• 一个有趣故事尤其描绘的那些幽默的,有创意小说现实关系

    Nim's Island "is a fun story, particularly in its playful, creative sense of the relationship between fiction and reality."


  • 尽管这个战斗口号背后取得了巨大学术成就,但关于故事流行神话——尤其关于缺少历史记录女性——需要修正

    Despite the great scholarly gains made behind the rallying cry, herstory's popular mythparticularly about the lack of women who have recorded historyrequire revision.


  • 指出许多年轻人尤其不愿意学校冒险担心一次考试分数成绩他们失去进入名牌大学的机会。

    She noted, many young people are especially risk averse at schoolafraid that one low test score or mediocre grade could cost them a spot at a selective university.


  • 然而指出许多年轻人尤其愿意学校冒险担心考试分数成绩他们失去进入名牌大学的机会。

    Yet, she noted, many young people are especially unwilling to take risks at school afraid that one low test score or poor grade could cost them a spot at a selective university.


  • 喜爱各种运动尤其游泳

    She loves all sports, especially swimming.


  • 尤其喜欢天生魅力

    She liked him above all for his effortless charm.


  • 一直想着农场尤其那些动物。

    She thought about the farm all the time, especially the animals.


  • 海蒂已经信任管家尤其因为发现和管家相似之处。

    Heidi had already great confidence in the butler, especially on account of the resemblance she had discovered.


  • 尤其喜欢用旧牛仔裤做手提包。

    She especially likes to use old jeans to make handbags.


  • 鼓励各个年龄段的人,尤其是老年人,培养自己对生活的好奇心。

    She encourages people of all ages, especially older people, to cultivate their curiosity for life.


  • 尤其那些需要付出努力事情比如特意为你的朋友了一知道/喜欢的书。

    This is especially true of small things that show effort, such as going out of your way to buy your friend a book that you know he or she will like.


  • 为中国女排的队长,朱婷帮助国家队赢得了两次世界杯冠军和一次奥运会金牌。朱婷说,并不总是一个天才,尤其是在开始的时候。

    As the leader of the Chinese women's national volleyball team, who helped the national team win two World Cup titles and one Olympic gold medal, Zhu said that she wasn't always a talent, especially at the beginning.


  • 预测道:“婚利尤其受到皇室婚礼的影响,而且这个完了之后还有一个等着呢。”

    Weddings in particular were all heavily influenced after that royal wedding, and they will be again after this one, ” she predicts.


  • 曾经有一治疗师指出他们夫妻二人对待儿子并未完全保持一致,涉及纪律尤其如此;通常丈夫态度更为纵容。

    One therapist noted that they were not entirely consistent around their son, especially when it came to discipline; she was generally more permissive than her husband.


  • 佩里喜欢体育尤其爱好篮球打算主攻体育管理专业。

    Active in sports, particularly basketball, Perry intends to focus her studies on sports management.


  • 做成木乃伊方法令人们解开死因之谜尤其困难

    The mystery has been particularly difficult to resolve because of the way the body was mummified.


  • 以前就听说难以美国共事尤其难以让人接受。

    I have heard that American people are hard to work with, but she is especially rude and overbearing.


  • 尤其著名挑衅架式:双稳若磐石,缓手后斗篷,冷看斗牛飞扑而

    She was known especially for her verónicas, slow backward swings of the cape with both feet rock-steady as the bull raced towards her, almost upon her.


  • 门罗女士(原名爱丽斯·雷德洛,Alice Laidlaw)1931年出生于安大略省尤其擅长短篇小说

    Ms Munro, born Alice Laidlaw in Ontario in 1931, is especially good at writing short fiction.


  • 记者兼民众自由人士的纳特·亨托夫(NatHentoff)就说道,“照情形,最慈祥的特蕾莎修女貌似可疑尤其双手铐在身后时”。

    Nat Hentoff, a journalist and civil libertarian, says that “under such circumstances even Mother Teresa would look extremely suspicious, especially if her hands were cuffed behind her back.”


  • 尤其家人朋友一起的时候在该回家时候回家,的时候家人或朋友介绍你自己

    Especially if she lives with her parents or friends, make sure you have her back at proper time, make sure when you do go to pick her up, introduce yourself to her friends or family.


  • 甚至丈夫尤其的丈夫,

    Even her husband. Especially her husband, she said.


  • 除了工作电脑帮助联系其他人尤其伦敦外孙女

    Apart from work, computers help her communicate with other people, particularly with her granddaugter from London.


  • 赞赏尊敬——对人们的热情承诺尤其两个儿子的付出。

    I admired and respected her — for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her devotion to her two boys.


  • 糟糕的莫过于,像失控似地开始向人家表白,说你上百理由爱上。。。尤其你根本不了解人家的时候。

    The worse thing you can do is break down and start confessing your love for a hundreds of reasonsespecially when you don’t really know her.


  • 其实这些衣物全都不错,做工精细,磨损极少美的艺术眼光却不能忍受尤其这个冬天穿紫色校服布满没有饰边。

    Everything was good, well made, and little worn, but Amy's artistic eyes were much afflicted, especially this winter, when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming.


  • 其实这些衣物全都不错,做工精细,磨损极少美的艺术眼光却不能忍受尤其这个冬天穿紫色校服布满没有饰边。

    Everything was good, well made, and little worn, but Amy's artistic eyes were much afflicted, especially this winter, when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming.


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