• 德赛论文中作了详述

    Dessler has amplified on his paper.


  • 佐贺葡萄酒苏维翁、赛美蓉某些年份马斯卡德葡萄酒酿造而成。

    Saga Bordeaux White is made from Sauvignon, Sémillon and, in some vintages, Muscadelle.


  • 西·赛德郡很多认为特克目光远大,区域提供了依靠控股的辅助措施获得成功的机会。

    But many on Merseyside think that Mr Whittaker is a man of vision, offering a chance for the region to pull itself up by its bootstraps.


  • 上的风的变化也许影响到周围的陆地德赛苏必利湖可能会以某种方式秋天产生湖边效应雪灾

    Changes in the lake winds may also play out over neighboring land, Desai says, possibly in the way Superior drives fall's lake-effect snowstorms.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 新罕布什共和党参议院预选赛中,奥维德•雷赖蒙堂(草根喜爱的强硬派人物)差点击败凯莉•爱若特(一个更加主流党派候选人)。

    In New Hampshire Ovide Lamontagne, a hardline grass-roots favourite, came within a whisker of defeating Kelly Ayotte, the more mainstream candidate, in the Republican primary for Senate.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·佩里-巴奇罗德·拉沃、罗伊·埃莫森以及阿加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 加州弗雷斯诺默赛德·森特罗这类城市失业率甚至高于底特律

    In such Californian cities as Fresno, Merced and El Centro, jobless rates are higher than in Detroit.


  • 欧洲汉克森对在摩西·赛德的埃卢顿从事生产的沃克斯发出了长期承诺的信号。

    In Europe, however, Henderson signalled ongoing commitment to Vauxhall cars, which are produced in Ellesmere Port on Merseyside, and in Luton.


  • 病例中,有纽卡斯患者,此前讲话是泰恩赛德口音,但中风后却变成牙买加口音,时而夹杂斯洛伐克口音。

    In one case, a stroke victim from Newcastle switched from speaking with a broad Geordie accent to a Jamaican, and occasionally Slovak, tone.


  • 普斯表示:“期待着明年夏天和皮德曼赛一赛。”

    Phelps said: "I look forward to racing Biedermann next summer."


  • 一个解决办法全国标集中简化运算能力、读写能力以及生活技巧某个“要点”上,这位滕纳姆·伯恩赛德学校教师

    One solution was to reduce the national curriculum to a "core" of numeracy, literacy and "life skills", the teacher at Cheltenham Bournside school said.


  • 知道大厦停车场进口确切位置

    He knew exactly where the entrance to the car park in the Seadale Building was.


  • 此次鲍文一同升空的还有指挥官史蒂芬·林赛首席宇航员飞行员埃里克·鲍伊,以及宇航员文·德鲁,迈克·巴拉妮可·斯托特

    With Bowen aboard the shuttle are commander Steven Lindsey, the former chief astronaut, pilot Eric Boe, and astronauts Alvin Drew, Michael Barratt and Nicole Stott.


  • 荷兰运动员皮特霍根班德世界游泳锦标赛中是个悲情英雄:他总共夺取过银牌铜牌,从没有获得过金牌;他在奥运会比赛中却取得了非凡成功

    Swimmer Pieter van den Hoogenband put together an unusual record at the long-course world championships, eventually winning seven silver medals and two bronze medals, but no gold.


  • 支持卡根位共和党缅因州参议员苏珊·柯林斯奥林匹亚·斯诺卡罗莱纳州参议员林赛·格拉汉姆印第安纳州参议员理查德·路加以及来自新罕布什贾德·格雷格参议员。

    The five Republicans who supported Kagan were Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Richard Lugar of Indiana and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.


  • 韦恩·鲁尼哈维·埃南德斯将会因为伤病双双缺阵曼联主场迎战巴塞欧冠小组赛

    Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernández will both miss Manchester United's Champions League game with Basel through injury. Photograph: Jon Super/AP


  • 罗伊·赛德京都大学(KyotoUniversity)“防灾研究所(Disaster PreventionResearch Institute)”教授也是国际公认滑坡侵蚀方面的研究专家。

    Roy Sidle is a professor at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, and is internationally recognized for his research on erosion and landslides.


  • 确实没有食言——制作方表示,他们已经收到了三千多来自粉丝表示不满的来信。

    He has already live up to his word - producers claim they've received over 3,000 unhappy letters from Sidle fans.


  • 一方面德赛论文中作了解释,另一方面宾塞在实地气候网站上以《“云层辐射说”的回应为题对此作了批判正一反拍成了题为《长处》《短处》两个视频,以期解释众

    Dessler has amplified on his paper, and Spencer's critique, on RealClimate.org in a piece titled "Feedback on Cloud Feedback" and has created two videos, one short and one long, that explain the work.


  • 用来锻炼记忆这些技巧爱德·库克(Ed Cooke)发明的,库克是英国作家,同时也是一位世界脑力锦标赛特级大师

    These techniques employed by Foer to master his memory were developed by Ed Cooke - a British writer and a world memory championship grandmaster.


  • 桑德勒•奥尼投资银行SandlerO'Neill)的分析师理查德•雷佩托昨天一份报告中此事“关乎柯赛先生的口碑”,“体面离开还是狼狈出局”。

    Richard Repetto, the banking analysts from Sandler O'Neill, said in a note yesterday that this is "all about Mr. Corzine's legacy, " and "whether he's viewed as going out 'on top or not.'"


  • 费城德雷赛大学研究型作家Dr.JokeBradt任何降低靠机械人工呼吸的患者紧张感的方法应该受到欢迎。

    Study author Dr. Joke Bradt, of Drexel University in Philadelphia, said anything that lowers stress in patients on ventilation is a welcome advance.


  • 过去十年里,斯利博士、里弗·赛德加州大学科克·维斯·奇其它人员一直研究各种蜂群(学名apis mellifera)的行为,观察它们如何选择一个新的蜂巢。

    During the past decade, Seeley, Kirk Visscher of the University of California, Riverside, and others have been studying colonies of honeybees (Apis mellifera) to see how they choose a new home.


  • 作为霍姆斯特德Bracewell &Giuliani法律公司同事,斯科特.赛加认为,新规存在不确定性增加电力的使用成本降低电力使用的可靠性

    Scott Segal, Holmstead's colleague at the law firm Bracewell & Giuliani, said the uncertainties around the regulations would make electric power more expensive and less reliable.


  • UFC66注意里面终极格斗锦标赛世界里,体验到与利德铁托·奥蒂斯UFC历史上激烈的争斗即将到来的复赛之一

    UFC66 takes you inside the world of the Ultimate Fighting Championship to experience the upcoming rematch between Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz, one of the most heated feuds in UFC history.


  • 陛下,”,“艾德·史塔克的确父亲的失势中扮演角色但是不轨。”

    "Your Grace," said Selmy, "Eddard Stark played a part in your father's fall, but he bore you no ill will."


  • 很多年前尼赛迪生活契德•那撒,一个与魔索布莱非常相似城市

    Once, many years ago, Nisstyre had lived in Ched Nasad, a city much like Menzoberranzan.


  • 很多年前尼赛迪生活契德•那撒,一个与魔索布莱非常相似城市

    Once, many years ago, Nisstyre had lived in Ched Nasad, a city much like Menzoberranzan.


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