• 愤怒开始吞噬的时候,你不放的时间就太长了。

    When the anger starts to consume you, you've held onto it for too long.


  • 一生的,如果卑劣地过短的一生,

    29 human life is short, but if despicable in this short life, it too long.


  • 生活,若妄度年华, 则短暂的人的生活

    The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long .


  • 例如15分钟小组来说不成问题,小时

    For example, 15 minutes might work for your team, but eight hours is probably too long.


  • 一生的,但如果卑劣地过这短短的一生,

    The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long .


  • 总的来说,延时超过6个月目标对于保持兴趣动力来说

    In general, goals that stretch out beyond 6 months are too long to keep you interested and motivated.


  • 一生的,如果卑劣地过短的一生,。——莎翁。

    Person's life is short, but if despicable to this short life, would be too long.


  • 人生短,若虚度年华- - -威廉·莎士比亚英国剧作家

    The time of life is short; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long — William Shakespeare, English dramatist.


  • 连衣裙走路地上

    This dress is too longit drags on the ground when I walk.


  • 昨天春运火车票第一天,买票的人并未花时间排队等候不少车次的票很快售完了。

    NO one had to wait too long in the queue when Spring Festival rail tickets went on sale yesterday, but many routes sold out quickly.


  • 不幸的是,果实树上落下不能保存太长时间,34天后开始发酵

    Unfortunately, the fruit does not keep long when off the tree and will start to ferment after about 3 or 4 days.


  • 我而言截止点(cutoff point)大约50代码有些开发人员如果方法需要向下滚动整整一天才能完,那么该方法

    For me, the cutoff point is more like 50 lines of code, whereas some developers would say that a method is too long if it requires you to scroll down to see its entire body.


  • 即将推出小说The13thHour》,他认为它的篇幅,因此不会让它成为视频增强版。

    He has written a forthcoming novel, "the 13th Hour," that he thinks is too long to lend itself to the video-enhanced format.


  • 分钟人感觉总是指望这部电影会墨菲以往拍得这么好玩。 墨菲电视上带给人愉快

    With a running time of 140 minutes that feels even longer, the film is hardly the playful frolic you'd hope for from Murphy, whose Glee is often 42 of the most joyous minutes on television.


  • 如果眼球那么眼睛晶状体无法光线聚集视网膜正确位置,人类也无法接收清晰图像

    If the eyeball is too long, the eye's lens can't focus the light in the right part of the retina to process images clearly.


  • 但是压力大,或者处于压力下的时间太长没有好处

    But too much stress or being under stress for too long isn't good for you.


  • 看电视玩手机时间,将“占用的时间,办法更多积极的事情了,”

    Too much TV or iPhone action "displaces your time so that you're not able to... do more positive things," she says.


  • 如果吞吐量目标满足了,但是暂停时间那么选择设定最大暂停时间目标。

    If the throughput goal can be met, but there are pauses that are too long, then select a maximum pause time goal.


  • 减小带宽时有一个实际限制如果测量时间太长,测量容易受到时间温度漂移其它误差的影响。

    There is a practical limit to reducing bandwidth since very long - term measurements become susceptible to other errors, such as time and temperature drift.


  • 咱俩之间说说帮子头发实在

    Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long.


  • 如果觉得抬高身后或者身子不往后倾,拉不住马,那么是你的缰

    If you find you cannot get any 'tug' without raising your hands higher or pulling them behind yourself or leaning back, your REINS are way too long.


  • 咱俩之间说说小伙子头发实在

    Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long.


  • 篇文章大刀阔斧吧。

    This article is too long. You HAD better shorten it drastically.


  • 等的时间所以多年他们放弃了。

    There are so many people wanting them the waiting time would be too long so they abandoned it years ago.


  • 房子了,其实自己需要一半大够了;打扫时间了,要花费的时间;往返上班的时间太长了,以前每天只要30分钟现在需要小时

    A house that's twice as big requires twice as long to clean, and the commuting time to your office is now two hours a day instead of 30 minutes.


  • 一路上尽量中文交流,的中文句子又,他听不懂,我没有耐心直接英文了。

    During the flight, he tried his best to use Chinese to speak to me. Because I spoke Chinese too fast and the sentences are too long, I have no patient and so I use English directly.


  • 有人数到“之前已经开始喊了,或者有人声音拖但是最后我们还是找到了一个十分有效的办法。

    There was always someone who began before three or who went on too long, but in the end we were managing something fairly efficient.


  • 第三我们大英博物馆唐人街喝茶,不过那里很真的挺无聊的,所以我们没有时间直接去唐人街喝茶啦!

    On the third day, we went to China Town, and British Musuem, which seemed to be not that interested us. So we didnt spend too much time on the BRITISH MUSEUM.


  • 第三我们大英博物馆唐人街喝茶,不过那里很真的挺无聊的,所以我们没有时间直接去唐人街喝茶啦!

    On the third day, we went to China Town, and British Musuem, which seemed to be not that interested us. So we didnt spend too much time on the BRITISH MUSEUM.


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