• 这样更好理解为什么西班牙时间推移呈现上行态势;而英国,比率围绕长期平均水平波动。

    That would help explain why Spain's price-to-rents ratio has trended upwards over time, in contrast with Britain's, which has fluctuated more obviously around its long-run average.


  • 模型现实某些方面简化表示,通过这种简化分析背后现实容易了,从而最终能够更好理解

    A model is a simplified representation of certain aspects of the reality, and this simplification makes it easier to analyze the underlying reality and ultimately understand it better.


  • 如果客户理解设计,那么理解需求变得更加容易,而且公司可以更好避免短期时间压力造成的过失问题。

    If the customer understands design debt, it is much easier to articulate the need to pay it back, and organizations can better avoid incurring inordinate debt caused by short-term time pressure.


  • 获取一个更广视野理解美国从过去年间反恐战争”中得到的教训而言,再没有基尔卡伦的精彩著述更好的了。

    For a wider perspective on the lessons drawn over the past seven years of the "war on terror", the reader can do no better than turn to Mr Kilcullen's excellent book.


  • 自从广泛社会挑战当做一系列小范围更为温和的变革可以被更好理解时,组织理论学者卡尔·韦克强调寻求小规模改善”的优点的重要性。

    The organizational theorist Karl Weick highlights the virtue of seeking "small wins," since broad social challenges are better understood as a series of narrower, more tractable ones.


  • 自从广泛社会挑战当做一系列小范围更为温和的变革可以被更好理解时,组织理论学者卡尔·韦克强调寻求小规模改善”的优点的重要性。

    The organizational theorist Karl Weick highlights the virtue of seeking "small wins, " since broad social challenges are better understood as a series of narrower, more tractable ones.


  • 一般浏览网页用户那么首先记住通过设计出来图像页面这样更好地设计出一个独特、清晰易于理解的页面图像。

    Users in general browsing the web, then, first of all to remember is by design buccal rose out of the image of the page, so it is better to design a unique, clear and easy to understand page image.


  • 这种学习产生了依赖于样知识形成了课文中的原理更好理解

    Such learning produced knowledge that was dependent on example, and developed better understanding to the principles in the text.


  • 一定相信确有能力得更快理解更好那么一定能做到

    You must believe that you indeed have the ability to read faster and understand more, and that you will.


  • 本文英语谚语常见几种修辞手法进行归纳总结,以便帮助我们更好学习运用欣赏英语谚语,提高英语的理解表达能力以及文学鉴赏能力。

    This paper classifies several common rhetorical means so as to help us learn, use and enjoy Engh 'sh proverbs, and improve the abilities to understand and express English and appreciate literature.


  • 为了便于有关人员理解标准主要内容,更好使用标准,标准制定过程中的有关问题部分条款做了简要说。

    For the sake of understanding and using the standard better, some explanations to the articles of the standard and some related questions raised during the draft period are given.


  • 虽然日记作者试图事情发生不久记录他们感受,但是日记作者很久才能努力尝试更好理解发生他们身上的事。

    While dairy writers try to record how they feel very soon after things happen, journal writers try to better understand what has happened to them much later.


  • 本文结合分析现代语法状语管领词采用了新的划分方法,并认为这种方法可能会更好地帮助语篇的分析和理解

    Through the combination of discourse analysis and modern grammar, this paper develops a new principle of classifying the governors of adverbials and believes that it may serve a bette.


  • 说:“这种感觉亲近气氛,特别是接受并且理解我们处境气氛结合起来,然后放在这样一个节日氛围里,这种感觉更好了。

    When you combine that in an intimate atmosphere… that is accepting and understanding of our situation and you set it up on a holiday like that, it becomes even more of a good feeling, " he says."


  • 理解依赖依靠就更好一点。

    Look to here equals to depend on or rely on.


  • 本文访谈提到几个重要问题进行个人解读,对一些问题进行介绍解释,目的帮助读者更好理解这个访谈所涉及重要内容。

    The aim of this paper is to explain and interpret the key issues raised in the interview, by giving a personal explanation and interpretation of these issues.


  • 本文访谈提到几个重要问题进行个人解读,对一些问题进行介绍解释,目的帮助读者更好理解这个访谈所涉及重要内容。

    The aim of this paper is to explain and interpret the key issues raised in the interview, by giving a personal explanation and interpretation of these issues.


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