• 已经抓到后,到了小鱼

    After he had caught five fish, I only caught one small fish.


  • 一种美体方式,主要做法是将双脚有墨头游弋水池中让这些小鱼啃食除去足部老茧。

    Fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that involves immersing the feet in a tank of water containing Garra rufu fish, which nibble off dead and thickened skin.


  • 这个,”酒吧男侍,轻轻张卡片,就好像小鱼,且灵魂已在周前离开,了可以永远被护佑的之天堂。 “我们。”

    "This," said the barman, holding out the card as if it was a small fish whose soul had three weeks earlier winged its way to the Land Where Fish are Eternally Blessed, "we don't accept it."


  • 翠鸟一种埋伏式捕猎者,它会栖息河流上方的树枝上仔细观察,一旦有小鱼游过自己的攻击范围内,它就会垂直俯冲下去,抓住,然后飞回树枝上。

    The kingfisher is an ambush hunter, perching over a river until a small fish flicks into range.


  • 维持过去的打渔量,更多渔夫使用孔网打捞上更多的小鱼,可是由于小鱼捞了,的总量过去少了。

    To try and maintain their catch, more fishermen use nets with a finer mesh. As more smaller, younger fish get caught, there are even fewer fish than before.


  • 小丑海葵组成了自然界伟大组合,组合对于这些小鱼来说至关重要——它们两者相互倚赖着生存层粘液保护小丑免受海葵的刺蜇。

    It is essential to the fish forming one of nature's great teams with the sea anemone - they are dependent on each other to survive and the slime protects the Clownfish from the anemone's sting.


  • 举例来说,小鱼,而小鱼,如此循环,大尤其是脂肪组织累积食物链所有毒素

    For instance, a large fish that eats a smaller fish that eats even smaller fish accumulates all of the toxins of the chain, especially in fatty tissue.


  • 日本几乎所有养殖场都是人们海里捕获小鱼然后放到人工养殖场饲养的。

    Nearly all of the fish grown at farms in Japan are moved there after being netted at sea as youngsters.


  • 一小部分大一点它们我们的时候大家都有些紧张我们明显地感觉到她们得要小鱼们重一些

    There were definitely a few bigger fish that everyone was worried about when they came swimming toward us: you could really feel them biting more than the others.


  • 狮子天敌极少,主要以小鱼螃蟹味主食,它们加勒比海大西洋海域迅速繁殖起来。

    With few natural predators, they have been rapidly expanding in Caribbean and Atlantic waters, voraciously preying on local fish, shrimp and crab populations across the region.


  • 有时候也会添加鳀,一种很咸小鱼

    Occasionally, anchovies, small, salty fish, are also used.


  • 鸬鹚的颈部绳子系住,他们只能吞食小鱼大和更易出售的无法吞下。

    Strings tied around their necks mean they can only swallow the smallest-anything larger and more saleable get no further than their throats.


  • 这些上来开始一点点地咬我们的然后小鱼脚趾啃食

    The fish just come up and start nibbling your feet, and then eventually you get a pretty big swarm of them biting in between your toes and on the dead skin.


  • 很多小鱼孵化出来时,胸鳍没有完全成形而且所有孵化时都还没有形成所以它们可能会面临相似的不善于游泳问题

    Many fish larvae hatch without fully formed pectoral fins and all hatch without a swim bladder, so similar problems could occur for them.


  • 只有毒狮子闯进了一大群游在一起小鱼中间。

    A venomous lionfish breaks into a huge ball of swirling baitfish.


  • 两千多年我国孟子说过:“数罟入洿池,不可食也。”意思,不要用细密渔网池塘里捕捞小鱼,这样才更多

    More than two thousand years ago in our country, Mencius said, "If fine nets do not enter the pools, there will be more fish and turtles than can be eaten."


  • 两千多年我国孟子说过:“数罟入洿池,不可食也。”意思,不要用细密渔网池塘里捕捞小鱼,这样才更多

    More than two thousand years ago in our country, Mencius said, 'If fine nets do not enter the pools, there will be more fish and turtles than can be eaten.'


  • 参加请帖通常纸板做成彩色小鱼

    The invitation to participate in the fish dinner, usually made of colored cardboard fish.


  • 经过两次发现出来小鱼侦察兵”,肯定特别机灵跑得特快

    After twice of catching fish, I found that just came out of the fish is "scouts," must be very clever, runs express.


  • 现代社会不是小鱼年代而是的年代。

    The modern society is not the fish age, but in the fast fish eat slow.


  • 现代社会不是小鱼的年代,而是的年代。

    Modern society is not the big fish eat small fishs, but fast fish eat slow fishs.


  • 世界可能剩下只有水母诱饵用的小鱼类。

    The world could be left to fish nothing but jellyfish and bait.


  • 小鱼喜爱食物小鱼又是较大的企鹅海鸟的食物。

    It's a favorite food of small fishes, which, in turn, support larger fishes, penguins, whales and seabirds.


  • 水中发出一阵骚动冲击声,就人们英国水池中的梭子小鱼一样。

    There was a rush and disturbance of the water, such as one sees in a pond in England when a pike takes a little fish.


  • 鲤;鲤科鲤科中通常为淡水一种其中包括小鱼银色小鱼

    Any of numerous often small freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae, which includes the minnows, carps, and shiners.


  • 胭脂螃蟹小鱼聚集在数以千计阿拉巴马岸口。

    Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier.


  • 外婆门前一口池塘,池塘里很多小鱼,有一些小朋友池塘边捉,我弟弟凑了上去

    My maternal grandmother's house door with a pond, there are many fish in the pond, some children in the pond catch fish, my brother and I also got up.


  • 外婆门前一口池塘,池塘里很多小鱼,有一些小朋友池塘边捉,我弟弟凑了上去

    My maternal grandmother's house door with a pond, there are many fish in the pond, some children in the pond catch fish, my brother and I also got up.


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