• 那个国家就业统计最好的猜测差不多

    Employment statistics in that country amount to little more than best guess.


  • 即便如此严格的就业统计数据存在瑕疵。

    But even those career statistics can have their flaws.


  • 国家就业统计医院作为主要雇主一直亮点雇佣开始放缓

    As major employers, hospitals had been among the bright spots in the country's job statistics, but their hiring is also starting to slow.


  • 斯隆找到一些面对严峻就业统计数据但仍决定读法学院学生

    Sloan pins down a handful of students who've made the decision to go to law school, despite the grim employment statistics.


  • 培训就业统计私营企业个体工商统计利用行政登记资料加工汇总。

    Statistics on training, employment, private enterprises and self-employed individuals are collected and complied on basis of administrative registering records.


  • 不过青少年男性穷人黑人就业统计结果就糟糕了,而尤为令人郁闷的则属上述特点于一身的群体了。

    Figures are worse, however, for those who are teenagers, male, poor or black. Those with a combination of these traits have particularly glum statistics.


  • 最新官方就业统计数据显示最后季度全职女性人数下降了5.3万人,而同比男性下降了3.6万人。

    The latest official employment statistics show that the number of women in full-time work fell by 53, 000 in the last quarter, compared with a fall of 36, 000 for men.


  • 劳动部分支机构,职业就业统计中心介绍,从事笔译口译人数将会2004年的25000增加2012年的50000。

    The number of translator and interpreter jobs went from about 25,000 to 50,000 between 2004 and 2012, according to Occupational Employment Statistics, a Labor Department subsidiary.


  • 这里输入译文官方统计就业市场每年新入800,000年轻人只有650,000退休人员退出劳动力市场。

    According to official statistics, roughly 800, 000 young people arrive on the job market every year, with only 650, 000 pensioners quitting the Labour market.


  • 第二这种通常统计噪声来源于试图估量一个巨大的数字就像通过方法得到美国就业人数

    The second is that this is the usual statistical noise you get from trying to measure a huge number like the number of employed Americans through two different methods.


  • 就业市场好转——上月失业率数据点点下降也许只是统计彩头

    And the job market still hasn't turned around - that slight dip in the measured unemployment rate last month was probably a statistical fluke.


  • 盖洛普就业不足指数统计包括了传统意义上的失业人口还有那些到处找打零工的人口。

    Gallup's Underemployment Index captures traditional unemployment, as well as those who are employed part-time but seeking additional work.


  • 然而这种公司针对某行业就业增幅却是不可统计的。

    But it is impossible to tell how much of the employment growth at these kinds of firms relates to a particular industry.


  • 今早BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics)【劳工统计局】2008年度一月份的就业形势报告中失业率为4.9。

    In this morning's BLS employment Situation report for Jan 2008, the unemployment rate is 4.9.


  • 比尔·盖茨作了一项得到资深经济学家证实的统计每个获得H 1 B签证创造五个普通美国人就业机会。

    Bill Gates calculates, and respectable economists agree, that every foreigner who is given an H1B visa creates jobs for five regular Americans.


  • 2009年3月-各地区人口统计数字的差异劳动力就业岗位流动带来更大压力

    March 2009 -demographic differences across regions will increase global pressures for labor and job mobility.


  • 美国房价就业增长率每一个统计数据几乎有所减弱。

    In America virtually every statistic, from house prices to job growth, has weakened.


  • 为了解释一做法他们经常引用统计数字这些企业如何创造大部分就业岗位的。

    To explain this approach, they often quote statistics about how the overwhelming majority of job creation comes from these enterprises.


  • 查看一下统计样本数量,参考班级中已经就业毕业生比例,以及他们的工作类型。

    Check the sample size, look at the percentage of the class with jobs, and look at what jobs they're getting.


  • 六月份就业情况统计数据表明失业增长速度正在减缓。

    The June figures did show continued slowing in the pace of job losses.


  • 尽管这些资金大量涌入,但房价实际上已经再次出现了下跌就业市场的情况官方统计显示的要糟糕得多

    Despite this flood of money, housing prices have actually started falling again, and the jobs picture is much worse than the official figures suggest.


  • 统计)失业率(时)那些失去工作放弃寻找工作的人排除在外;同时排除了那些可能被雇佣但因为没有主动求职而被看做“积极”工作的潜在就业人员。

    It also excludes potential new entrants to the labor market who would like to be employed, but are not actively looking for work since they do not expect to find anything.


  • 劳工局统计数据表明,除了有14%的人像斯科特·尼克尔森一样失业,正在工作外,还有23%甚至准备就业了。

    Apart from the 14 percent who are unemployed and seeking work, as Scott Nicholson is, 23 percent are not even seeking a job, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


  • 劳工统计这份报告中也包括了对前年数据修正虽然就业增长看起来好过之前,但就业水平显得更糟了

    The BLS included its annual revision of the previous year's data in this report, and while job growth over the year looks stronger than before, the level of employment looks worse.


  • 本周早些时候,份ADP报告显示私营部门一月份就业上升了187,000个;而美国劳工统计局给出数字为50,000。

    Earlier this week, an ADP report indicated that private sector employment rose by 187, 000 in January; the BLS pegged the figure at just 50, 000.


  • 本周早些时候,份ADP报告显示私营部门一月份就业上升了187,000个;而美国劳工统计局给出数字为50,000。

    Earlier this week, an ADP report indicated that private sector employment rose by 187,000 in January; the BLS pegged the figure at just 50,000.


  • 本周早些时候,份ADP报告显示私营部门一月份就业上升了187,000个;而美国劳工统计局给出数字为50,000。

    Earlier this week, an ADP report indicated that private sector employment rose by 187,000 in January; the BLS pegged the figure at just 50,000.


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