• 如果没有我们难以实现可伸缩性目标

    We could not have reached our scalability goals without it.


  • 如果星期仅仅是必须完成件事,那么你真的可以精力放到上面去实现

    If you just have to accomplish one thing this week, you can really put your energy into making it happen.


  • 你们很多人梦境经常进行时间旅行,在里面蕴含着如何意识扩展状态最实现关键

    Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the key to how it will be optimally done in expansive conscious states.


  • 如果通过手机实现国内国外金钱转移一业务开始起飞意义远远超过服务索韦托发廊

    If the transfer of money by mobile phone-between countries as well as within them-takes off, it could have implications far beyond the salons of Soweto.


  • 日本可能依靠出口实现进一步增长日本受惠于出口泡沫一点来说国外需求不可能回到原来的水平

    Nor can Japan rely on exports for future growth; to the extent that it had enjoyed an export bubble, foreign demand will not return to its previous level.


  • 如果期望更好工作并且认为应该有份那样的工作,了解之前开始采取措施努力实现

    If you wish you had a better job and believe that you're worthy of one, then before you know it, you'll take the steps to bring it about.


  • 人们要一种参与感那么帮助实现

    People want to feel engaged, so help make that happen.


  • 如果发现自己已经畏手畏脚、焦头烂额,甚至自惭形秽认为那个伟大想法”是不可能实现时候放弃转而尝试新的挑战了。

    Quit. If you find yourself so afraid, so burned-out, so cynical that you can't believe a big idea is about to happen, it is time to move on to the next challenge.


  • 中投在2007年并没有准备着实现一使命出现第一亏损重击了

    The CIC was unprepared for its mission in 2007, losing moneyhand over fist in the first year of its existence.


  • 他们我们实现付费限制之前运用了这种方法因为这种做法并不是我们的启发,我们只是利用了一下

    They had made this feature available prior to us going pay, so it’s not like it was inspired by us per se. We’re just taking advantage of it.


  • 如果央行开始非常诚实提前告知人们,最终扭转自己政策,那么或许永远都无法实现提高通胀率这个第一目标。

    If the central bank were honest from the start and pre-announced that it would eventually reverse its policy, it might never reach its goal of higher inflation in the first place.


  • 不是一个完整程序因为缺少实现但是的确显示了使框架序所需要的东西

    This isn't a complete program because it is missing the handler implementation, but it does show what exactly is needed to put the framework into place.


  • 其中解决方案希腊规模大得多援助资金,条件是一旦该国债务累累的经济体开始复苏实现增长作为回报,必须拿出更多资金偿还债务,哈佛大学经济学教授肯尼斯·罗格夫支持这个方案。

    One solution is to give Greece a much bigger bailout in exchange for bigger payments once its heavily indebted economy begins to heal and grow, as Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff has suggested.


  • 实现而言PHP允许管理Web服务器负责实现并发

    In implementation terms, PHP lets its governing Web server take responsibility for the concurrency.


  • 一个饱受争议的规范因为的庞大增加了复杂性许多用户实现(包括自己)都除非xpath 2.0得到很大简化,否则避免使用

    It is a very controversial specification because of its enormous added complexity; many users and implementors (including me) say they will avoid XPath 2.0 unless it is greatly simplified.


  • 规定福布斯传媒必须做到件事:首先卖出在线金融辞典Investopedia;其次撤换CEO史蒂夫·福布斯;要么实现某些财务指标

    It stipulated that one of three things had to happen: the sale of Investopedia, an online financial dictionary; the replacement of Steve Forbes as CEO; or the achievement of certain financial targets.


  • 暂时先不谈实现上的缺陷SyncLockTest首先构想上存在缺陷——误解回答问题

    Ignoring for the moment the implementation flaws, SyncLockTest also suffers from a more serious, conceptual flawit misunderstands the question it is trying to answer.


  • 函数实现表明,如果用户idbeauvoir试图一个与数据库服务器相同ip地址远程客户机进行连接那么阻塞

    The implementation of this function says if the userid beauvoir tries to connect from a remote client that has an IP address that is the same as the IP address of the database server, then block it.


  • 要让这个目标可达范围不然绝对无法保持实现动力

    Attainable. You want the goal to be within reach, otherwise you'll never stay motivated to achieve it.


  • 要去实现的时候,你获得动力

    When you wish to realize it, you get the motivation.


  • 马克思研究剩余价值怎样产生的时候,先假定商品的价值出卖,假定商品包含多少剩余价值,实现多少剩余价值。

    Marx supposes that all commodities are sold at its full value, and that the surplus value contained in them is fully realized when he studies how the surplus value comes into being.


  • 如果足够相信自己并且知道自己想要什么,那么你一定实现

    If you believe in yourself enough and know what you want, you're going to make it happen.


  • 今天实现写作梦想。没有什么延误梦想直到永远消失更悲伤的了。

    Realize your writing dream today. There's nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever.


  • 质疑恐惧制造障碍,阻碍能量的运行来对你显示正在的事情,让不能完全按照的意图立刻实现自己。

    It is your doubts and fears that create blocks in the energy flow so claim your manifestation as being done, completed, final and in your reality as soon as you desire it.


  • 只要不死死里学。出来嘲笑梦想实现价值

    As long as the undead, went to the dead. Say it will be laughed at dream to realize the value of it.


  • 没有战术上成功场战役无法实现作战目标

    Without tactical success, a campaign cannot achieve its operational goals.


  • 如果直接告诉她,如果你有梦想马上实现

    IF You love her, just tell her. IF You dream something, just do it!


  • 在内灵魂中认识会让身体开始行动之前已经以内视野看到实现

    KNOWING this within your Soul makes you able to see it fulfilled with your inner vision before your body has started doing it.


  • 实现考虑性能问题,可以处理大量数据

    Is was written with performance in mind and can handle large amounts of data.


  • 实现考虑性能问题,可以处理大量数据

    Is was written with performance in mind and can handle large amounts of data.


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进来说说原因吧 确定