• 但是确实找到制造更好骷髅方法虽然只有格尔斯兰认识到这点

    However, she did find ways of producing better skeletons, though Galthran realized this.


  • 菲利普·不在城里无法置评。

    Phyllis Lamphere was out of town and unavailable for comment.


  • 国俄亥俄州克利夫西大学的詹姆·祖教授说:“学习就是改变大脑。”

    "Learning is brain change," says Professor James Zull from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.


  • 伊拉克德国施图然后了现在里德贝塞达海军医院

    From Iraq, I flew to Landstuhl, Germany and then on to what is now the Walter Reed Bethesda Naval Hospital.


  • 2007年,通常横跨格林尔斯之间尔斯海峡上的未能形成这给海冰北冰洋流逝的一个额外路径

    Arches of ice that usually span Nares Strait, between Greenland and Ellesmere Island, failed to form in 2007, giving sea ice an additional exit route from the Arctic.


  • 定义神经电路依然神经科学圣杯”,布·大学的伊夫·马德

    Defining neural circuits is still "the holy grail of neuroscience," says Eve Marder at Brandeis University.


  • 戈弗莱最近一条行人稀少的马德先生住那一区的本神甫的住宅便那条街上。

    In order to reach this Scaufflaire, the shortest way was to take the little-frequented street in which was situated the parsonage of the parish in which M. Madeleine resided.


  • 由于尔斯·戴维、约翰·科特·、菲·伍兹、史蒂芬·格拉佩这些知名人士合作作品比较接近爵士乐

    His compositions are close to Jazz, as a result of the collaboration with personalities like Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, Phill Woods or Stephane Grappelli.


  • 俄亥俄州克里夫西保留地医学院心理学家雪利·伯格这些问题表现形式趋向多元。

    It's the flavor of those problems that tends to differ, said Sheryl Kingsberg, a psychologist at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家•波波维克,研究生·安德瑞恩•特瑞着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 金顿1826年起就开夏海伦的公司总部不见了,不过研究中心得以保留

    Pilkington's head office disappeared from St Helens in Lancashire, its home since 1826, but a research centre survives.


  • 他们故事交杂马利克的哥哥阿里故事,阿里正在沿海邦特自治区寻找离家出走继子塔里伊

    Their story alternates with that of Malik’s brother, Ahl, who is searching in the autonomous coastal region of Puntland for his runaway stepson, Taxliil.


  • 前任广播迪·麦克尔斯,现被任命为论坛公司执行主管,泽与其很快开始重组论坛报业,他们从自已的财产调整削减了庞大的预算

    He and Randy Michaels, the former radio executive he made Tribune's chief operating officer, soon started redesigning Tribune papers in ways that justified huge budget cuts at their properties.


  • 郡锡弗代皇家保护鸟类协会莱顿·自然保护区苍鹭抓住只螃蟹

    A grey heron catches a crab at the RSPB Leighton Moss nature reserve, Silverdale, Lancashire.


  • ·维特(弗雷前妻莉娜的女儿1971年被杀害尸体被埋在格洛特市米德25号,即维特夫妇以前房子里。

    Charmaine West, (daughter of Fred’s previous wife Rena), who was murdered in June 1971, was buried at the Wests’ previous home of 25 Midland Road, Gloucester.


  • 每日邮报消息,德拉姆戈堡收藏有达芬奇勃朗特·荷拜因等人价值6亿5百万作品

    The castle is home to an estimated $650 million worth of works by da Vinci, Rembrandt and Hans Holbein, according to the Daily Mail.


  • 这项参议员·阿特(ElaineAlquist)提交的法案准备健康委员会州参议院最终写入加州法律

    The bill, proposed by state senator Elaine Alquist, is set to sail through the health committee, onto the state senate floor, and, eventually, into California state law.


  • 出演洛奇系列电影影人西·史泰龙1996年有了女儿Sophia之后其演职道路转型。

    Sylvester Stallone, star of the Rambo and Rocky films, altered his career path after the birth of his daughter, Sophia, in 1996.


  • Clifford Chance律师事务所合伙人阿利·伍德(Alistair Woodland):“真实的情况没有能够彻底规避新的奖金政策。”

    Alistair Woodland, a partner at law firm Clifford Chance, said: "the truth is that no one will escape the new bonus rules completely."


  • 死后留下2儿子艾佛兄弟安东尼和约翰,他的姐妹玛丽娜·福特曼和埃莉萨·福特曼·莫

    Forstmann is survived by his two sons, Siya and Everest, his brothers Anthony and John, and sisters, Marina Forstmann Day and Elissa Forstmann Moran.


  • Rutgers大学研究立法机构罗森塔(Alan Rosenthal)说道,塔拉哈西在立法会议期间总是一派繁忙景象,除此之外的其他时间便是死气沉沉的了。

    Alan Rosenthal, who researches state legislatures at Rutgers University, says the town was always hopping during legislative sessions and sleepy the rest of the year.


  • 新闻特拉华州威明顿汤姆·尔斯华盛顿的罗伯塔·普顿报道;由戴哈德逊和埃里克·编辑

    Reporting by Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware and Roberta Rampton in Washington; Editing by Dale Hudson and Eric Walsh.


  • 跻身排行榜位的城市还包括北卡罗来纳州的格林博罗、得美因、沃基波特匹兹堡排行榜男性健康杂志编撰。

    Greensboro in North Carolina, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Portland and Pittsburgh, rounded the top 10 in the ranking by Men's Health magazine.


  • 我们正在讨论历史,”顿告诉

    "We were discussing the history of Volantis," Haldon said to him.


  • 听着朋友卡夫人昨晚参加了莱姆·特拉太太宴会公爵博福特先生一起的。

    NEWLAND! Do listen. Your friend Madame Olenskawas at Mrs. Lemuel Struthers's party last night: she went there with the Duke and Mr. Beaufort.


  • 西渗透者”设计暗示它与经典三部曲TIE截击机姆达级”穿梭机“泰迪矿号”的联系。

    The Sith Infiltrator's design shows hints of the classic trilogy's TIE interceptor and the Lambda-class shuttle Tydirium.


  • ·阿切周五傍晚来到奇弗的家,星期六他真心诚意地履行了海班克度周末全部礼节

    Newland Archer arrived at the Chiverses' on Friday evening, and on Saturday went conscientiously through all the rites appertaining to a week-end at Highbank.


  • 莎·分饰两角,出演“科学怪人”故事原作者、小说家玛丽·雪莱同时扮演怪物僵尸新娘。

    Elsa Lanchester does delicious double duty as novelist Mary Shelley, who sets up the story, and as the Monster's reanimated Bride.


  • 大师骗子81创造虚构人物通灵甚至搭档25,若泽·瓦雷大师名字卡洛

    A master deceiver who came out of the closet at the age of 81, Randi created fictional characters, fake psychics, and even turned his partner of 25 years, Jose Alvarez, into a sham guru names Carlos.


  • 梅拉达·瓜旁边人群中有一张脸,两只眼睛一种异样目光死死地盯住

    Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.


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