• 罗尼·奥沙球杆在手,就是天才

    He's a genius with a cue in his hands, he's Ronnie O'Sullivan!


  • 一些对手不同(安尼先生赞同这个计划罗姆尼先生不置可否),麦凯恩先生告诉克里斯特先生闭嘴。

    Unlike some of his rivals (Mr Giuliani embraced the plan; Mr Romney fudged), Mr McCain told Mr Crist to get stuffed.


  • 然而并不满足,又回到明尼阿波巴克合伙建立了一家新的邮购公司出售手表珠宝

    Restless, however, he returned to Minnesota and established a new mail-order firm selling watches and jewelry, with Roebuck as his partner.


  • 北部阳光伦敦相比显得阴冷惨淡汤姆的哥哥罗尼(大卫·布拉德饰演及其家人也是如此地死气沉沉,固步自封。

    The light in the North is grim and hard, compared with London’s sunshine, and the existences of Tom’s brother, Ronnie (David Bradley), and his family are bleak and circumscribed.


  • 北部阳光伦敦相比显得阴冷惨淡汤姆哥哥罗尼(大卫·布拉德饰演)及其家人也是如此地死气沉沉,固步自封。

    The light in the North is grim and hard, compared with London's sunshine, and the existences of Tom's brother, Ronnie (David Bradley), and his family are bleak and circumscribed.


  • 主要对手鲁迪·安尼、米特·罗姆弗瑞德·汤姆森都把重点放在反恐的艰难上,尽量避开伊拉克战争问题

    His main rivals, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, emphasise how tough they will be on terrorists but say as little as possible about Iraq.


  • 一个特别寒冷的冬天一对住明尼阿波斯市夫妇决定弗罗里达避寒。

    A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter.


  • 全国民意调查中鲁迪安尼遥遥领先,而就算在爱以及汉普郡两州,他也未能敌过米特罗慕尼

    Rudy Giuliani is well ahead of him in national polls, and Mitt Romney is trouncing him in Iowa and New Hampshire.


  • 看看当年共和党初选就知道绝非无稽之谈。当时有两位财力雄厚的候选人- - -米特罗尼鲁迪·久·阿尼。

    Consider the evidence from the Republican primaries, where the two best-funded campaigns were those of Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.


  • 大卫打死士人回来押尼珥到扫罗面前,他手中拿着非士人的

    As soon as David returned from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul, with David still holding the Philistine's head.


  • 报道由CNN克里斯汀·西奥多罗,阿尼沙·班达阿列克斯·菲尔顿提供。

    CNN's Christine Theodorou, Anisha Bhandari and Alex Felton contributed to this report.


  • 麦肯恩最大竞争应该来自米特·罗姆不是安尼(其他候选人三位微不足道)。

    The strongest competition to Mr McCain arguably came from Mitt Romney rather than Mr Giuliani (the rest of the candidates are midgets compared with the big three).


  • 参见罗恩·保罗鲁迪·安尼之间的著名交锋——愚蠢的鲁迪完全没有谈到点子,却得到了无数掌声

    Kinda like this exchange between Ron Paul and Rudy Giulianiway tomiss the point, Rudy + applauding morons!


  • 在沃尔特·爵士在1595年访问过特立尼达著名沥青据说该湖沥青容量有90亿

    Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt.


  • 在罗梅阿(Roumeli)峡谷马尼(Mani)群山中徒步行走,•弗莫尔发现了块非同寻常优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。

    Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep.


  • 在罗梅阿(Roumeli)峡谷马尼(Mani)群山徒步行走,•弗莫尔发现了块非同寻常优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。

    Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani, Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep.


  • 看见大卫攻击非士人,就问元帅说:“押尼珥阿,少年谁的儿子。”

    As Saul watched David going out to meet the Philistine, he said to Abner, commander of the army, "Abner, whose son is that young man?"


  • 由帝汶岛东半部(西半部属于印度尼西亚)、奥罗特岛、加科岛欧酷西非地组成,人口大约100万,也是世界上最小民族之一,20%的人口居住首都

    With a population of about 1 million people, it is one of the smaller nations in the world and about 20% of the population lives in the capital, Dili.


  • 人们认为 米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)再次参与竞选,白宫发言人特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。

    Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.


  • 最终的结果是,安尼出局,卡比大势已去(佛罗里达初选中位居第四),党内竞选变成罗姆尼麦凯恩的二人对决

    Finally, with Mr Giuliani out and Mr Huckabee fading (he camefourth in Florida)this is now a straight two-man fight.


  • 意大历史学家尼可罗·马基亚维曾在《君主》中写道“身为君主,应当注意两件对内关乎臣民对外,关乎列强。”

    “A prince,” Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, “should have two fears: one, internal concerning his subjects; the other, external, concerning foreign powers.”


  • 报道称,太阳钱宁·弗莱尼克斯队的达尼罗-加里纳获邀请

    There have been reports that Channing Frye of the Suns and Danilo Gallinari of the Knicks have been invited.


  • 吉姆认为罗尼·奥沙力争拿下比赛。

    Jim: I think Ronnie o 'sullivan has to win it.


  • 看见大卫攻击士人,问元帅说,押尼珥阿,少年谁的儿子

    And when Saul saw David go forth against the Philistine, he said unto Abner, the captain of the host, Abner, whose son is this youth?


  • 其他入选者多为娱乐界男士,肖恩·康纳罗比·威廉姆斯强尼·戴普等。

    Most of the guys on the list are from the entertainment field, such as Sean Connery, Robbie Williams and Johnny Depp.


  • 大卫打死非士人回来押尼珥到扫罗面前,他手中拿着非士人

    And as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand.


  • 对于新奥尔良来说,得到-加里纳,篮板20抢10,三分球威胁很有前途的。

    For New Orleans, it would mean getting a promising player with great upside in Gallinari who has the potential to be a 20-10 threat like a Dirk Nowitzki with his three point scoring ability.


  • 肯尼·达格1985年1991年执教物浦那时就意识到了罗比天赋跟阿斯皮·纳尔不管用多大的代价都要签下他。

    Kenny Dalglish, Liverpool manager from 1985 to 1991, was aware of Robbie's early promise and instructed Aspinall to 'get me that little Robbie Ryder at all costs'.


  • 肯尼·达格1985年1991年执教物浦那时就意识到了罗比天赋跟阿斯皮·纳尔不管用多大的代价都要签下他。

    Kenny Dalglish, Liverpool manager from 1985 to 1991, was aware of Robbie's early promise and instructed Aspinall to 'get me that little Robbie Ryder at all costs'.


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