• 女友们吹嘘是个“激进分子”,一个地地道道的多米尼加人(虽然阿尔排行榜上排不上名次,可她却是曾经与你拍拖过的第三拉丁美洲人)。

    She brags to her girls that you’re aradical” and a real Dominican (even though on the Plátano Index you wouldn’t rank, Alma being only the third Latina you’ve ever really dated).


  • 琅古一家现在到了繁盛安全开普敦郊区尼尔·沃思

    The Mlungus have moved to the leafy-and safe-southern Cape Town suburb of Kenilworth.


  • 一些具盛名女主角——克拉里莎、伊莎贝尔·阿切尔·包法利安娜·卡列尼娜——都是男人想象产物,这一点并不新奇

    That some of our most canonized heroines—Clarissa Harlowe, Isabel Archer, Emma Bovary, Anna Kareninaare products of male imaginations is not surprising.


  • 明天重返卡内基音乐厅稍小的怀尔演奏厅(WeillRecitalHall)演出肖邦舒曼李斯特巴赫拉赫尼诺夫作品

    Tomorrow he returns to Carnegie Hall, this time in its more modest Weill Recital Hall. He will play works by Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Bach and Rachmaninoff.


  • 法国演员纳尼丝尔洛奖今年邦女郎,在她旁边的是回归的男演员尼尔·克雷格,被认为系列电影带来生命

    French actress Berenice Marlohe will be this year's Bond-girl alongside returning actor Daniel Craig who is credited with breathing new life into the franchise.


  • 尼尔-帕特里克-哈里斯-梅斯扮演夫妻帕特里克和格蕾丝的保护下,它们试图在格格发现它们之前,找到返回村庄

    They take shelter with a married couple, Patrick and Grace, played by Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, and try to find a way back to the village before Gargamel finds them.


  • 几乎是不由自主地向走进近。那时,他看见了——哈里斯·尼尔鸟——一位年40女人

    Almost uncontrollably he made one step closer to her, and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell—a woman well past 40.


  • 珠 穆朗表格功能瑞士艺术家伊沃索尔迪尼工作

    The tables at Everest feature the work of Swiss artist Ivo Soldini.


  • 开幕典礼之后,有免费素食品尝会尼尔公园随即四处可见满满人潮人手一精美素食。

    When the official ceremony was over, a free vegetarian food tasting was held. marronnier park was soon fully occupied with people holding plates filled with vegetarian fare.


  • 这种·汉密尔顿流行风格式尼尔公爵密切交往之后,才成为18世纪漂亮理念的。

    It was a look popularized by Emma Hamilton after she took up with Lord Nelson and became the ideal of what an 18th-century beauty should look like.


  • 贝卢斯科尼表示自己只是帮了比,否认警方施加不当压力。据意大利报纸报道,鲁比真名为卡莉·埃尔·马罗格

    Berlusconi says he helped Ruby, whose real name is reported by Italian newspapers to be Karima el Mahroug, but he denies exerting any improper pressure on police officers.


  • 目前最牛电脑扑士是艾伯塔大学研制的“北极星”,结果位顶级玩家阿里·伊斯“隐形炸弹人”菲尔·拉克(喜欢在比赛中戴一顶风帽)击败。

    The best attempt so far, Polaris, developed by researchers at the University of Alberta, failed to get the better of two top players, Ali Eslami and Phil "Unabomber" Laak (who plays hooded).


  • 汉莎航空公司的餐酒顾问德尔•莫内戈正在分析为参考来选择葡萄酒比如意大利罗尼葡萄酒(Amarone),这种的酒精含量高达15%。

    Mr. Del Monego, Lufthansa's sommelier, is using the analysis to help select wines like Italian Amarone, with a strong 15% alcohol content.


  • 没有迟疑挺起胸膛,说道,“约翰一定尼尔小姐吧。”

    He did not hesitate. He squared his shoulders and said, "I'm John, and you must be Miss Maynell."


  • 其中一研究报告主要作者加拿大温尼伯地区卫生局(Winnipeg RegionalHealthAuthority)的重症护理病房主治医师尔说,我们严重疾病

    This is the most severely ill that we've ever seen people, 'said Anand Kumar, lead author of one of the studies and ICU attending physician for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in Canada.


  • 其中一研究报告主要作者加拿大温尼伯地区卫生局(Winnipeg RegionalHealthAuthority)的重症护理病房主治医师尔说,我们严重疾病

    This is the most severely ill that we've ever seen people, 'said Anand Kumar, lead author of one of the studies and ICU attending physician for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in Canada.


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