• 特里克兰德马上出发了。柯尔船长从此再也没有同见面。

    Strickland set off at once, and that was the last Captain Nichols saw of him.


  • 那些亲眼见过柯尔船长描绘给景象真是值得羡慕啊。

    I envied men who had seen with their own eyes the sights that Captain Nichols described.


  • 总是,”柯尔船长继续回忆当时的情况,“要打人就把打得厉厉害害的。

    "That's what I always say, " reflected Captain Nichols, "when you hurt a man, hurt him bad.


  • 听就是那位老朋友语气,这时我决定柯尔船长看作是一位可以信任证人了

    I recognised my friend's limited vocabulary, and I prepared to regard Captain Nichols as a trustworthy witness.


  • 有时候邮轮开进港,柯尔船长雇用计时员攀上交情给两找个临时装卸工活儿

    Sometimes a mail steamer would come in, and Captain Nichols, having scraped acquaintance with the timekeeper, would succeed in getting the pair of them a job as stevedores.


  • 特里克·兰德给硬汉子彼一张肖像作为食宿报酬,柯尔船长认为对思特里克·兰德来讲是件占了大便宜的事。

    Captain Nichols looked upon it as a smart piece of work on Strickland's part that he had got out of this by painting a portrait of Tough Bill.


  • 思特里克兰德尼柯尔斯船长这里一个来个别瑞典人、黑人巴西人,一起睡在寄宿舍间屋子的地板

    They lived with him a month, sleeping with a dozen others, Swedes, negroes, Brazilians, on the floor of the two bare rooms in his house which he assigned to his charges;


  • 特里克兰德这种拗脾气结果只能叫硬汉子吃亏最后失去了耐性脚把思特里克兰德同柯尔船长两个人一起踢了大门。

    Tough Bill had no patience with an obstinacy which could only result in loss to himself, and on the last occasion he flung both Strickland and Captain Nichols out of his house without more ado.


  • 轮船码头停泊小时傍晚时分柯尔斯船长看着轮船烟囱冒出的黑逐渐稀薄,轮船正在寒冬的海面乘风破浪向东驶去。

    The ship was only in port for six hours, and in the evening Captain Nichols watched the vanishing smoke from her funnels as she ploughed East through the wintry sea.


  • 阿波罗11宇航员(由左):·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),迈克·林斯(Michael Collins)巴兹·奥德林(Buzz Aldrin)。

    Apollo 11 astronauts (left to right) Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz aldrin.


  • ·阿姆斯特朗巴兹·奥德林允许踏入白宫迈克·林斯只能开车在白宫外转圈圈

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were allowed to set foot inside the White House, while Michael Collins was forced to drive around in circles outside.


  • 加里·更多担当替补得分后卫职责,更多的机会伦。

    With Gary Neal swinging from the wing to more of a backup point guard, there will be minutes available for Kawhi to earn.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉特》中,麦克唐纳先生为阿姆·巴故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟西之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 桑德勒•投资银行SandlerO'Neill)的分析师理查德•雷佩托昨天一份报告中此事“关乎赛先生的口碑”,“体面离开还是狼狈出局”。

    Richard Repetto, the banking analysts from Sandler O'Neill, said in a note yesterday that this is "all about Mr. Corzine's legacy, " and "whether he's viewed as going out 'on top or not.'"


  • 1969年7月16日美国航空航天局工作人员佛罗里达州航天中心观看阿波罗11号发射升空,本次前往月球的旅行携带了宇航员·阿姆斯特朗德林迈克·林斯

    Out of this world: NASA staff watch Apollo 11 blast off from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on July 16, 1969, heading to the Moon carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.


  • 飞速行驶火箭顶部宇宙飞船里,三位美国宇航员名字很快传遍世界·阿姆斯特朗,艾德文·德林迈克·林斯

    In the spacecraft at the top of the speeding rocket were three American astronauts whose names soon would be known around the world: Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.


  • 由于采用基于最小二乘原理滤波器方法精度经典的别采夫方法要高。

    Evidently, owing to the application of Venedikov's filter based on the least squares principle, the accuracy obtained by this method is better than that by Pertsev's.


  • 思特里克·兰德和尼柯·酒吧间里摆着架自动钢琴机械地演奏着喧噪聒耳的舞曲。

    In the bar in which Strickland and Nichols sat a mechanical piano was loudly grinding out dance music.


  • 试图尼柯·船长一些关思特里克·兰德连贯起来,下面将尽量按照事情发生的先后次序记载。

    I have tried to put some connection into the various things Captain Nichols told me about Strickland, and I here set them down in the best order I can.


  • 希望我出几幅绚丽多彩的图画,尼柯·船长生动叙述在我想象中唤起的一幅幅画面也让读者看到。

    But I wish I could give here the pictures, coloured and racy, which Captain Nichols' vivid narrative offered to the imagination.


  • 今天早晨,巴尼柯大夫发现家里石膏头像不见了

    The doctor, this morning, found the cast missing from his home.


  • 宇航员德林·阿姆斯特朗迈克·林斯飞往月球,阿姆斯特朗和奥德林那里7月16日,1969年,个人成为第一踏上月球表面

    Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins flew it to the moon, where Armstrong and Aldrin, on July 16, 1969, became the first two humans to walk on the lunar surface.


  • 1969年五月24日墨西哥湾阿波罗十一号船员们训练间隙放松休息。左起:布兹·奥德林·阿姆斯特朗迈克·林斯

    The Apollo 11 crew relaxes during training in the Gulf of Mexico, May24, 1969. Lr: Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins.


  • 美国坚强的合作伙伴意大利·维奥·鲁斯德国安吉拉·默克法国古拉斯·萨科奇英国的戈登·布朗

    America has strong partners in leaders like Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, Germany's Angela Merkel, France's Nicolas Sarkozy, and Britain's Gordon Brown.


  • 第2集最想要的:彼得想出一个策略返回美国之前,林斯

    2: Most Wanted: Peter comes up with a strategy to return Neal to the U. S. before Collins catches him.


  • 第2集最想要的:彼得想出一个策略返回美国之前,林斯

    2: Most Wanted: Peter comes up with a strategy to return Neal to the U. S. before Collins catches him.


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