• 161比赛里打入44尼斯比赛入球或许是他被写入纪录最好方式

    He's scored 44 goals in 161 games and his strike against Tunisia seemed the perfect way to write his name into the record books.


  • 全世界的手机短信输入比赛的都是尼斯组织提供同一条短信。

    SMS messaging competitions around the world use the same SMS text provided by the Guinness organization.


  • 就算到今天半月板损伤也只能依靠整整进行天的微创手术治疗但是尼斯·劳忍受伤痛至少长达年之久并且依靠注射依旧上场比赛

    Nowadays, cartilage trouble can be treated by keyhole surgery in a day, but Denis had to play in pain or with injections for almost eight years.


  • 约会地点LAX主题建筑屋顶360城市观景台,戈蒂博物馆斯泰普斯中心湖人比赛布雷焦油佩吉博物馆,尼斯海滩浮桥

    Date spots: Rooftop observation deck at LAX’sTheme Building for 360-degree views of the city, Getty Museum, Lakers Game atStaples Center, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Venice Beach Boardwalk


  • 40年龄18岁44岁之间棒球运动员参加了这次比赛,他们这场先后了84局的比赛轮番上阵,希望创造最长的棒球赛新的尼斯世界纪录

    Forty players, ranging in age from 18 to 44, rotated in and out of the 84-inning game in hopes of setting a new Guinness World Record for the longest baseball game.


  • 英格兰球队经纪人这场法国尼斯比赛结束立马离开而后:“抱歉事情竟会如此告一段落现实就是如此。”

    The manager had quit immediately after the match in Nice, France, and said afterwards: 'I'm sorry it will have to end this way but these things happen'.


  • 在客战法国比赛尼斯球场的球迷竟然在西班牙每次触球的时候都爆发出“olé”的加油声。

    Twice. During the France match, the St Denis fans started olé-ing the opposition's every touch.


  • 大赛赞助商JumpMobile公司的发言人莎拉·斯伯丁比赛全过程有现场录像官方计时选手计时,目的为《尼斯世界纪录》提供依据。

    The feat was recorded on video and scored by an official timekeeper, validating it for Guinness World Records purposes, said Sara Spaulding, spokeswoman for event sponsor Jump Mobile.


  • 马格尼斯还是运动疲劳领域的权威,尽管专业范围内对于督促运动员的强度有着不同认知,没人推荐NBA做法:比赛或者说16982场比赛

    There are disagreements among experts in his world about how hard to push athletes, but nobody recommends anything like what the NBA prescribes: four contests in five nights, say -- or 82 in 169 days.


  • 甲联赛中尼斯在185比赛打进了103粒入球

    In the Dutch league Dennis played 185 games and scored 103 goals.


  • 一场D比赛中,尼斯以1:0战胜北非对手阿尔及利亚

    In the other group D match Tunisia beat their North African rivals Algeria 1-0.


  • 电台主持人杰尼斯·普弗鲁伊这个比赛要打破社会死亡禁忌”,让年轻人开始讨论这个问题。

    Presenter Jens Pflueger defended the competition, saying it was aimed at breaking society's "taboo" about death.


  • 尼斯世界记录周六承认格拉迪丝·伯里尔完成了此次马拉松比赛周一庆祝仪式上。夏威夷众议院向颁发证书戴上花环

    Guinness World Records confirmed Burrill's accomplishment Saturday, and the Hawaii House of Representatives honored her with a certificate and lei during a ceremony Monday.


  • 南非正在世界最大足球比赛——世界杯开幕式做好准备,本届世界杯将于当地时间本周五约翰尼斯堡开幕。

    South Africa is preparing for the start of the biggest football tournament on earth, the World Cup, which gets under way on Friday in Johannesburg.


  • 他们比赛频率高到几乎可笑的程度。”马格尼斯拥有运动科学硕士学位,还写过跑步科学》。

    "It's almost ludicrous how often they play," says Magness, who has a master's in exercise science and wrote the book the science of Running.


  • 广播员现在国际举重联合会秘书长尼斯·斯戈洛先生挺举比赛获奖运动员颁奖。

    Speaker: Now, let's invite Mr Yannis. Sgouros, the general secretary of International Weightlifting Federation, present MEDALS to clean and jerk winners.


  • 皮埃尔·多尔丁的一生是个神话参加的比赛育种鸽舍称为“耐心农庄”。舍坐落于法国哈尼斯教堂下方

    Pierre Dordin was a legend in his lifetime and his racing and breeding lofts were called 'Villa Patience' which stood below the Church tower in Harnes, France.


  • 周六阿森纳新家埃米尔球场将迎来她的第一场正式比赛——尼斯·博格坎普告别赛。

    How much do you know about Emirates Stadium? Emirates Stadium plays host to its first football match on Saturday when Dennis Bergkamp's testimonial takes place at Arsenal's new home.


  • 分钟内用头颠319,创下尼斯世界纪录。他甚至一次马拉松比赛着球跑完42公里赛程,用时7小时17分。

    He already holds a Guinness World record for heading the ball 319 times in just one minute and he even kicked a ball to the finish line in a marathon, completing the 42 kilometres in 7hr 17min.


  • 星期天举重运动员桑帕尼斯没有通过药检而被取消了奥运会比赛资格。就星期前,希腊短跑名将因没有参加药检而放弃比赛

    Weightlifter Leonidas Sampanis was kicked out of the Games on Sunday after failing a dope test, a week after Greece's two leading sprinters quit the Olympics after being unavailable for testing.


  • 格雷·洛加尼斯10开始参加跳水比赛24岁的时候,成为56年来第一奥运会跳台跳水跳板跳水双料冠军

    Greg Louganis began competing in diving at age 10. At age 24, he became the first man in 56 years to win Olympic gold MEDALS in diving by winning Both the platform and springboard events.


  • 格雷·洛加尼斯10开始参加跳水比赛24岁的时候,成为56年来第一奥运会跳台跳水跳板跳水双料冠军

    Greg Louganis began competing in diving at age 10. At age 24, he became the first man in 56 years to win Olympic gold MEDALS in diving by winning Both the platform and springboard events.


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