• 桑尼以总收付员西尔维离开银行开始莫雷对话。

    Using head teller Sylvia as a shield, Sonny exits the bank and begins a dialogue with Moretti.


  • 精神信仰一定意义上意味着符合个人信条个人信仰’”。位神学院教授莫西·乔恩路易斯新闻快报上说。

    "Spiritual has, in some sense, come to mean 'my own personal religion with my own individual creed,'" Timothy Paul Jones, a Baptist seminary professor, told the Louisville Courier-Journal.


  • 出生意大利巴里成长西班牙加利西亚区戈,如今巴塞罗那俱乐部蓬勃发展亚戈··塔拉,当然会有趣的背景

    Born in the Italian city of Bari, raised in Vigo in the Spanish region of Galicia and currently thriving at FC Barcelona, Thiago Alcantara certainly has as an interesting background.


  • 主人罗恩·达解释说:“我们来自加利福尼亚,我们喜欢滑板所以耳濡目染喜欢了它。

    Owner Ron Davis explains, "We are a Southern California family. We all skate. So Tillman started too. First he'd push his board around.


  • 著名法国设计师让·努设计丹麦广播音乐厅著名伏利公园里的伏利音乐厅以及路易斯安那现代艺术博物馆和各种爵士音乐会,极大地提高城市文化品位。

    The Jean Nouvel-designed DR Concert Hall and the Tivoli Concert Hall in the famous Tivoli Gardens, plus the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and great jazz venues, put the city high on the cultural map.


  • 阿斯顿·主帅杰拉德·霍利,斯利延·彼得罗夫位置不能得到保证

    Aston Villa boss Gerard Houllier says Stiliyan Petrov's place in the team is not guaranteed.


  • 岩融公司47岁·豪斯31岁的埃里克·共同创建。

    The company was co-founded by Tim Howes, 47, and Eric Vishria, 31.


  • 费奥多·瓦西(1707-1782),俄罗斯亚城农民他自己不是一个值得纪录的人,但是妻子瓦伦-瓦西耶娃却创造了孩子最多世界纪录。

    Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), was a peasant from Shuya, Russia. Though not noteworthy himself, his first wife, Valentina Vassilyeva, set the record for most children birthed by a single woman.


  • 如果教练依然拒绝改变阵型把他们同时派上场的话,亚斯·南得斯乔治·巴亚就要继续球队组织者的位置而竞争

    Matias Fernandez and Jorge Valdivia are still competing for the playmaker position, as the coach refuses to change the shape and pick both.


  • 西班牙·巴顿凭借《所依》拿到最佳配角苏格兰达·斯温顿以《迈克·克莱顿》拿到最佳女配角

    Spain's Javier Bardem was named best supporting actor for "No Country for Old Men," and Scotland's Tilda Swinton won best supporting actress for "Michael Clayton."


  • 美国马里兰州罗克·市ShadyGroveFertility中心生殖内分泌学家罗伯特·曼说:“以前报道年龄要早流失比例大。”

    That's a greater percentage of loss at an earlier age than had previously been reported, "says reproductive endocrinologist Robert Stillman, of Shady Grove Fertility in Rockville, Md."


  • 名列这类排行前三位的分别是美国偶像评委西蒙·考卡丽·安德伍德和模特秀节目主持人·科拉姆。

    were "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell, Carrie Underwood and model-TV host Heidi Klum.


  • 小姑娘你,”一边拿起尔维还给娜一边说道,“这份心意好,但是病得厉害小孩周围不能脏兮兮的毛绒小熊。”

    "Here, young lady, " she took Elvis and gave it back to Tina, "It was a beautiful thought but we cannot have dirty bears around very sick children.


  • ·雷同时传出将会引进曾经效力过他们-卡左拉尽管桑坦德竞技宣称这位焕发第二春的球星俱乐部的非卖品。

    Villarreal have also been linked with a move for former player Santi Cazorla, although Racing Santander are also reputedly keen on the Recreativo star who is out of contract.


  • 对于巴达来说担心就是精神矍铄的马哈在77岁退休以后,是不是还依然马来西亚的政坛有着持续影响

    One possible anxiety for Mr Badawi is whether, in retirement, Dr Mahathir, a spirited 77, will seek to have a continuing influence on Malaysian politics.


  • 如果美国每个人都地图上保持平衡的话,那么这个正在穿越·大街卡车司机一度立在地心引力中心

    If everyone in the United States were balanced on a map, a trucker crossing Steelville's Main Street would once have straddled the center of gravity.


  • 特有安详和威严款款行,小心翼翼,而且走得非常因为因为麦克道

    She balked with a certain quiet dignity characteristic of her but with care and very slowly because gerty macdowell was.


  • 特有安详和威严款款行,小心翼翼,而且走得非常因为因为麦克道

    She balked with a certain quiet dignity characteristic of her but with care and very slowly because gerty macdowell was . .


  • 巴达重要成绩也许从来没有和马哈发生冲突

    Mr Badawi's most important accomplishment may be that he has not clashed with Dr Mahathir.


  • 福用尽全部力量才刚刚封住几乎泄漏秘密

    All Villefort's influence barely enabled him to stifle the secret Dantes had so nearly divulged.


  • 西班牙。巴顿凭借《所依》拿到最佳配角苏格兰达。斯温顿以《迈克。克莱顿》拿到最佳女配角。

    Spain's Javier Bardem was named best supporting actor for "No Country for Old Men, " and Scotland's Tilda Swinton won best supporting actress for "Michael Clayton.


  • 多数应该都读过弗吉尼亚戴洛夫人》,那么你们应该发现,书作者描写塞普莫斯,史密斯,的治疗方法就是治疗战后创伤患者的方法。

    Most of you have read Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, and you should recognize that her treatment of in Mrs. Dalloway is a treatment of a traumatized war victim.


  • 超级巨星朱莉娅·罗伯茨西班牙演员·巴登近日出现巴厘岛据悉是为了拍摄电影罗曼克的场景

    Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem shook off controversy over their new movie as they filmed a romantic scene in Bali yesterday.


  • 拉涅利的尤文图斯也缺少了扎内、泽比亚,特别是内德还能依靠则盖。皮耶罗,后着本赛季打进了13个进球了,亚昆塔帕拉迪诺坐在替补席上。

    Ranieri had to do without Zanetti, Zebina, and especially Nedved, but could count on the good form of Trezeguet and Del Piero, who's scored 13 goals. Iaquinta and Palladino started from the bench.


  • 老人宣布立瓦朗娜做财产继承人引起福夫人的希望

    The old man's declaration that Valentine was not the destined inheritor of his fortune had excited the hopes of Madame de Villefort;


  • 老人宣布立瓦朗娜做财产继承人引起福夫人的希望

    The old man's declaration that Valentine was not the destined inheritor of his fortune had excited the hopes of Madame de Villefort;


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