• 化合物多数蛋白质都有少量存在

    It is a heterocyclic compound that is found in small amounts in most proteins.


  • 少量存在肌红蛋白作为一个氧气肌肉组织

    A small amount is present as myoglobin, which ACTS as an oxygen store in muscle tissue.


  • 作为种易得葡萄糖储备原,糖元少量存在肝脏肌肉中。

    Glycogen is a readily-accessible storage form of glucose, stored in small quantities in the liver and muscles.


  • 很明显少量存在横向纵向集群维度不足以产生知识增长

    Clearly, the mere existence of vertical and horizontal cluster dimensions is not enough to generate knowledge and growth.


  • 巴克尔认为少量存在物种说明了这片远古森林在“灭绝边缘存活下来生态系统”。

    The small number of species also suggests the ancient forest was "an ecosystem right on the edge of being able to survive, " according to Barker.


  • 极性油脂几乎全部存在细胞膜(磷脂双层主要成分),只有少量存在贮存脂肪中。

    The polar lipids are found almost entirely in cellular membranes (phospholipids being the main components of the bilayer) with only very small amounts in depot fats.


  • 无论如何任何事物存在一条型曲线包括在内,意味着的确存在少量老板少量老板,你们中的大多数属于中间的部分。

    Nevertheless, there's a bell curve for all things involving people, which means there are few really bad bosses, few really good bosses, and most of you fall somewhere in the middle.


  • 行业极端资本集约外人进入阻碍理论上存在少量供应商市场操纵起来成熟

    The industry's extreme capital-intensity is certainly a barrier to entry, and in theory a market with only a few suppliers is ripe for rigging.


  • 他们补充说月球构造熔岩层中几乎没有存在少量氢元素

    They added that there was no or very little hydrogen in the magma ocean during the Moon's formation.


  • 您有没有经历过对保存在文字处理器中的文档进行少量更改然后重新保存整个文档?

    Ever save a document in a word processor, make a small change, and then save the entire document again?


  • 虽然这些类与JAXB创建构造非常类似,但也存在少量细微的差别

    While these are similar to the constructs created by JAXB, you'll find a few subtle differences.


  • 许多水果蔬菜菇类中存在少量的戊糖n=3)和己糖醇(n=4)。 庚糖醇、甘露庚糖醇(n=5)和某种辛糖醇鳄梨中分离出来

    Pentitols(n=3) and hexutols(n=4) are found in small amount in many fruits, vegetables and hexitol, perseitol (n=5), and an octitol have been isolated from avocados.


  • 通常存在少量分配页面(可以自行配置),V MM可以使用这些页面腾出空间为其重新分配

    There are usually a very small amount of unallocated pages (which you configure) that the VMM USES to free up space and reassign the page frames to.


  • 最后一种发现自然存在元素少量这种银色金属一并喷气发动机

    Rhenium (re) : the last of the naturally occurring elements to be discovered, this silvery metal is used in small amounts with nickel in jet engines.


  • 技术将能对快速流动血液中的细胞进行直接拍摄,有助于尽早发现血流中的少量染病细胞,细胞等。这些细胞存在则通常可以表征出人体疾病早期症状。

    The new camera could go much further, helping to detect the presence in fast-flowing blood of very rare cells, like tumor cells, that might be few in number but signify the early stages of a disease.


  • 然而冬奥会提醒我们仍然存在只需投入一点想法丁点运气少量试验便能够提高效率的方法。

    Yet the Winter Olympics should remind us that it is still possible to improve output with a little thought, luck and experimentation.


  • 少量尼安德特人DNA第一比对没有发现任何杂交的迹象,人类他们存在异种繁殖也成为了一种被广泛接受结论

    The first comparisons of small sections of Neanderthal DNA did not indicate any hybridization, and the lack of interbreeding became a widely accepted conclusion.


  • 少量保留一点皮肤少量的一些化石则保留了一些像羽毛的结构,不过时至今日,科学家对此仍然存在争论

    A few preserve traces of skin, and fewer still preserve structures that many scientists have argued are feathers.


  • 存在大量食草动物同时却只有少量水藻花粉囊,暗示能证明食草动物吞噬了大部分水藻

    A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.


  • 实际上,关于遥远过去生命起源不止一次以及完全地表任何东西无关联的少量有机体生物圈存在胡说八道。

    Indeed, there is loose talk of life having originated more than once in the distant past, and of there being entire shadow biospheres of organisms completely unrelated to anything on the surface.


  • 我们身体通常应付食物中的少量细菌但是有害细菌的大量存在食物中毒

    Our bodies normally handle small doses of bacteria in food, but what can give you food poisoning is large Numbers of harmful bacteria.


  • 过去建造建筑物只有少量依然存在

    Only a few of the buildings erected in the past remained standing.


  • 肿瘤干细胞学说认为肿瘤组织存在少量具有干细胞性质的肿瘤干细胞,肿瘤干细胞是肿瘤发生、转移复发关键

    The theory of cancer stem cell proposes that the tumor tissue has its own cancer stem cells in it and regards cancer stem cell as the key to regeneration, metastasis and recurrence.


  • 同时发现个别不同的网络使用模式存在少量的使用模式上的“奇点”。

    And most users in same local network have the normal use pattern, and there still exist some exceptional use patterns, which are called outlier.


  • 矿石中少量银以离子吸附状态存在

    A small amount of silver exist in a state of ionic adsorption in manganese silver type ores.


  • 对于这种类型连接存在少量运动()必须带来螺栓进入轴承

    For this type of connection to exist, a small amount of movement (slip) must take place to bring the bolt into bearing.


  • 溶解性CMC唯一最好常用溶剂特别少量存在CMC更易溶于甘油。

    Solubility: CMC is the only best of the commonly used solvents. Especially in the presence of a small amount of water soluble CMC more glycerol.


  • 降水少量决定埋藏深度而厚度薄膜水带存在引起土壤发育的直接作用的因素

    The key factors causing soil dried layers are great thickness and depth of membrane water zone under ground as well as small thickness of gravity water zone.


  • 降水少量决定埋藏深度而厚度薄膜水带存在引起土壤发育的直接作用的因素

    The key factors causing soil dried layers are great thickness and depth of membrane water zone under ground as well as small thickness of gravity water zone.


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