人和机器复制重复,既浪费愚蠢办法因此,我们尽力这两个消费者表示一次数据。

    If we had to duplicate data for both humans and machines, that would be a wasteful and silly approach, so we try to express values only once for both consumers.


  • 事实上的确尽力了。

    Indeed I do have tried my best.


  • 尽力去为周末活动制定感到开心又充实计划不是疲惫被迫的计划。

    Make an effort to plan your weekend activities with events that leave you feeling content and fulfilled, not frazzled and imposed upon.


  • 凡特博士做一步申请专利人类基因组计划则尽力确保基因组数据作为人类共同遗产”,保留公共领域

    While Dr Venter was patenting every step of the way, the HGP was trying to ensure the genome remained in the public domain as part of "the common heritage of humanity".


  • 也许长远看来气候变化得到控制但是可以预见将来温度计里的水银柱还持续升高人类尽力共存。

    Maybe in the long run it will be brought under control. For the foreseeable future, though, the mercury will continue to rise, and the human race must live with the problem as best it can.


  • 我们必须尽力理解尊重群体诸于我们身上能量以从中获益不是成为他们受害者

    We must try to understand and respect the power that groups hold over us so that we can benefit from them rather than becoming their victims.


  • 尽力度过今天立刻去解决终身问题

    I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.


  • “这儿的乡民都是的童年朋友看到他们仍如此艰难谋生让感到心痛,”Yoying回忆到:“我必须改善他们的生活尽力。”

    “The residents were my childhood friends and it pained me to see how difficult their lives had become,” recalls Yoying. “I knew I had to try to improve their lives.”


  • 需要密切关注听众尽力提供那些他们有关信息不是与您的服务器或您所在地有关的信息。

    You need to be very conscious of your audience, and try and give them information that is relevant to them, not to your server or your locality.


  • 假如员工由于激励尽心尽力,想让他们成为资产负债表最有价值的财产,那么就让他们公司中感受亲身体验到所有权

    If you want your employees to be motivated to do their best, and if you want them to be the most valuable asset on your balance sheet, then let them feel and experience ownership in the organization.


  • 人们开始认识正在尽力帮助不是妨碍他们计划时他们乐意接受思想建议

    As people begin to recognize that you are trying to help instead of hinder their plans, they will be more open to your ideas and Suggestions.


  • 我崇敬着地球上一切美丽珍贵事物,感觉到自己有责任全人类拥有一 个健康富饶的家园尽心尽力

    Reverence for the beauty an preciousness of the earth, and a sense of responsibility to do what I can to make it a habitation of health and plenty for all men.


  • 茶里尽力搅入蜂蜜不是

    Try stirring honey into your tea instead of sugar.


  • 所以我们奋力工作尽力保障一切按计划进行——我们计划不是你们的计划——为着推进人类需要完成这场跃变

    So we are diligently working and attempting to keep everything on schedule -our schedule not yours -for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make this leap.


  • 工程师们尽力回避普通的错误以致他们压制许多创意不愿冒险提出不成熟的方案或者糟的是,压根就没有解决方案。

    Engineers worked so hard to avoid public mistakes that they suppressed many new ideas rather than risk showing up with half-baked solutions to problems or, worse, no solutions at all.


  • 总是会一部分尽力起来,不让其他人知道甚至也许家人也不告诉;这正是为什么分享这些东西是个好主意。

    This part is the thing that you always hide from others, even from your family maybe; that's why it sounds like a bad idea to share this too.


  • 总是会一部分尽力起来,不让其他人知道甚至也许家人也不告诉;这正是为什么分享这些东西是个好主意。

    This part is the thing that you always hide from others, even from your family maybe; that's why it sounds like a bad idea to share this too.


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