• 就算给了一个确实很草率计划说明的时候,店主也拒绝离去

    Even when she gave him a rather cursory explanation of what she intended, the former innkeeper refused to depart.


  • 生活那么好的时候,就算感到压力,消沉或者焦虑的时候,你拥有这样力量

    You still possess this power when life isn't so good, even when you are stressed, depressed or anxious.


  • 创作热情所感动了,使我更加热爱我的写作就算一度被退稿时,我也总会想起这句话

    He said, 'I'm really tired, but I just have to color!' His passion for art reminds me how happy I am to be a writer, and I think of what he said whenever I get a rejection letter.


  • 就算最大的计划遇到挑战问题发生时,还是可以同事们一起通过有效方法解决问题的。

    Even the greatest schemes meet challenges, and when a problem arises it is important to be able to resolve the issue with your workers in a fast and efficient manner.


  • 咖啡没有面包根本就算不上晚餐,公园没有杂草可以菠菜

    Coffee without bread could never honestly serve as supper, and there were no weeds in the park to eat as the spinach.


  • 就算那些有钱购买的人来说,化学杀虫剂不是有效因为种植户发现害虫将大规模出现时候就已经太晚了。

    And even for those who can afford them they are not that effective since, by the time a farmer spots an infestation, it is too late to spray.


  • 就算在那时做完例行表演时清楚地意识不是对待野生动物正确方式

    As it ran through its routine, it was clear to me, even then, that this wasn't the right way to keep a wild animal.


  • 索赔过程只是评估作为一个(索赔处理员管理活动索赔处理员保存评估报告时这个活动就算完成

    The claims process simply treated an assessment as a single activity that was managed by a person (a claims handler), and completed when an assessment report was saved by the claims handler.


  • 那天来临的时候,就算涨价或是全球统一管理不了我们

    When that happens, no pricing or management scheme in the world will save us.


  • 所以投资者担忧欧洲债务危机等情况时,就算实际需求可能不断增强,大宗商品价格仍可能急剧下挫。

    So when investors get worried by things like what's going on in Europe, commodity prices can fall sharply even though actual demand for commodities may be running higher.


  • 零售商打算更高成本转嫁消费者的时候,他们多方采取措施暗示消费者,就算提高价格,商品仍然物超所

    When retailers decide to pass on higher costs to consumers, they are increasingly trying to do so in ways that hint that they still offer value for money.


  • 然而出售需要运输40产品之时,最为小心谨慎航海家可能未知的礁石上。

    When selling products that will take 40 years to deliver, however, even the most cautious navigators can be holed by unchartered reefs.


  • 处在情绪化中,亲密朋友家人靠近

    When she is in such a mood, not even close friends and family members will be able to approach her.


  • 这天到来时,蝙蝠侠的使命就算完成了不再被这座城市所需要了,他可以快乐地退休了

    And when that day come Batman’s job is done and he is no longer needed he can retire happily.


  • 一个在漆黑空气透着些许寒意、发出怪异声音的情景下,经典恐怖片中就算一句简单对白胆大的吓得一身冷汗

    A simple memory of the great horror movie quotes when you're alone and the lights are out or there's a chill in the air and weird sounds are heard, is enough to get the best of us sweating.


  • 就算没有内存溢出,内存消耗很高GC的开销也会很大

    Even when it didn't actually run out of memory, the GC overhead was just too high when memory consumption was high.


  • 现行标准l 70,指出LED只能发出原始亮度70%时,就算寿终正寝了

    The current standard, called L70, refers to the point at which an led is able to generate only 70 percent of the light it originally produced.


  • 有了那个开始投手职员就算也能费城队带进世界职业棒球赛了。

    Hey, with that starting pitching staff, even I could take the Phillies to the World series.


  • 问到拉尔·瓦尼多少岁,西森回答说:”就算他70

    When asked how old Lalvani is, Hissom replies, "Let's just say 70."


  • 煮沸boutillir汤汁沸腾滚动,开始冒泡泡的时候就算煮沸了。

    BOIL , boutillir Liquid is technically at the boil when it is seething, rolling, and sending up bubbles.


  • 3月25日(健康新闻)——研究人员日前确认就算非常儿童感到沮丧的父母他们表露出消极情绪的时候,他们也从中感觉到压力。

    FRIDAY, March 25 (HealthDay News) — Even very young children can get stressed by depressed parents who display negative emotions toward them, researchers confirm.


  • 怪人吃饭披萨饼已经无法令人满足时候 我们还可以吃蛋糕.不是只要蛋糕就行馅饼是满足奇怪趣味的最好的方法.没错就是馅饼.最好的20个富有艺术感的且怪异的蛋糕展示了比你甩Wii更有趣的体验.

    Even geeks have got to eat, and when pizza’s just not enough, there’s cake. Not just any cake either - the surest route to geek satisfaction is a slice of pi.


  • 爱情尽头的时候,就算屁也可以成为分手理由

    When love come to an end, even put a fart can become a reason to break up.


  • 扮演一个角色时,就算最好演员也不是无所不能的。

    Not even the best actors are infinitely versatile when it comes to playing a role.


  • 无论何时满月出现事业时候,温和情况,会意味着一些好的情况。

    Whenever one has a full moon in the house of career, even though fairly friendly, there is always the possibility for something to go wrong.


  • 那个替代者心房的空虚中找到自己位置时,可曾意识就算填补了一时的空虚,她无法我的心中扎根?

    When the substitute got her position in the hole, did she know that the hole is filled, yet she didn't have any root there?


  • 主教练认为名球员无法恢复健康无法首发不会考虑这名是下意识的。

    When a manager feels a player can no longer be relied on to be fit and available he starts to think beyond his injured star, if only subconsciously.


  • 主教练认为名球员无法恢复健康无法首发不会考虑这名是下意识的。

    When a manager feels a player can no longer be relied on to be fit and available he starts to think beyond his injured star, if only subconsciously.


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