• 白海杰博士的大部分工作完成,那里强大的水流

    Dr Bahaj has done most work on the Alderney site, where there are powerful currents.


  • 尼德·奥尔:“这次合并不仅创造全球最大的交易所集团我们今天希望大家关注一个,这个词就是多样化经营’。”

    DUNCAN NIEDERAUER: "This not only creates the world's premier exchange group, but there's a word we all want you to focus on today, and that is diversified."


  • 拥有年轻球员大鲨鱼魔术1995年闯入总决赛,在输给火箭队之前沃斯的球队几乎立即满足球迷们

    DeVos gave his new fans almost immediate gratification as the Magic reached the finals in 1995 with a young Shaquille o 'neal before losing to the Houston Rockets.


  • 无论如何,日内瓦日内瓦国际研究协会研究生理查·鲍尔温和达里亚·塔格里奥最新文章观点

    That, at any rate, is the argument made in a new paper by Richard Baldwin and Daria Taglioni of the Graduate Institute, Geneva.


  • 奥尔·西婚纱比利时设计师杰拉·瓦·特雷设计

    Ms Orsini's dress was designed by Gerald Watelet, the Belgian designer.


  • 奥拉基其他追随者包括堡枪击者达尔。马里克·哈桑圣诞节爆炸案犯阿卜杜勒·穆塔拉布克,时代广场恐怖案犯费萨尔·哈扎

    Al-Awlaki's other followers include the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.


  • 一个天然版本太空殖民地设想通过杰勒·二十世纪七十年代的。

    It would be a natural version of the space colonies envision by Gerard o 'neill in the late 1970's.


  • 有时塔特姆·奥尔(Tatumo'Neal)献献殷勤,有着头发电影演员,我喜欢扮演的角色——一个竟爱上理查·伯顿(richard Burton)的早熟的少女,那家伙足可以作她的爷爷了。

    Sometimes I talked to Tatum o 'neal, a redheaded actress I admired for her role as a precocious adolescent capable of falling in love with Richard Burton, who was old enough to be her grandfather.


  • 勒•投资银行SandlerO'Neill)的分析师理查•雷佩托昨天一份报告中此事“关乎柯赛先生的口碑”,“体面离开还是狼狈出局”。

    Richard Repetto, the banking analysts from Sandler O'Neill, said in a note yesterday that this is "all about Mr. Corzine's legacy, " and "whether he's viewed as going out 'on top or not.'"


  • 布什赞扬热火队球员所社会工作他对热火队阿隆索·莫宁成立基金会、“闪电”韦做慈善工作、以及迈阿密海滩担任兼职警察表示了称赞。

    Bush lauded the Heat's work in the community, citing Alonzo Mourning's foundation, Dwyane Wade's charitable work , and O'Neal's part-time job as a police officer in Miami Beach.


  • 罗伯茨摄影师丈夫38·摩已经有了一对2岁龙凤双胞胎——海泽尔和奥斯。

    Roberts and her cameraman husband Danny Moder, 38, are also parents to two-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus.


  • 5年前尔与刚进联盟组队战胜达拉斯

    Five years ago, Shaquille o 'neal teamed with Wade, who was in just his third season, to dispose of Dallas.


  • 包瑞将军早就南方间谍得知麦克道将要对其发动进攻得到消息更多来自女士,这位女士叫罗斯··格林豪(Roseo' NealGreenhow)太太

    General Beauregard received early warning from Confederate spies that McDowell would attack. Much of his information came from a woman, Missus Rose o 'neal Greenhow.


  • 主演:本·西奥··托罗,艾米莉·布朗特,雨果·维文,安东·霍普金斯

    Starring: Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving and Anthony Hopkins.


  • 刚才听到故事运气》作者马克·吐温慢速英语的哈罗?伯尔曼改编讲述故事的是谢

    You have just heard the story "Luck. " It was written by Mark Twain and adapted for Special English by Harold Berman. Your narrator was Shep O'Neal.


  • 交易首先浮出水面。克斯太阳队交易来鲨鱼尔作为响应,达拉斯小牛队也紧跟着交易来贾森·

    The big ones fell first. The Phoenix Suns answered by trading for Shaquille o 'neal. The Dallas Mavericks took a deep breath and acquired Jason Kidd.


  • 腾空了足够薪金空间那些球队可以去追逐詹姆斯波士约翰逊麦蒂阿伦其它一些他们中意球员。

    The teams clearing enough cap space will chase the likes of James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Joe Johnson, Tracy McGrady, o 'neal, Allen and others.


  • 在积极康复中,小奥尔则进行了手术,赛米•埃尔登世锦赛一直受伤病困扰,隆特应该很快就能伤中恢复过来了。

    Shaq is working hard, Jermaine just had surgery, Semih has some lingering issues from the World Championships and Delonte should be back soon from his broken wrist.


  • 尔(伊森·恩布里饰)感恩节爸爸抛弃妈妈男朋友达奇(艾·饰)寄宿学校

    When Doyle (Ethan Embry) is ditched by his dad on Thanksgiving, his mother sends her new boyfriend, Dutch (Ed o 'neill), to pick him up at boarding school.


  • 游荡在奥贝隆海上海盗,维尔多的丈夫。在姆的战斗死亡

    A pirate of the Obello Ocean, and husband of Veldo. Was killed in battle against Denim.


  • 奥尔·英吉利海峡中一岛屿。位于较大的海峡群岛北端,湍急海峡奥尔水道将其法国海岸分开。

    British island in the English channel. The northernmost of the larger channel Islands, it is separated from the French coast by a swift channel, the Race of Alderney.


  • 克里琴科哥哥维塔周末通过击倒古巴奥运会冠军拉·尔·索利斯重获WBC重量级冠军头衔原定于2009年与海耶比赛

    Klitschko, whose brother Vitali retained his WBC heavyweight title by knocking out Cuba's former Olympic champion Odlanier Solis at the weekend, was originally going to fight Haye in 2009.


  • 克劳·奥尔是一工商管理教授指派辅导学习掉队的学校体育运动员

    Claude Olney, a University business professor assigned to tutor failing college athletes, recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day.


  • 许多大公司总裁都表示缺乏信心,在这中间唐纳拉姆斯费尔保罗最为引人注目

    Many of the CEOs, most notably Donald Rumsfeld and Paul O'Neill, proved to be dismal administrators.


  • 伊索尔最近绝地武士团》系列小说中再次登场,主要出现在詹姆斯·卢塞奥创作的《绝地失色莱恩·坎宁安创作的《黑暗旅程》中。

    Isolder recently returned in The New Jedi Order series of novels, particularly Jedi Eclipse by James Luceno and Dark Journey by Elaine Cunningham.


  • 心理学家弗洛伊思想上的影响巨大的,同时,奥尔的戏剧表现主义戏剧千丝万缕的联系

    Psychologist Floyd, Nietzsche enormously influenced o Neal's thought, meanwhile, o 'neal's drama has countless contacts with expressionism drama.


  • Mayo大不到10天,表现得预期要好湖人了这位小将或者更好,长期优势明显

    Mayo, Bynum is ahead of schedule and the Lakers are better right now with him than they would be with a Jason Kidd or Jermaine O'Neal and the long-term advantages are bluntly obvious.


  • Mayo大不到10天,表现得预期要好湖人了这位小将或者更好,长期优势明显

    Mayo, Bynum is ahead of schedule and the Lakers are better right now with him than they would be with a Jason Kidd or Jermaine O'Neal and the long-term advantages are bluntly obvious.


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