• 赛默飞世科技科学服务领域的世界领导者

    Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science.


  • 《拉动力》作者约翰·表示,布林约迈克菲没有考虑到为什么这些工作容易受到科技影响。

    John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says Brynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first place.


  • 平心而论,如果罗德里格斯希望一些抵触科技老年人中获得反馈最终可能会选择错误的布鲁克社区

    To be fair, if Rodriguez had wanted feedback from some more technophobic seniors, he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community.


  • 但是麻省理工学院·辛达同事认为他们在纳米科技帮助下更好

    But Joel Schindall and his colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology think they can do better than that using nanoengineering.


  • 回忆起两过往,他们都南非内斯·普雷特市的茨瓦尼科技大学读书他们一见钟情

    She said: 'it was love at first sight. We were studying together at Tshwane University of Technology in Nelspruit.


  • 根据密歇根州研发电力科技的富公司说法某些情况下,空置耗费的电量甚至正常运作所需电量的7

    In some cases, up to seven times as much juice is used during standby versus normal operation, says Fulton Innovation, a Michigan company that specialises in developing electrical technology.


  • 克·如果资金支持商业模式5年内就可以投入运行否则10年后科技实验室凋零

    Ockels said that commercial systems could be operational within five years if the money was made available; otherwise the technology could languish in the lab for a decade or more.


  • 我们这独特性中看到库茨魏其他人预言-认为的科技正在加速演化

    And then what we see in the singularity, that prophesized by Kurzweil and others -- his idea that technology is accelerating evolution.


  • 这项科技本该或者孟德或者更加智慧来使用,不是我们

    This technology should have been in the hands of Darwin and Mendel and much smarter people than any of us.


  • 证据表明和那些位于班加罗科技离岸外包工业中心这是印度脍炙人口典范因为印度穷人参与其中了

    It is arguably a more widely celebrated example of the "New India" than the high-tech offshoring industry centred on Bangalore, because poorer Indians are participating in it too.


  • 一些著名的企业氏糖果科技巨人英特在过去几个一直等待法院挑剔而繁琐判决

    Several prominent ones, including Mars, a confectionery firm, and Intel, a technology giant, have been at the wrong end of curious court verdicts over the past few months.


  • 坦率地讲,这样做填补了妇女缺口”,位于德里印度科技学院的瑞温德·如是说。

    "Put bluntly, it's a competition over scarce women", says Ravinder Kaur of the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi.


  • 今天,我会见部分来自俄勒冈学生他们英特全国出资发起高中科技竞赛中深深打动评委

    And today, I’m also meeting a few students from Oregon who impressed the judges in the high school science and engineering competitions that Intel sponsors across America.


  • 他们俩都印度西北城市昌迪加长大,都在印度新德里理工大学学习计算机工程,他们都同一个美国科技公司有过为期不长的工作经历。

    They both grew up in Chandigarh in north-west India, studied computer engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and spent a brief stint working for the same American technology firm.


  • 亚特兰大纳什维孟菲斯北卡罗来纳州三角研究科技相当大犹太人群体甚至老龄化和衰弱的小城镇

    Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis and the Research Triangle area of North Carolina all have sizeable Jewish populations, even as those in smaller towns are ageing and dwindling.


  • 德资金创始人,入了绿科技股份

    Michael Licosati, a founder of Alder Capital, bought shares in Rino.


  • 有什么好,杰伦•拉,杰伦•拉尼科技家,音乐家,一个极其博学,尤其以虚拟现实先驱者闻名

    No, says Jaron Lanier, a technologist, musician and polymath who is best known for his pioneering work in the field of virtual reality.


  • 种种措施目的就是建立一个科技”,西延伸至2012年奥林匹克运动会会址的地带。

    The aim is to build a "Tech City" stretching from Shoreditch to the 2012 Olympic games site farther east.


  • 哈瑞没有直接批评苹果供应商,他整个科技

    Harrell wasn't criticizing Apple or its suppliers directly, but rather referring to the tech industry as a whole.


  • TRTL科技住宅传统生活”的缩写。 小屋设计灵感来自于北美印第安都饿圆锥形帐篷,是加拿大团队伯塔省南部的当地居民设计

    The TRTL, which stands for “Technological Residence, Traditional Living”, is a teepee inspired home designed by Team Canada specifically for the Native Peoples of southern Alberta.


  • 科技初创企业方面经验丰富。

    Peter Thiel has a lot of experience with technology start-up businesses.


  • 随着科技进步无疑一个值得考虑理念”,·斯托,“将乘客分类进行不同水平安检扫描正是我们需要的”。

    "It's an idea clearly worth consideration as technology develops," he said. "Segmenting the passenger population for different levels of security screening is exactly what we're pursuing."


  • 与Gregory T .卢西生命科技行政长官表示相信这项技术他付出了这么高昂的代价不会超越

    Gregory T. Lucier, chief executive of Life Technologies, said he was confident the technology for which he paid so dearly would not be overtaken.


  • 彼得·另一位不惑之年科技百万富翁声称硅谷开始超越,成为最挣钱地方

    Peter Thiel, another 40-something tech billionaire, says that Silicon Valley is starting to overtake Wall Street as the place to make money.


  • 彼得·另一位不惑之年科技百万富翁声称硅谷开始超越,成为最挣钱地方

    Peter Thiel, another 40-something tech billionaire, says that Silicon Valley is starting to overtake Wall Street as the place to make money.


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