• 架飞机乘客37,准备托木斯克飞往古特

    The plane, which flew from Tomsk to Surgut, had 37 people onboard.


  • 次拜访中我们碰巧谈到马克·吐温,”德在的信中写道

    "On one of my visits we happened to be talking about Mark Twain," Byrd wrote to Gold.


  • 年轻时不是一个素食主义者对事物真谛的顿悟源于1970年辛格动物解放之后

    In her youth Goodall was not a vegetarian. Her epiphany came in the 1970's after reading Animal Liberation by Peter Singer.


  • 古特·德说:“在身体锻炼水准上我们发现穷国富国孩子没有太大差别。”

    "With regards to physical activity levels, we did not find much of a difference between poor and rich countries," Guthold said.


  • 和拉莫·乌丹元帅夫人一样,德纳第大娘做母亲做到的两个女儿身上为止。

    Like the Marechale de La Mothe-Houdancourt, the Thenardier was a mother to her daughters only.


  • 另外一些已知深入收藏斯基作品的收藏家们还有洛杉矶埃里•布劳德、华盛顿的米歇·瑞巴黎的伯纳德·阿诺

    Other collectors said to own Gursky in depth are Eli Broad in Los Angeles, Mitchell Rales in Washington, DC, and Bernard Arnault in Paris.


  • 1964年的信中,伯德平静告诉:“遵照遗言,销毁了所有信件。”

    In his 1964 letter he blandly informed Gold, “I destryed [sic] the letters and followed all her instructions after her death.”


  • 2001年希腊制作8字曲线合成照片,你可以看到太阳好似Tholos——雅典娜圣域圆形建筑——附近的山后升起来。

    The sun seems to rise from behind the hills near the Tholos, a circular building in the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia in ancient Delphi, in an analemma photo composite made in Greece in 2001.


  • 实现这样景象面临挑战压倒性我们一个成功模型:1986年的得沃-尼拉斯法案

    The challenge of realizing such a vision is overwhelming, but we have a model for success: the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986.


  • 班通古特沙漠大规模强度人类活动严重干扰损坏荒漠植被

    In Gurbantunggut desert, human activities of large-scale and high strength have severely disturbed and damaged the desert vegetation.


  • 好的令人赞叹配酒奥地利葡萄酒,2006年罗伊·莫酒厂拉森纳亚利纳,点心天妇罗猪肉搭配极好。

    A wonderful and surprise pairing was an Austrian wine, the Loimer Winery Trassen Gruner Veltliner 2006 which paired with the dim sum, prawns tempura and pork dishes.


  • 现在另一个世界,科拯救列车让皮逗大家,抱住女孩发信给温说源代码魔力。

    Now in the "alternate world" Colter saves the train, gets Russell Peters to make everyone laugh, gets the girl and sends an email to Goodwin detailing the power of the Source Code.


  • 西足球俱乐部首席执行官·肯尼恩主教练何塞·穆里尼奥今天(周四)感谢埃杜·约翰森年来为俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


  • 同时真实世界德温拔掉插头死了

    At the same time, in the "real world" Goodwin has pulled the plug on Coulter and he has died.


  • 分布于班通古特沙漠南缘典型沙质荒漠巢域选择研究表明鼠种主要选择间地及固定沙丘为筑巢地形。

    The research about home range choose of the desert great gerbil in south of Zhungur desert shows the gerbil choose mainly the site between sand dune to built it nest.


  • 古特·德说:“在身体锻炼水平上我们发现穷国富国的孩子没有太大差别。”

    "With regards to physical activity levels, we did not find much difference between poor and rich countries," Guthold said.


  • 而该网站正是上月揭发德国前任防长奥多·楚·滕贝格涉嫌博士论文剽窃网站,滕贝格因此而放弃博士学位并辞职。

    The same website exposed plagiarized passages in the doctoral thesis of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, who resigned as defense minister after being stripped of his PhD.


  • 1月18美国加利福尼亚州海滩丽莎·兹演奏钢琴时,沃·温菲里纳·米勒驻足倾听

    Walt Winfield and Trina Miller stop to listen as Lisa Zieper plays a piano in Laguna Beach, Calif. , on Jan. 18.


  • 理查城池后,命令把射箭伦.带到面前, 问: 「有甚麽对不起, 你要取性命?

    The castle being taken, Richard ordered Bertram de Gourdon, who had shot the arrow, to be brought into his presence. " What harm did I ever do thee, " he asked, " that thou shouldst kill me ?


  • 艾比湖绿洲位于新疆北部班通古特沙漠西缘,天山北坡绿洲带(新疆重要经济带)上游,新疆重要农业区棉花基地

    The Ebinur Lake Oasis is located in the north of Xinjiang Wei Autonous Region, the west of Gurbantonggut desert. It is one of the most important agricultural regions and cotton bases in Xinjiang.


  • 艾比湖绿洲位于新疆北部班通古特沙漠西缘,天山北坡绿洲带(新疆重要经济带)上游,新疆重要农业区棉花基地

    The Ebinur Lake Oasis is located in the north of Xinjiang Wei Autonous Region, the west of Gurbantonggut desert. It is one of the most important agricultural regions and cotton bases in Xinjiang.


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