• 四川盆地西部晚三世早(卡)为被动大陆边缘环境, 沉积岩石单元为马鞍组。

    The Maantang Formation in western Sichuan basin was probably located in the shelf of the passive continental margin in Upper Triassic.


  • 迪克领导个以德兰为基地的四年项目,这个项目旨在产生一个科学商业性计划从而昆虫带到西方人餐桌上

    Dicke heads a Netherlands-based four-year programme aiming to produce a scientific and business plan to bring insects to western tables.


  • 费拉罗分析了2008年至2012年每年森林损失卫星数据其中包括印度西亚15个省份的7468个森林村庄实施脱贫计划间的数据。

    Ferraro analyzed satellite data showing annual forest loss from 2008 to 2012 including during Indonesia's phase in of the antipoverty program in 7,468 forested villages across 15 provinces.


  • 2003年以来,印度西亚发生禽流感暴发

    Since mid-2003, Indonesia has experienced outbreaks of avian influenza in its poultry population.


  • 哈佛大学医学院同事们婴儿跟踪至大学时代,发现那些十分消极应对新人和物的婴儿日后成为害羞孩子

    Snidman and colleagues at Harvard Medical School have tracked infants to their college years, and know that babies who react very negatively to new people and objects tend to grow into shy children.


  • 最新一当代生物学》的报告中所说,他和小组研究了在安德特人身上发现基因FOXP2魔力,FOXP2至今仍保留西班牙人的身上。

    As he reports in the latest issue of Current Biology, he and his team have worked their magic on a gene called FOXP2 found in Neanderthal remains from northern Spain.


  • 知道正在经历的愤怒时间正好只是不能正常健康一点。

    She knows that Benny is passing through his Aggressive Phase, right on schedule; it just couldn't be more normal and healthy.


  • 别人已经指出,在泡沫高峰几年弗雷德马克确实大规模减少房贷市场份额而负责。

    As others have pointed out, Fannie and Freddie actually accounted for a sharply reduced share of the home lending market as a whole during the peak years of the bubble.


  • 2007年8月1日,美国阿波利斯附近的一座编号为I-35W的密西西比河公路大桥下班高峰突然坍塌

    ON AUGUST 1st 2007, as commuters were driving home from work on the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge near Minneapolis, it abruptly collapsed.


  • 2006年禽流感高发,共有63个国家禽流感肆虐,后来绝大多数国家将病毒铲除,孟加拉国中国埃及印度印度西亚越南等国依然有残余

    The virus had been eliminated from most of the 63 countries infected at its 2006 peak, but it remains endemic in Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia and Vietnam.


  • 我们孩子不是那种婴儿权力爱好好象他们低等社会那样被漫不经心地看待的”(露丝·迪克特)。

    "Our children are not individuals whose rights and tastes are casually respected from infancy, as they are in some primitive societies" (Ruth Benedict).


  • 德克萨斯的亚色陆易斯安娜的查尔卡梅隆市,这些地方年前摧毁过,现在面临着与温同样问题

    Port arthur texas and lake charles and cameron louisiana all places devastated by rita two years ago are facing similar problems.


  • 目的研究神经外科全麻应用曲马多卡地平观察其对拔管反应的影响。

    Objective:To investigate tramadol and nicardipine for the decannulation period of general anesthesia in neurosurgery, and to observe the reflection in decannulation period.


  • 结论神经外科全麻联合应用曲马多卡地平可以更全面地减少拔管不良反应

    Conclusion: To colligate tramadol and nicardipine in decannulation period of general anesthesia in neurosurgery operation can decrease side response of the patients in the decannulation period.


  • 一时苏黎世伯尔卢塞恩轮流主持会议

    In this period Zurich Bern and lucerne took it in turns to summon the meeting.


  • 内斯塔塞尔吉将会三月间歇回归

    Nesta and Serginho will return after the break in March.


  • 尔基工程主坝沥青混凝土石坝,主坝工程施工采用两导流方式。

    The major dam of Nierji water project is an earth- rockfill dam with asphalt concrete core.


  • 现在本克特支持者们参与了一飞行杂志竞拍,只因为杂志封面是37的本迪克特。

    But followers of TV actor Benedict Cumberbatch have surpassed themselves by entering into an online bidding war for a copy of a free in-flight magazine which features the 37 year-old on its cover.


  • 俱乐部总经理十分温格买下詹金森热尔奥之后继续人,但是表示他们不会透露他们想买球员名字。

    The Club's Chief Executive Officer fully expects Arsène Wenger to add to the purchase of Carl Jenkinson and Gervinho. But, he commented, they would keep their targets under wraps.


  • 实验罗非鱼试验对象,通过体试验研究乳源活性对奥罗非鱼细胞体外增殖作用,通过动物饲养试验研究乳源活性肽对罗非鱼生长非特异性免疫功能影响。

    This paper studied the effects of lacto-bioactive peptides on the liver cells reproduction in vitro, the growth and non-special immune function of whole male in vivo through two feeding experiments.


  • 品尝了2006年葡萄酒有陈宁白朗顿埃维欧

    I tried some of the current vintage 2006, white wines such as the Chenin Blanc, Chardonnay and Viognier.


  • 尔基工程主坝沥青混凝土石坝,主坝工程施工采用导流方式

    The major dam of Nierji water project is an earth - rockfill dam with asphalt concrete core. The construction diversion is used two stages.


  • 著第二个警告布甲这件事,大约发生在布甲撒作44尾声

    This warning to Nebuchadnezzar by God seems to have been toward the end of his long reign of 44 years.


  • 一时了《尤根山上的札记》裘利安和麦代洛》,后者是根据拜伦愉快的会晤而写的自传体诗篇

    To this period, too, Belong his Lines written in the Euganean Hills and Julian and Maddalo, an autobiographical poem Based on a happy visit to byron in Venice.


  • 跳台实验避暗实验中观 察氟马西泊酚导致健忘小鼠错误次数、跳台潜伏和步入潜伏影响

    The latency of step through and step down as well as the numbers of errors were recorded to evaluate the effect of flumazenil on amnesia induced by propofol.


  • 摘要罗伯特·帕克告别波尔多之后,新接任的·马丁品鉴2015年份给出了6款满分

    ABSTRACT: Since Robert Parker gave up scoring Bordeaux, The wine Advocate Neal Martin tasted some 2015 wines and gave 6 of his 100-pointers.


  • 摘要罗伯特·帕克告别波尔多之后,新接任的·马丁品鉴2015年份给出了6款满分

    ABSTRACT: Since Robert Parker gave up scoring Bordeaux, The wine Advocate Neal Martin tasted some 2015 wines and gave 6 of his 100-pointers.


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