• 丁是多瑙河、密西西河、长江和亚马逊河游泳的吉尼斯世界纪录保持者。

    Martin holds Guinness World Records for swimming the Danube River, the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River and the Amazon River.


  • 从事这项研究负责人,乔治亚医学院尼斯·奥恩博士他自己这个结论感到"非常惊讶"。

    The study's lead author, Dr. Dennis Ownby of the Medical College of Georgia, says that even he was "very surprised" by the results.


  • 尼斯机场当年大了很多,设施也改善了。然而,出了机场,再也见不到当年的鲜花市场绿树成荫是咖啡馆的街道了。

    THE Nice airport has been enlarged and upgraded, but you no longer exit into flower markets and tree-lined streets with cafes.


  • 1970年,刚果摩洛哥尼斯预期寿命,而入学率马拉维还要

    In 1970, Tunisia had lower life expectancy than Congo and Morocco had fewer children in school than Malawi.


  • 世界吉尼斯纪录记载世界最小鸡蛋2.7厘米尽管今年五月来自大不列颠男士宣称记录还要2毫米的鸡蛋。

    Guinness World Records lists the smallest recorded chicken egg as 2.7 centimetres, although a man from Great Britain in May claimed earlier this year to having one that was 2 millimetres smaller.


  • 1996年以来,前十名国家中的大多数取得了很大增长尽管贝宁一定程度上的纳米尼斯莱索托退步

    Most of those in the top ten have made handsome gains since 1996, although Benin and to a lesser extent Namibia, Tunisia and Lesotho have all lost ground.


  • 这里都也感到憎恶,甚至尼斯强烈。

    Here, the people are sick too - more so than they were in Tunisia.


  • 而且,数据掩盖国内巨大的地区性差异:正如俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨价格纽约市低一样,意大利南部一个小村子价格可能尼斯的要低得多。

    And they mask enormous regional variations within countries: Just as Tulsa costs less than New York City, so prices in a village in southern Italy are probably a long way below those in Venice.


  • 系统开发测试马公司密西西太空技术中心进行的,该中心是位于斯坦尼斯航天中心的一处先进推进热力和度量衡设施

    The system was developed and tested at Lockheed Martin's Mississippi Space &Technology Center, an advanced propulsion, thermal, and metrology facility located at the John C. Stennis Space Center.


  • 卡拉尼斯要求录制萨饼制作过程,还要求官员在现场做见证人。

    Carrabbia said Guinness requires that the pizza's making be videotaped and witnessed by a public official.


  • 系统开发测试马公司密西西太空技术中心进行的,该中心是位于斯坦尼斯航天中心的一先进推进热力和度量衡设施

    The system was developed and tested at Lockheed Martin's Mississippi Space & Technology Center, an advanced propulsion, thermal, and metrology facility located at the John C. Stennis Space Center.


  • 惹恼了宰因•阿丁••阿里(见图),1987年统治尼斯以来,几乎没有任何人反抗过他。

    This annoyed Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali (pictured), who has ruled Tunisia since 1987 with virtually no opposition.


  • 尼斯,因·阿丁··阿里向和平的集聚人群采取妥协措施。

    In Tunisia Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali met peaceful crowds with concessions.


  • 最新统计罗切斯特旅馆客房邻城米尼亚相同而后者罗市大四倍。

    At the last count, Rochester had the same number of hotel rooms as nearby Minneapolis, which is about four times as large.


  • 举足轻重旅游行业冲击尤其显著,因为物价上涨使阳光明媚岛屿魅力大减——土耳其尼斯那些旅游胜地实在高出太多。

    The big tourism sector was hit especially hard because rising prices made its sun-drenched islands far more expensive than resorts in Turkey or Tunisia.


  • 然而,宰•阿丁•本•阿里已经逃往沙特阿拉伯3个星期了,尼斯形势稳定下来

    Yet more than three weeks after the departure of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali for Saudi Arabia, the situation in Tunisia has still not stabilised.


  • 5月18日尼斯认定瓦伦汀前一世界年龄纪录保持者--来自佐治亚州梦露的贝斯 ·伯多活48

    On May 18, Guinness determined that Valentim was 48 days older than the person previously considered the world's oldest human, Besse Cooper from Monroe, Georgia.


  • 杰奎琳·塞特尼斯发布了最新力作《爱情艺术》,同时,抨击影片中所讲述的女性相互之间的恶意利用

    As she launched her latest movie, the Fine Art of Love - Mine Haha, in Venice, actress Jacqueline Bisset attacked the attitudes of women who "viciously" exploit each other.


  • 4年1984法国阿尔及利亚澳大利亚哥伦埃塞俄,法国,印度,印度尼西亚阿拉伯民众国墨西哥挪威尼斯美利坚合众国。

    9th Apr 1984 France Algeria, Australia, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, India, Indonesia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mexico, Norway, Tunisia, United States of America.


  • 如果今晚尼斯获胜的话马诺快乐得像是施魏因堡小镇上的小猪

    And if Tunisia win tonight, Hosni will be as happy as a pig in Schweinfurt!


  • 赵亮现在身高2.46包喜10厘米,成为尼斯世界纪录中世界最高,并且现在中国NBA巨星姚明高17厘米。

    Zhao Liang is 2.46 m tall - 10 cm taller than Bao Xishun, now recognized by the Guinness world Records as the world's tallest man and 17 cm taller than China's NBA basketball star Yao Ming.


  • 赵亮现在身高2.46包喜10厘米,成为尼斯世界纪录中世界最高,并且现在中国NBA巨星姚明高17厘米。

    Zhao Liang is 2.46 m tall - 10 cm taller than Bao Xishun, now recognized by the Guinness world Records as the world's tallest man and 17 cm taller than China's NBA basketball star Yao Ming.


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