• 白水事件的调查没完,五月,还进行得“不错”。尽管肯尼斯·斯塔苏珊·麦克道尔的审判落败仍然继续起诉朱莉·希亚特·斯蒂

    Whitewater World was still alive and well in May, as Kenneth Starr, despite his defeat in the Susan McDougal trial, pursued his case against Julie Hiatt Steele.


  • 甚至连德·鲁普去年审判的时候也这么

    Even Waldroup said so during his trial last year.


  • 松先生调查使得皮诺切特将军伦敦逮捕,还帮助在马德里审判定罪一名阿根廷海军舰长。。

    Mr Garzón’s investigations provoked the arrest of General Pinochet in London and the trial and conviction of an Argentine navy captain in Madrid.


  • ·达里说:“即使我们拿到了证据,我们我们自己法庭审判他们,在我们的国土审判他们,我们会宣判他们。”

    "If we had the proof we would try them in our courts, we would try them in our land, and we would sentence them," added Mr. Zardari.


  • 在当时审判中,法庭发现布兰·凯有罪最终定下罪名。

    He was tried and found guilty at the time, but not definitively convicted.


  • 当地一些评论员将博·科瓦奇被捕与民共体的形象大选联系起来,尤其是其被捕发生在对萨纳德的审判之后

    Some commentators in the region have linked the arrest of Mr Boljkovac to the image of the HDZ and the election, especially in the wake of the trial of Mr Sanader.


  • 松先生调查驱使皮诺切特将军伦敦逮捕阿根廷海军舰长在马德里被审判和指控。

    Mr Garzon's investigations provoked the arrest of General Pinochet in London and the trial and conviction of an Argentine navy captain in Madrid.


  • 英国皮诺切特案中采用了这一原则。比利时起诉布雷如此——直到欧盟羞愧之下塞内加——哈布雷流亡——审判

    It was invoked by Britain in the Pinochet case, and also by Belgium to prosecute Mr Habre-until the African Union was shamed into asking Senegal, his country of exile, to try him instead.


  • 一直寻找突然我发现了目标,”琼斯。 她笔下人物因为拒绝英国返回而遭到军事法庭审判

    "I was looking for Hal and then I found him, " says Jones, whose character is court martialled when he refuses to return from Britain.


  • 古德曼先生先生审判过程中,暴露若干其他人物包括泰勒先生一些名流他们语音邮件不知是否被拦截了

    During the trial of Mr Goodman and Mr Mulcaire, it emerged that a number of other figures, including Mr Taylor and a number of celebrities, had had their voicemail intercepted.


  • 米哈伊•霍多科夫斯基,俄罗斯巨富在对盗用石油进行终决时,发表了一席激烈言论

    Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once Russia’s richest man, delivered a stinging speech on the last day of his trial for embezzling oil.


  • 现在科夫斯基开始出示证据,审判室的长凳成为全城的焦点。

    Now that Mr Khodorkovsky has begun to give evidence, the benches there have become the hottest seats in town.


  • 如果科夫斯基本轮审判中获罪,那么一轮审理中的罪行疑点重重:两项指控十分矛盾的。

    To convict Mr Khodorkovsky this time round would raise doubts over his guilt in the first case: the charges look contradictory.


  • 约翰.打来的。前一年的春天耶鲁大学卡萨布兰卡审判竞赛法官时候,那个案情是希拉里构思的,我们曾经和他相处过时间。

    It was John Doar, with whom Hillary and I had spent some time the previous spring when he came to Yale to judge our Casablanca Prize Trial.


  • 科夫斯基,Yukos当时所有者西伯利亚,枪口被捕。 然后经过公正审判被投入监狱,并在那里度过过去5

    Mr Khodorkovsky, its then owner, was arrested at gunpoint in Siberia and after a sham trial sent to jail where he has spent the past five years.


  • 这些国家他们希望安理会能够推迟ICC指控,原因是审判Bashir先生将会阻碍达和平进程”。

    Such countries say they want the Security Council to defer the ICC’s indictment, on the ground that seeking justice against Mr Bashir will upset the “peace processin Darfur.


  • Plaza Mayor马约广场,这曾经举办过斗牛,法庭审判对处决犯人的活动。

    Left, the PlazaMayor, where bullfights, trials and executions were once held.


  • 距离我们不远就是没有告知人民审判磨难这些好象备世界遗忘

    Closer to home are the untold trials and tribulations of the people of Darfur, which the world seems to have forgotten.


  • 克里姆林宫闹翻石油大亨科夫斯基被捕严厉批评这种逮捕审判

    She also wrote critically about the arrest and trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the oil tycoon jailed after falling out with the Kremlin.


  • 一些仍然佛罗里达州法院乔治·齐默谋杀案审判裁决愤愤不平。

    Some are still reacting to a Florida court's decision in the murder trial of George Zimmermann.


  • 一家维亚民族主义网站的经营者认为,姆拉迪奇将军不会得到公正审判

    Nenad Vukicevic, who runs a Serbian nationalist website, believes that General Mladic would not get a fair trial.


  • 霍多科夫斯基第二审判梅德韦杰夫所做承诺最大考验

    The second Khodorkovsky trial will be the biggest test of Mr Medvedev's promises.


  • 布莱·塞可以审判的眼光来看我会把鲜血美国国旗上,让那些条纹保持鲜红

    Brassel: : you can look at me with those judgmental eyes all you want - I would bleed on the American flag to keep those stripes red.


  • 布莱·塞可以审判的眼光来看我会把鲜血美国国旗上那些条纹保持鲜红

    Brassel: you can look at me with those judgmental eyes all you want - I would bleed on the American flag to keep those stripes red.


  • 这些不同只存在与想象中,而非现实就如石油大亨也是普金竞争对手米哈伊•霍科夫斯基第二次审判证明的那样,这场滑稽剧般的审判梅德韦杰夫注视下进行。

    These are more notional than real, as the farcical second show trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil boss and a Putin rival, which is taking place on Mr Medvedev's watch, demonstrates.


  • 这部电视剧重述足球明星杀人审判获得了最佳限定编剧,考特尼·斯,莎拉·保罗斯特·k·布朗分别获奖。

    The dramatic retelling of the football star's murder trial was honored as best limited series and writing, and earned awards for stars Courtney B. Vance, Sterling K. Brown and Sarah Paulson.


  • 逊·曼德拉1964年接受审判被告席上结束陈述时说:“曾为反对白人统治斗争,也曾为反对黑人统治而斗争。

    At his trial in 1964, Nelson Mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination."


  • 逊·曼德拉1964年接受审判被告席上结束陈述时说:“曾为反对白人统治斗争,也曾为反对黑人统治而斗争。

    At his trial in 1964, Nelson Mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination."


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