• 工作的口风。

    I wanted to sound him out about a job.


  • 圣诞节没有他们消息

    There's been no word from them since before Christmas.


  • 这么说我们就一点办法没有了?

    So there's nothing we can do about it?


  • 战前直住在那里

    She's lived there since before the war.


  • 自从十四五岁萨拉小病不断

    Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses since her mid teens.


  • 然而就一点而言,态度坚决的。

    On one issue, however, she was immovable.


  • 工厂关闭以来这些机器闲置着。

    These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.


  • 为什么人们心目中教授定健忘呢?

    Why are professors stereotyped as absent-minded?


  • 过,自那以后害怕狗。

    I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since.


  • 双方未能份总结报告措辞达成

    The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report.


  • 当时梳头,头发簇簇地了下来

    I was combing my hair and it was just falling out in clumps.


  • 14研究投资股票市场

    He's been studying and playing the stock market since he was 14.


  • 自从8时起,爸爸不在其中。

    His dad had been out of the picture since he was eight.


  • 扔下他自己市场件衬衫讨价还价。

    I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt.


  • 孩提时代起生活网球为中心。

    Since childhood, her life has revolved around tennis.


  • 1979年起,玫瑰农场出售袖珍玫瑰

    Rosehill Farm has been selling miniature roses since 1979.


  • 超速罚单警察斗殴大学停学

    He was suspended for a year from the university after brawling with police over a speeding ticket.


  • 想到我们将要面临各种可能脑子就一片混乱。

    The mind boggles at the possibilities that could be in store for us.


  • 如果注意到了那些预警征兆这种不会发生了。

    If I had noticed the warning signs , none of this would have happened.


  • 如果已经人,莎拉他杀的了吗?”这句话道理

    "If he'd already killed once, surely he'd have killed Sarah?" She had a point there.


  • 如果有人愿意成为精英那么不定他们改变主意

    If someone doesn't choose to be part of the elites, it's unclear to me that you can persuade them to change their mind.


  • 回顾俺小半生不得不,俺悲剧不过可悲从前,可悲的是历史

    Looking back at the first half of my life I have to admit that I am just a tragedy. But the good point is it was the past the history that was pathetic.


  • 回顾俺小半生不得不,俺悲剧不过可悲从前,可悲的历史

    Looking back at the first half of my life, I have to admit that I am just a tragedy. But the good point is it was the past, the history that was pathetic.


  • 两国的出口商至少初步目标达成在内部市场中利用统货币消除汇率风险,包括竞争性贬值在内。

    French and German exporters at least agreed on a more modest goal: a single currency to end exchange-rate risks within the internal market, including competitive devaluations.


  • 虽然大豆的细胞内含有脂肪物质,可以提取后加工成生物燃料但是就一英亩面积而言,光合微生物的产油量要大豆高将近250

    Some plants, such as soybeans, also store fats and can be used as fuel sources, but photosynthetic microbes produce nearly 250 times more fat per acre.


  • 总之,绝没有那回事;吉姆了苹果之后,安然爬下树来;那条大狗,也早准备,那条狗过来,他就一砖头扔过去,打了个四仰八叉。

    Oh! No; he stole as many apples as he wanted and came down all right; and he was all ready for the dog too, and knocked him endways11 with a brick when he came to tear him.


  • 要求首相决定议会作出解释

    The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament.


  • 昨天华盛顿邮报主题发表了社论。

    Yesterday the Washington Post editorialized on this subject.


  • 做不了数学。我大脑空白。

    I cannot do maths. I've got a mental block about it.


  • 要是

    If the door won't open, give it a kick.


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