• 雅文战役莱娅前往卡巴星球参加重大中立星球会议”。

    Leia attended an important Conference of Uncommitted Worlds on the planet Kabal after the Battle of Yavin.


  • 用来阐释·索罗在《帝国反击战》中提到的“奥德·曼特尔星球赏金猎人若干故事之一。

    It is one of several stories meant to explain who the "bounty hunter on Ord Mantell" was that Han mentioned in Empire.


  • 尤其是弗吉尔星球执政官比德·塞恩还极力反对。他甚至大肆羞辱莱娅·奥加纳·索洛逼迫伊索自己进行荣誉决斗。

    Archon Beed Thane of Vergill was particularly opposed, and theatrically insulted Leia Organa Solo in order to provoke an honor duel from Isolder.


  • 茨-马库有关其它星球生命作者

    Schulze-Makuch is the author of two books about life on other planets.


  • 一直冰雪覆盖的挪威小岛——斯比次根岛,一直身一个重要任务拯救整个星球

    The perpetually frozen Norwegian island of Spitsbergen has been tasked with a very important job: saving the entire planet.


  • 也是我们抓住时机保护它们以免这个星球消失,其他物种当然,很遗憾我们没有及时救助,”门德接受电话采访时说

    "This one we caught right before it went off the planet, but other species surely we didn't catch in time," Mendelson said in a telephone interview.


  • 格莱节上没有人在乎婚姻誓言的,他们不会为再婚感到耻辱不管是临时还是永久的。《人类星球导演T.S说道

    No stigma is attached to setting aside one's marriage vows at Gerewol whether temporarily or permanently, says Human Planet director Tuppence Stone.


  • 疯狂当时就暴露了,于是拒之门外,收容进监狱星球里恩。

    His madness was evident then, and he was rejected and institutionalized on the Delrian prison planet.


  • 帮助·杰克逊达到里程碑有一名球员,就是芝加哥公牛迈可·乔丹。2009年,乔丹登入篮球名人堂。

    One of the men who contributed to Phil Jackson reaching his milestone - former Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan - was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2009.


  • 贾巴将德西利吉克业务转移穷困沙漠星球塔图因,并开始以此

    Jabba transplanted Desilijic operations from Nal Hutta to Tatooine, a backwater desert planet he began to think of as home.


  • 来自零售商禁忌星球”的丹妮·韦说:“漫画准了定位,是一次有趣的交叉融合。”

    Danie Ware, from retailer Forbidden Planet, said the manga series was "pitched just right", and an "interesting crossover".


  • 一天夜里痴情星人克雷追求阿克梅娜,可帝国那时这个太空港实行了宵禁因为怀疑星球存在颠覆活动

    The lovestruck alien Krelman tried to woo her on the night the Empire enacted a curfew on the spaceport city due to suspected subversive activities on the planet.


  • 是指其他星球是否有生命存在?只是科幻小说,

    You mean life on other planets? That's just science fiction, Neil.


  • 阿奇·古德温和·威廉森创作的《经典星球大战》每日连载系列漫画中,卢克霍斯星发现一对巧夺天工机器人

    The Classic Star Wars series of daily newspaper strips by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson had Luke find a pair of amazingly lifelike humanoid droids hiding out on Hoth.


  • 蒂斯传奇般的-冈·金相似,遵循意志跑到远离科洛桑星球去。

    Altis, not unlike the legendary Qui-Gon Jinn, would travel the stars far from Coruscant, following the will of the Force.


  • 华盛顿大学的麦伦·谢凯博士认为,《星球大战》中的尤达原型眼镜因为它们都有着眼睛身体,神秘语言

    Dr Myron Shekell from Washington University believes Yoda in Star Wars was based on the tiny tarsier due to its huge eyes, tiny frame and the fact that it speaks a secret language.


  • 马克·哈密星球大战》三部曲中扮演卢克在最早的两部国家公共广播剧中卢克配音

    Mark Hamill played the role of Luke in the Star Wars trilogy, and provided the voice of Luke in the first two National Public Radio Dramatizations.


  • 丘奇议员托拉议会支持下,将奥托·普卢托·尼亚的所有权转让给兹人,允许他们星球享有主权。

    Senator Chuchi, backed by the Pantoran Assembly, ceded ownership of Orto Plutonia to the Talz, allowing them sovereignty over the planet.


  • 开始,侠盗队长加文·夜明者身边担任顾问的角色很快,在森皮达、科洛桑、博莱亚斯星球上空就能看到韦奇活跃的身影。

    At first, he played an advisory role to the new Rogue Leader, Gavin Darklighter, but before long, he was actively flying missions at Sernpidal, Coruscant, Borleais and elsewhere.


  • 马加卢夫犯罪生涯是从盗窃飞行艇开始的。这个来自阿马克星球的莱芬基特洛桑的黑道上闯出片天地。

    Stealing an airspeeder marked the start of a criminal career for Magaloof, an Almakian Leffingite who hoped to become a big player in the Coruscant underground.


  • 托拉人宣布奥托·普卢托·尼亚归自己所有,他们知道颗寒冷星球已经一个兹人文明了。

    When the Pantorans laid claim to Orto Plutonia, they were unaware of a Talz civilization already on the frigid planet.


  • 塞布·诺德星球开颜姐妹会终身成员渐渐对隐居生活产生反感。

    Seib Nod was a lifelong member of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance on the planet Lorrd but grew bored with their cloistered lifestyle.


  • 重回苏隆时,获悉父亲援助过荒漠星球鲁桑的难民

    Returning to Sulon, Kyle learned that his father had been aiding a refugee effort on the barren world of Ruusan.


  • 丹麦胡斯大学研究人员们宣称火星红色尘埃可能是在没有的情况下形成,而现今假说支持曾经覆盖过这个星球的说法。

    Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark claim that Mars' red dust could have formed without the water that current hypotheses hold once covered the planet.


  • 兹人中间,泰—森拥有太阳头衔。“太阳之子”某些最早的《星球大战》剧本草稿一个文物的名字。

    To his fellow Talz, Thi-Sen holds the title "Son of Suns," which is an artifact from some of the earliest Star Wars draft scripts.


  • 科比·布雷恩奥尼他们可是洛杉矶湖人队的

    Kobi Bryant and Shaquille o 'neal, they are the Los Angeles Lakers' star players.


  • 由于熟知机器人信号设备参数找到取消关闭信号的方法。很快,大量新建战斗机器人出现这个炽热星球

    Intimately familiar with the parameters of the droid signal device, Dellso found a way to countermand the deactivate signal, and soon newly minted battle droids began churning out on the fiery world.


  • 多登纳最早“80年代早期阿奇·古德温撰稿、·威廉森绘图的《星球大战》每日报纸连载漫画

    Dodonna first "died" in the daily Star Wars newspaper strips that appeared in the early 80s written by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by Al Williamson.


  • 姐妹俩成了黑洞财产。黑洞帮是一个星球为基地的太空海盗组织。

    The two became the property of the Black Hole Gang, a space pirate assembly based out of the Delphon system.


  • 姐妹俩成了黑洞财产。黑洞帮是一个星球为基地的太空海盗组织。

    The two became the property of the Black Hole Gang, a space pirate assembly based out of the Delphon system.


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