• 为了了解不同国家对于外表态度,明泰调查公司分析师们英国的25000名男性女性以及法国德国西班牙10000名男性和女性进行了调查

    As a part of the research, analysts surveyed 25, 000 men and women in the UK and 10, 000 in France, Germany and Spain in a bid to reveal attitudes to looks.


  • 为了了解不同国家对于外表态度,明泰调查公司分析师们英国的25000名男性女性以及法国德国西班牙10000名男性和女性进行了调查

    As a part of the research, analysts surveyed 25,000 men and women in the UK and 10,000 in France, Germany and Spain in a bid to reveal attitudes to looks.


  • 市场研究公司最近进行调查表明,有37%34以下女性为了消除岁月留下的痕迹使用美容产品,而且用方面的花费每年都在增加

    A recent survey by Mintel, a market-research company, concluded that 37% of women under the age of 34 use products intended to stave off signs of ageing-and they spend more as the years go by.


  • 根据埃德公共关系公司值得信任机构年度调查,“这样的人们值得信赖的,排名超过传统媒体其他信息来源

    According to the public relations company Edelman's annual survey of trusted institutions, "people like me" are considered the most reliable, ranked above traditional media and other sources.


  • 蒙哥首席实验室委员会一家公司员工抱怨有些瓶装臭味所导致的疾病后建立了一项调查

    Montreal-based C-crest Laboratories Inc. conducted the research after a company employee complained of a foul taste and illness after drinking some bottled water.


  • 根据项来自福瑞斯特市场调查公司统计:44%的欧洲消费者表示对捆绑式服务没有兴趣,49%的人表示如果折扣可能会有兴趣。

    In a survey it carried out, 44% of European consumers said they were not interested in such service bundles, though 49% said they might be interested if there was a discount.


  • 主持检查工作奥列格·米特·弗曾经负责调查荷兰皇家壳牌公司萨哈林二号项目2006年污染环境事件。

    Leading the inspection will be Oleg Mitvol, who also investigated Royal Dutch Shell for its environmental violations in 2006 on the site of its Sakhalin-2 project.


  • 航空发言人安东尼。伯莱克公司正在进行内部调查名飞行员已经停飞

    Anthony Black, a Delta spokesman, said the two pilots have been suspended from flying while the airline conducts an internal investigation.


  • 英国明特市场调查公司对2000名“银发网友进行研究后发现超过三分之一55岁以上网友访问YouTube网站免费观看视频

    The study of 2, 000 older internet users by researcher Mintel found that more than a third of men and women over 55 also visited sites like YouTube to watch videos for free.


  • 除了欧盟罚款,英特还面临联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)的调查,该公司表示现在有点搞不清楚什么样经营策略能够获得允许

    The chip maker, which faces a Federal Trade Commission investigation in addition to the EU battle, says it has become less clear what business tactics will be viewed as permissible.


  • 新罕布什民意调查中的支持率开始下降,我希拉里决定接受邀请参加哥伦比亚广播公司的“60分钟”栏目,就这些指控我们婚姻状况回答问题

    I was dropping in the New Hampshire polls, and Hillary and I decided we should accept an invitation from the CBS program 60 Minutes to answer questions about the charges and the state of our marriage.


  • 直到食品药品管理局调查,麦克尼公司召回数百万泰诺苯那君其他药品

    Only after the F. D. A. inspection did McNeil executives recall millions of bottles of Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and other pills.


  • 根据咨询公司调查美国2007年一固体唱片销量与去年同期相比下降19%,下降幅度远远超过众人的预期

    In America, according to Nielsen SoundScan, the volume of physical albums sold dropped by 19% in 2007 from the year before-faster than anyone had expected.


  • 去年七月联邦贸易委员会英特公司展开了垄断调查

    The FTC opened an antitrust investigation of Intel last June.


  • 调查结果相当令人吃惊”。该调查英特公司委托哈里斯互动调查开展。

    But she described the results of the Harris Interactive poll commissioned by Intel as "pretty surprising statistics."


  • 公司发言人克莱·哈西特(ClaireHassett)表示,现在调查由此带来的损失非常困难

    But spokeswoman Claire Hassett said examining the damage has been difficult.


  • 根据调查显示许多基金公司为了增加投资收益购买外汇——例如(西班牙货币)。

    To boost yield, many funds do not hedge exchange-rate risk but exploit it by buying high-yielding currencies like the real.


  • 星巴克发言人雷吉·赫斯声明公司已经注意布朗的相关指控,同时表示店面进行一次全面且详细调查

    Starbucks spokesman Reggie Borges said the company was aware of Brown's claims but had done a thorough investigation of the store.


  • 这项报告是在大卫·顿公共有限公司请求下进行,用以调查组织面临困难问题

    This report has been conducted at the request of David Orton PLC to investigate the problems and issues faced by the organisation.


  • 为了深入了解时间员工敬业度之间关系,南德斯瓜拉纳最近众多科技公司数百员工进行了调查

    Looking to better understand the relationship between time and engagement, Hernandez and Guarana recently surveyed hundreds of employees at a large diversified technology company.


  • 这些案例之前还出现过针对微软(Microsoft)英特(Intel)之类公司如何区域经营的反垄断调查

    These cases come after previous antitrust investigations into how the likes of Microsoft and Intel operated across regions.


  • 调查英特公司是否顾客进行贿赂,从而与其对手先进微器件公司其他公司争夺生意

    Cuomo is also looking into whether Intel improperly paid customers to stay exclusive to them and take business away from rival AMD and other companies.


  • 这次反垄断调查英特公司——全球最大计算机微处理器制造商带来了不少麻烦

    Intel Corp. is the largest manufacturer of computer microprocessors in the world and is facing quite a bit of trouble due to this antitrust investigation.


  • 上市汽车公司绩效评价指标构建主要采用通过专家调查来构建出评价指标。

    The performance indexes of the Listed Automobile Company are set up by the way of Delphi Method. By the survey of experts, we can get the framework.


  • 研究英特公司中国员工对象,采用问卷调查的方式,发出220份问卷,其中收回有效样本202份,有效回收比率92%。

    This research is conducted thru survey and target at Intel China employees, out of the total 220 questionnaires; I receive 202 valid questionnaires with the valid return rate as 92%.


  • 一家名为“英特安全”的私营公司资助这项调查

    Intel Security Group, a private company, paid for the study.


  • 一家名为“英特安全”的私营公司资助这项调查

    Intel Security Group, a private company, paid for the study.


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