• 马洛•贝文尼斯蒂MeronBenvenisti《塞浦路斯之子》也是篇激烈的演说,书中反对以色列企图巴勒斯坦人地图上消失,不仅想消灭这个实体,还要擦去它的历史

    Meron Benvenisti's “Son of the Cypresses” is also a tirade against Israel's attempt to wipe the Palestinians from the map both physically and historically.


  • 2001年,丹斯·——富有冒险精神百万富翁工程师——耗资2000万美元乘坐一艘俄罗斯宇宙飞船,自此太空旅游概念深入人心。

    The notion of space tourism took hold in 2001 with a $20 million flight aboard a Russian spacecraft by Dennis Tito, a millionaire engineer with an adventurous streak.


  • 之前曾经摇滚女歌手的伟大榜样蒂娜·特纳斯·乔普林,从来没有能够表演诗歌如此天衣无缝地组合起来。

    There had been strong female role models in rock before, from Tina Turner to Janis Joplin, but no one had ever combined performance and poetry in such a visceral way.


  • 因此这些银行或许更易做出风险投资,如同肯斯·阿罗(1972)约瑟夫·施蒂格利茨(2001)提出的道德风险这个概念。

    As a consequence, these Banks may be more likely to make risky investments, a concept described by Kenneth Arrow (1972) and Joseph Stiglitz (2001) as moral hazard.


  • 记得玛丽教会委员会好友帕蒂。

    Dennis remembered him. He was married to Patty, Mary's good friend from the church committee.


  • 只腊肠犬曾是纽约杰弗逊堡的救援身穿橙色外套,戴着护目镜主人斯•西替她领了长寿

    The dachshund, a rescue dog from Port Jefferson in New York, wore an orange sweater and red goggles as her owner, Denice Shaughnessy, accepted the award marking her longevity.


  • 拉蒂希望能够祖国意大利推行这样的试点工程,南部农场主可以埃及或者征募工人

    Mr Frattini wants to launch another pilot programme in his native Italy, where southern farmers might recruit workers from Egypt or Tunisia.


  • 贝尔蒂·莎士比亚·德鲁整个下午都在杰姆一起沃尔特梦幻小屋西斯·福特了。

    Bertie Shakespeare Drew had been up playing with Jem all the afternoon... Walter having gone down to the old House of Dreams to play with Kenneth and Persis Ford...


  • 邀请前来共进晚餐的,我的一位大学朋友时任纽约美联储银行行长助理蒂尔福德·盖斯。

    I'd been invited to dinner by Tilford Gaines, a college friend who was now an assistant vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


  • 关键问题银行需要何种方案重组,”摩根·士丹斯蒂

    "The key issue is what scenario the Banks would need to be recapped for," says Huw van Steenis of Morgan Stanley.


  • 白水事件的调查没完,五月,还进行得“不错”。尽管斯·斯塔尔苏珊·麦克道戈尔的审判中落败仍然继续起诉朱莉·希亚特·斯蒂

    Whitewater World was still alive and well in May, as Kenneth Starr, despite his defeat in the Susan McDougal trial, pursued his case against Julie Hiatt Steele.


  • 西班牙塞维利亚法蒂玛·希门赢得塞维利亚小姐选美冠军手持鲜花

    Seville, Spain: Fatima Jimenez holds a bouquet of flowers after winning the Miss Sevilla pageant.


  • 1996年48日,科赫公司德克萨斯州监管者汇报称1995年科珀斯克里斯蒂精炼厂的未经控制的苯排放量0.61公吨斯-索利兹报告数量的1/149.

    On April 8, 1996, Koch reported to Texas regulators that its Corpus Christi plant had uncontrolled emissions of 0.61 metric tons for 1995, or 1/149th the quantity she had found.


  • 来自爱尔兰美食摄影师造型凯蒂·奎因·戴维斯我们分享了最爱的蛋糕类型:奈吉拉·劳森式吉啤酒混合巧克力蛋糕。

    Irish-born food photographer and stylist, Katie Quinn Davies shared her favorite cake with us, Nigella Lawson’s Guinness Chocolate Cake .


  • 约会地点LAX主题建筑屋顶360城市观景台,戈蒂博物馆斯泰普斯中心湖人比赛布雷焦油佩吉博物馆,海滩浮桥

    Date spots: Rooftop observation deck at LAX’sTheme Building for 360-degree views of the city, Getty Museum, Lakers Game atStaples Center, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Venice Beach Boardwalk


  • 上月意大利外长佛朗哥·弗拉蒂(Franco Frattini)透露意大利正在考虑美国对意国带走古巴关押囚犯请求

    Last month, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini revealed Italy was considering a US request to take two Tunisian prisoners from the detention centre in Cuba.


  • 1992年610克莱斯勒裁定公布之前科恩家人一起了,和他一起的有蒂姆、蒂姆的女朋友弗朗莫林、莫林的未婚夫保罗以及凯西

    On June 10, 1992, the night before the Chrysler verdict was announced, Kearns went out on the town with his family: Dennis; Tim; Tim’s girlfriend, Francine; Maureen; Maureen’s fiancé, Paul; and Kathy.


  • 斯蒂,除了两个例外,现在几乎每家投行念叨着回到上世纪九十年代业务模式

    'what's fascinating is the mantra — what you are hearing from most every investment bank now, bar one or two — is that we are to return to a model of the late' 90s, 'Mr. Van Steenis said.


  • 克里斯蒂在哥本哈根已经居住15年了最近Vesterbro买了一份“份额”。

    Kristine Niss, a Copenhagen resident for 15 years, recently bought an andel in Vesterbro.


  • 当丹从侧门出去的时候看见南希再次史蒂文交谈微笑

    Denise sees Nancy talking to Steve again and smiles as she slips out a side door.


  • 斯特·拉第四试图进入世界纪录

    This is Strati's fourth attempt to enter the Guinness World Record.


  • 著名医学杂志柳叶刀篇报道警告自杀率也在上升英国剑桥大学肯蒂克伦斯,篇报告的撰写之一

    A report in the medical journal Lancet warns of a rise in suicides. Alexander Kentikelenis of Britain's Cambridge University is one of the authors.


  • 乔治娜·波蒂·尔斯希德·英可能世界节俭夫妻了,他们结婚典礼遵从节约一切费用的原则。

    Georgina a Porteous and Sid Innes could be the world's thriftiest couple after tying the knot in their all expenses spared wedding.


  • 乔治娜·波蒂·尔斯希德·英可能世界节俭夫妻了,他们结婚典礼遵从节约一切费用的原则。

    Georgina a Porteous and Sid Innes could be the world's thriftiest couple after tying the knot in their all expenses spared wedding.


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