• 两者拉·尼帕病毒属,副粘病毒一种病毒类别

    Both are members of the genus Henipavirus, a new class of virus in the Paramyxoviridae family.


  • 走廊满了名人朋友签名照片罗伯特尼罗凯文▪科斯特纳麦当娜以及老虎伍兹詹姆斯布朗两个世界小姐

    One hallway is crammed with photographs signed by celebrity pals: Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, Madonna, as well as Tiger Woods, James Brown and a Miss World or two.


  • 因此欧元未来可能两位意大利行动所左右:可能杀死欧元小丑卢斯科尼,可能最后一个有能力拯救欧元的技术官员拉基

    The euro's future could thus be determined by the actions of two Italians: Mr Berlusconi, the buffoon who may kill it; and Mr Draghi, the technocrat who may be the last man able to save it.


  • 病毒最初名为麻疹病毒,属于亨拉·尼帕病毒这一副粘病毒病毒类型。

    Initially named Equine Morbilivirus, Hendra virus is a member of the genus Henipavirus, a new class of virus in the Paramyxoviridae family.


  • 斯科、西研究团队拉贡火山口中开展研究时,毒气云雾频繁震动他们所要面临两大挑战

    Clouds of toxic gas and frequent tremors were two of the challenges faced by Tedesco, Sims, and the research team as they studied Nyiragongo's crater.


  • 尼娜正在偷偷地查找·科菲尔背景资料这时,阿尔贝塔·格林走近了她,询问有关架坠毁飞机乘客名单

    Nina is secretly researching Ted Cofell's background when Alberta Green approaches with a question about the passenger list of the plane that went down.


  • 罗纳尔多一旦事情进行得顺利就爱生气,已经差不多退役边缘纳尼更多是个冲击球员西芒则常常会被压力给打垮。

    Ronaldo may sulk if things aren't going his way, Deco is on the verge of retirement, Nani is more of an impact player and Simao usually bottles under pressure.


  • 口中的环保主义者”,以美洲山核桃为生的科曼切人约翰兰尼客气地

    "I don't know what you mean by conservationist," says John DeLaney, a pecan farmer from Comanche, politely.


  • 拉贡戈火山探险,带上山一点负重事先要经过仔细掂量,但斯科毫不在乎,他甚至特级初榨橄榄油

    On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • 当年秋天,拉科船员包括波尼和里就被逮捕了

    In the fall of that same year, Rackham and his crew, including Bonny and Read, were captured.


  • 不会替代方案,”丹麦环境大臣科尼·赫·戈特口头禅,全世界纷纷表示赞同——尽管其中夹杂着声含糊的应承

    "There is no Plan B," was the Danish Environment Minister Connie Hedegaard's mantra-and the rest of the world seemed to signal its agreement, even if only in a murmur.


  • 斯科一直拼命催促火山研究领域的顶级科学家对这里进行定期的实地研究,唯有如此,科学界才能掌握尼拉贡戈火山每一次活动精确记录

    Until top scientists make regular visits-something Tedesco has been desperately urging-the best that can be done is to maintain a precise record of Nyiragongo's every move.


  • 吉娜·罗吉瑞格兹是卡门最好朋友,她表现了隐藏在寻欢作乐面具下的恐惧瑞克·丹尼科卡门有钱白人男友,他英俊潇洒,但软弱。

    As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming and spineless.


  • 热刺换人帕夫柳琴科换下克拉尼察尔,斯通,利弗莫尔下。

    Spurs substitutions: Kranjcar off, Pavlyuchenko on. Livermore off, Huddlestone on.


  • 圣彼得堡国立大学教授莱尼·索科洛夫指出,“2029年4月13日时,“阿波菲斯”小时3700到3800公里时速接近地球

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of the St Petersburg State University told the RiaNovosti website: ‘Apophis will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000-38,000 kilometres (per hour) on April 13, 2029.


