• E !——对于戴珊一琼·里弗斯来说就像家一样网络——没有什么奥斯卡颁奖更盛大日子了。

    At e! - the network home to the Kardashians and Joan Rivers - there is no day bigger than the Oscars.


  • 米兰——科比·布莱恩特NBA停摆期间效力意大利有可能的”而且这个对科比来说一样因为小时候在那里时间。

    MILAN -kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.


  • 希望在这里自己家一样

    I hope you can make yourself at home here.


  • 许多奖项比如基础物理学奖,都是互联网企业银行账户资助的,这些账户里的资金余额就像电话号码一样长。

    Many, like the Fundamental Physics Prize, are funded from the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet entrepreneurs.


  • 新闻编辑室里,记者以及新闻助理坐在一起,坐在报社的新闻编辑室里一样

    In the news room I am sitting with reporters and news-subs, as though I am sitting in a newspaper news room.


  • 霍布斯公民可能冒险的,就像乔治·华盛顿安德鲁·卡内基一样

    The Hobbesian citizen is not likely to be a risk-taker, like George Washington or Andrew Carnegie.


  • 就像西方女性主义弗洛伊德人类心理模型批评一样韩国的批评文章认为弗洛伊德理论受文化限制,与西方理论引用的理论有所不同

    Like the Western feminist critique of the Freudian model of the human psyche, the Korean critique finds Freudian theory culture-bound, but in ways different from those cited by Western theorists.


  • 19世纪某个时间开始更多艺术开始认为幸福毫无意义,是虚假的,最糟糕是有人认为它很无趣就像我们从华兹华斯的《咏水仙波德莱尔的《之花》中读到的一样

    But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, boring, as we went from Wordsworth's Daffodils to Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil.


  • 古老中所唱,没有地方会像家一样不是因为实际地产价值,而是因为它所提供的庇护养育的感觉。

    Like the old song says, there's no place like home, not because of the real estate, but because of the sense of shelter and nurture that it provides.


  • 就像这些一样妻子以及同事远离我们可以叫做地方

    Like these men, my wife and I and my coworkers are all far away from anywhere we might call home.


  • 然后走进一布莱克沃特旅舍一样地方沿着克里走着,科克道恩的全爱尔兰足球决赛开始一样

    And then I’d walk into somewhere like the Blackwater Tavern, along the back roads of Kerry, just as the all-Ireland football finals between Cork and Down were beginning.


  • 超级妈妈,我管理总裁打理一间公司一样

    I am a supermom, and I run my home like a CEO manages a corporation.


  • 于是晚上,自己弟弟妹妹间屋子中,那架势看上去就像一个冷酷无情的老板拯救快要破产公司一样

    And so one night, he closed the door to his room and evaluated his brothers and sisters as if he were a cold-hearted boss sent in to turn around a failing company.


  • 其他事全部忘掉重新变成一个彻底美国人戈特韦兰一样和你令人愉快母亲以及今晚在这里所有其他的好人一样

    I want to forget everything else, to become a complete American again, like the Mingotts and Wellands, and you and your delightful mother, and all the other good people here tonight.


  • 布莱恩借此他们结实,甚至被他们雇用房顶就像大多数儿童绑架案一样罪犯是伊丽莎白认识

    Mitchell got to know the family, and they even hired him to repair their roof. Like most child abductors, the perpetrator was someone the victim knew.


  • 同性恋名人可能轻易信任成群结队乐队指挥导演助手他们一旦攀上出色的作曲粘在旗舰底下的海藻一样不肯松手。

    No famous person who was gay could give his or her trust readily to the hordes of conductors, directors and fixers who cling to a good composer like barnacles to a flagship.


  • 但是却很少推销他本人——整个世界的批评一样

    But King sells himself short - as do literary critics the world over.


  • 弟弟现在必须负担起这一责任就像对待自己成长中的儿女们一样特别是很快发现埃塞尔实在无法应付这样的难题。

    His brother now had to assume responsibility for them as well as for his own growing family, particularly when it soon became evident that his sister-in-law, Ethel, could not cope.


  • 毕竟电视服务语音服务一样能够任何一公司通过网络管线所经营。

    After all, video services, like voice services, can be delivered over broadband pipes by other companies too.


  • 话说,繁荣期的银行信用扩张促使企业行动起来真实储蓄增加一样事实上储蓄没有增加。

    In other words, bank-credit expansion during the boom period encourages entrepreneurs to act as if savings had increased when in fact this is not the case.


  • 蓝调音乐脚踏音乐节拍一样斑马鱼能够学会跟着闪光节奏左右摆动尾巴——并且熄灭之后还记得这些节拍。

    Like a blues musician tapping his foot to the music, zebrafish can learn to flap their tails to the rhythm of a flashing lightand remember the beat after the light has gone out.


  • 经历一个连续混合过程企业发明产品将其付诸生产一样

    It goes through a constant process of discombobulation as entrepreneurs invent new products and processes.


  • 探险对外宣称他们计划殖民一个尚未发现一样

    It was as if a group of explorers had announced plans to settle a country that had not yet been discovered.


  • 这个想法苏格兰水厂建立非营利性控股公司就像威尔士水厂和英国铁路公司现在的组织形式一样

    This is to create a not-for-profit holding company for Scottish Water, rather as Welsh Water and Network Rail are organised now.


  • 多种方式换言之这个故事里航海之歌》一样结局有很多种可能

    There are a variety of ways, in other words, in which this story, just like The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, could end.


  • 就像它们远房表亲那些傲慢的小说家一样许多相机回避数码的便利,他们更喜欢舒服暗室芳香的成

    Like their distant Cousins the snooty novelists, many camera buffs eschew digital for the comfort of darkrooms and the aroma of developer fluid.


  • 就像它们远房表亲那些傲慢的小说家一样许多相机回避数码的便利,他们更喜欢舒服暗室芳香的成

    Like their distant Cousins the snooty novelists, many camera buffs eschew digital for the comfort of darkrooms and the aroma of developer fluid.


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