• 猎犬的嗅觉高度发达,能够追踪气味,因此很适合这项工作。

    A beagle is good for the work because of its powerful nose, and ability to follow smells.


  • 推荐使用许多腰间高度40-60创造出一种讨人喜欢被包围着的灯光氛围。

    She recommends using lots of small lights at waist height with 40 - or 60-watt bulbs to create a flattering, enveloping glow.


  • 这个拥有成千上万个篮子高度自动化工厂同时也让人感觉十分怪异

    It is also eerily sentient, in the way that highly automated plants tend to be, with thousands of little baskets zooming about.


  • 分子辐射用于组合文库高度大规模筛选

    Small molecule microarrays are being used in ultra high throughput screening of large combinatorial libraries (see microfluidics ).


  • 现代F1赛车变速箱已经高度自动化了,车手只需要轻轻拨动方向盘杆即可切换档位

    The gearboxes of modern Formula One cars are now highly automated with drivers selecting gears via paddles fitted behind the steering wheel.


  • 印度喀拉拉Chembra峰顶,2100m高度因为的奇怪形状游人追寻的一个自然

    At the Chembra peak, in Kerala, in India, at 2100 m of altitude, there is a small natural lake that is very sought-after by tourist for its peculiar shape: a heart (picture at Google Maps).


  • 恐龙高度适应性可能解释了为什么哺乳动物的体型总是那么这种情况一直持续到六千五百万年前恐龙大规模灭绝

    Dinosaurs' high level of fitness could also explain why mammals remained so small until the mass extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.


  • 那令仰慕已久的高度低头看我的哥哥们我咧着嘴笑着,兴高采烈就好象受到恩惠矮人巨人肩膀上,拥有比巨人更高的视野。

    I looked down at my brothers from my favored high perch and grinned, feeling jubilant, like the privileged dwarf atop the giant’s shoulders, seeing beyond what the giant could see.


  • 传统意义上位个人风格独特的导演:风格主题一部又一部的影片中,高度一致性反复重现。

    Ozu is an auteur in the traditional sense: one whose style and themes are reiterated with sublime consistency in film after film.


  • 受到校园恶霸的欺凌会引起强烈的高度个人化反应记得当时自己感到愤怒和同情。

    Bullying elicits strong and highly personal reactions; I remember my own sense of outrage and identification.


  • 绳子转盘下面铁盒里钥匙点灯工人保管,绳子在一定的高度内有一根金属管子保护着。

    The pulley over which this rope ran was fastened underneath the lantern in a little iron box, the key to which was kept by the lamp-lighter, and the rope itself was protected by a metal case.


  • 所以选用尽量喷嘴高度提高切割速度切割质量都是有益的但是,喷嘴高度可能会引起现象

    So, choose as far as possible to improve the nozzle of small high cutting speed and cutting quality is useful, but the nozzle at low altitude may cause double arc phenomenon.


  • 气圈高度

    Small balloon height.


  • 论坛投票5日显示,39%人认为"姚明"身高达到2无法超越其父2.26米的高度

    A survey at a BBS Tuesday showed that 39% of respondents predict "little Yao's" height will surpass 2m but no more than the father's 2.26m.


  • 建筑师通过创造一个有着庭院高度紧凑建筑形态中心带来阳光空气满足居住者大量的居住需求

    The architects were able to fulfil the ambitious accommodation needs of the owners by creating a highly compact building form with a small courtyard to bring light and air into its centre.


  • 研究表明高度自信有助于个人健康幸福以下几个活动帮助你提升自信心

    Research studies show that high self esteem is good for your health and happiness. These brief daily activities can be helpful in raising self esteem.


  • 这个漂亮应用程序可将图像调整指定高度宽度百分比

    This nifty little app scales images to a specified height, width or percentage.


  • 今天肿瘤形态评价但是他们侵袭潜能指示贫乏的:一个肿瘤也具有高度侵袭性。

    Today, a tumor's size and shape are evaluated, but they can be poor indicators of invasive potential: a very small tumor can be highly invasive.


  • 形成不稳定充分条件结构的质量刚度阻尼、或是高度(长度)大、细比大。

    The sufficient conditions to an instable structure are heavy mass, small stiffness and damping and tall with high aspect ratio.


  • DP150维护消耗高度可靠性能出色

    The DP150 Pump is specially designed for low maintenance, high reliability and excellent performance.


  • 期待中国基础设施建设渔业高度慷慨吧。战略角度看,发挥他们优势并且邻居好处

    Let us hope China is extremely generous with infrastructure development projects and fishing strategically it will be to their advantage while also doing good for a smaller neighbour.


  • 由于奥多姆出任前锋,这湖人增加前场高度创造更多的再起的机会。更不用说以前一直有的创造得分机会的能力了。

    Odom at small forward gives the Lakers a taller front line and creates more post-up situations for him. Not to mention his ever-present playmaking ability.


  • 云层厚度高度云系结构不均匀此次降水云系主要特点

    Small cloud depth, low cloud top height, inhomogeneous structure are the main characteristics of the precipitation cloud.


  • 生理情况下,ADPD轴位高度变化影响后方关节之间的间距堆叠

    During a physiologic motion, axial disc height patterns at AD and PD affects the spacing and overlapping of articulating PF surfaces.


  • 斜交空心板桥建筑高度施工方便等特点成为斜交重要一部分

    Skew hollow slab bridge has become an important part of skew bridge because of its low building height and simple construction.


  • 我们可以蚂蚁定义一种高度群居昆虫

    We can define an ant as a small insect that lives in highly organized group.


  • 两种亚基高度保守分散基因基因家族所编码

    These two subunits are coded by either highly conservative and dispersed genes or mini-gene family.


  • 这个空间中,三个不同高度桌子展示柜内相连,削弱了空间古板感觉

    In this space, three tables at different height and shelves connecting inside and outside balance stuffy feeling of a small area.


  • 这个空间中,三个不同高度桌子展示柜内相连,削弱了空间古板感觉

    In this space, three tables at different height and shelves connecting inside and outside balance stuffy feeling of a small area.


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