  • 金融时报》的雷切尔·(Rachel Sanderson)当时指出5月地方选举贝卢斯科尼把它搞得关于自己公投”,结果落花流水。

    As the Financial Times' Rachel Sanderson pointed out at the time, local elections in May were presented by Berlusconi as "a referendum on himself," wherein he was pretty well trounced.


  • 基金经理尼尔•雷科(NeilRecord)提出,缴费确定计划获益者支付安排明晰的,基本工资雇主缴费数额构成;

    Neil Record, a fund manager, argues that the pay deal offered to a DC plan member is clear; it consists of basic salary and the employer’s contribution to the plan.


  • 癫狂之后尼采写信给科茜玛•瓦格纳(瓦格纳的妻子)道:“阿里阿”,然后署名狄奥尼索斯

    While in a grip of madness, Nietzsche wrote to Cosima Wagner (Richard’s wife), “I love you Ariadneand signed it “Dionysus.”


  • 小说家玛格丽特·阿特伍(百科)把卡尔维诺先生笔下的城市景色比作费里尼(Wiki)的早期电影。”

    Margaret Atwood, the novelist, compared Mr. Calvino's urban landscapes to ''the early Fellini films.''


  • 迪马尔科:“作为一家公司,古因为汤姆·福特多梅·尼科(时任ceo索莱)的贡献才得以生存。”

    'Gucci as a company exists because of what Tom Ford and Domenico [De Sole, then-CEO] did,' says di Marco.


  • 利用现代机械加工技术服装道具总监艾沃·科温尼得以制造出史上第一完美对称头盔

    Using modern machining techniques, Costume Props Supervisor Ivo Coveney was able to create, for the first time, a perfectly symmetrical Vader helmet.


  • 曼联莫斯科科卢日尼基球场戏剧性赢得与切尔西的点球大战从而第三捧得欧洲冠军杯无疑是球队英雄

    Edwin van der Sar was the hero as United were crowned champions of Europe for the third time after a dramatic penalty shoot-out victory over Chelsea at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow.


  • 安多米达女儿尼法朵拉•唐克斯,纳西莎的儿子拉科·马尔福。

    Andromeda's daughter is Nymphadora Tonks, and Narcissa's son is Draco Malfoy.


  • 匈牙利布勒大学拉斯·科斯托拉尼发现了其中原因好几进行实验控制,将伴侣双方分开

    The reason for this was revealed by Andras Kosztolanyi of the University of Debrecen, in Hungary, who manipulated pairs of birds by removing one partner.


  • 加里亚同样对在下周冠军联赛预选赛贝尔格莱红星比赛到来能够2:0取胜莱科感到满意

    Galliani was also satisfied with the 2-0 win over Lecco ahead of next week's Champions League qualifying match against Red Star Belgrade.


  • 克里琴科哥哥维塔周末通过击倒古巴奥运会冠军拉·尼尔·索利斯重获WBC重量级冠军头衔原定于2009年与海耶比赛

    Klitschko, whose brother Vitali retained his WBC heavyweight title by knocking out Cuba's former Olympic champion Odlanier Solis at the weekend, was originally going to fight Haye in 2009.


  • 科勒柏林波茨坦之间的克拉姆·普尼茨(没有最高统帅的最高统帅部临时大本营现在设在这里)找到尔,约尔把全部悲惨的经过告诉空军里的这位朋友

    At Krampnitz, between Berlin and Potsdam, where the now Fuehrerless OKW had set up temporary headquarters, he found him, and Jodl told his Air Force friend the whole sad story.


  • 一个天才因为选择恰当传球,他能很容易看到别人就算带着眼镜看不到东西马尼切关系非常好。

    Deco is brilliant because he will always choose the right pass, sees easily what some can't even see with glasses and his relationship with Maniche is great.


  • 科尼莉亚一位值得关注作家,《黑暗田野》是一部值得赏析分享的作品。

    Cornelia Read is a writer to watch, and A Field Of Darkness a book to savor and share.


  • 科尼莉亚一位值得关注作家,《黑暗田野》是一部值得赏析分享的作品。

    Cornelia Read is a writer to watch, and A Field Of Darkness a book to savor and share.


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