• 天,当女孩像往常一样在房子里散步时,她注意到花盆里有一株小豌豆

    One day, when the little girl was walking as usual in the house, she noticed a small pea plant in the flower pot.


  • 王子,“如果不能感觉到这个豌豆。”

    Said the Prince, "if she can not feel this one little pea."


  • 引进小豌豆过程漫长我们高兴能引进

    It was quite a long process involved in bringing him here, and we'd prefer that.


  • 但是如果希望夺冠当然豌豆他的曼联啦。

    If you ask me who I want to win though, it's Chicharito and Manchester United!


  • 豌豆进球犹如开启了一个联动机制喀麦隆立刻了。

    But the little pea goal, like opening a linkage mechanism, Cameroon immediately lose the ball.


  • 下半场65分钟欧文进球为球队扳平比分,随后小豌豆完成绝杀

    Michael Owen levelled proceedings on 65 minutes before Chicharito netted his second goal in as many games.


  • 埃弗顿下了利兹来的贝福,而曼联带来墨西哥小豌豆

    Everton sign Jermaine Beckford from Leeds United while Manchester United bring in Mexican star Javier Hernandez.


  • 第86分钟之前打进精彩入球小豌豆再下一城,拯救了曼联

    Cue Chicharito, who saved United in the 86th minute after scoring a brilliant header earlier in the match.


  • 弗格森很满意首席球探勒,小豌豆签约墨西哥很多工作。

    It makes satisfying dividends for Sir Alex and head scout Jim Lawlor, who did a great deal of homework on the Mexican international before pen was put to paper.


  • 豌豆也是非常非常优秀墨西哥时候就有所耳闻了,他能来到英格兰真是惊喜~。

    Hernandez is a very, very good player. I knew him when he was in Mexico but it was a big surprise when he came to England.


  • 豌豆担心现在已经这么了,将来成长更多坚持下去,要一直做最棒豌豆”!

    Do not worry little bean, you have grown so much now, and you will grow so much in the future. Keep on being the best bean you can!


  • 豌豆现如今已大人物了,维尔贝克养伤期间夺回并保住自己上赛季在球队阵容中拼到的位置

    The Little Pea is big potatoes now and while Danny Welbeck suffers, he will be trying to do everything to ensure that he gets what became, last season, his automatic place back.


  • 豌豆四月最关键进球数在拉福德对阵埃弗顿打进绝杀进球,这粒进球帮助曼联获得了联赛关键的

    The pick of Chicharito's three April goals was undoubtedly the far-post header to end Everton's resistance at Old Trafford, just when it seemed two precious league points might be dropped.


  • 一旦适应小豌豆埃尔南德一起轮番搭档鲁尼鲁尼安排轮休时,我们将能多次看到两位联袂登场亮相。

    Once he's fit, he and Javier Hernandez will share the job of partnering Wayne Rooney, and in quite a few games, watch for the two youngsters playing together while Wazza is being given a rest.


  • 一旦适应小豌豆埃尔南德一起轮番搭档鲁尼鲁尼安排轮休时,我们将能多次看到两位联袂登场亮相。

    Once he’s fit, he and Javier Hernandez will share the job of partnering Wayne Rooney, and in quite a few games, watch for the two youngsters playing together while Wazza is being given a rest.


  • 豌豆已经美国国家队集合,备战自己第一杯赛。他的第一场比赛将在周日于德克·萨斯的阿灵顿,对手萨尔瓦多

    Chicharito has joined up with the Mexico squad in the USA to play in his first Gold Cup, which begins with a clash against El Salvador in Arlington, Texas on Sunday.


  • 小豌豆已经接连受伤,不仅曼联美国夏季巡回赛中头部受创,还在上周对阵切尔西时筋骨受伤,如今腿伤重返伤兵名单。

    Having suffered a head injury on United's summer tour of the United States and a knock to his shin against Chelsea last week, Hernandez is now back on the treatment table with a dead leg.


  • 加盟的斯马林豌豆”赫尔南德斯,穿上夏天离开的福斯特和托西留下的1214。除此之外,球衣号并没有太大变化

    New signings Chris Smalling and Chicharito will wear 12 and 14 respectively - as vacated by summer sales Ben Foster and Zoran Tosic - while there has been no movement in existing squad Numbers.


  • 弗格森说:“鲁尼赛季前的热身中表现很棒,目前体能很好,从来坐不住,他无穷无尽能量,他是球队的一笔巨大财富,有趣的是要看看他与维尔贝克怎么搭档,目前他们做得不错,但是显然小豌豆回来了,我将面临选择的难题,因为他打入过很多进球,并且贝巴在赛季前也展示了比较不错的状态。”

    "Rooney’s been flying in pre-season," said the boss. "His fitness is terrific, he has that restless energy, he never stands still.


  • 研究人员一种称为豌豆蚜虫昆虫哪里发现了证据

    Researchers found evidence in a tiny insect called the pea aphid.


  • 黑洞重量宛如巨星的重量,但是却能自己体积压缩得如同一颗豌豆一般

    A black hole weighs as much as a massive star but it's crammed into an area smaller than a pea.


  • 或者如果空间来做一个花园他们耕种他们自己的蔬菜园,种植生长快速植物蚕豆番茄雪花豌豆萝卜

    Or if you have space for a garden, help them cultivate their own vegetable patch with plants that grow quickly, like beans, cherry tomatoes, snow peas, and radishes.


  • 豌豆连接尺骨腕骨骨头。

    A small boneat the junction of the ulna and the carpus.


  • (中东)的炸肉饼,掺有捣碎豌豆蚕豆芝麻调味

    (Middle Eastern) small croquette of mashed chick peas or fava beans seasoned with sesame seeds.


  • 组合可以大大节约繁蜂成本豌豆大规模繁殖乃至商品化生产提供理论参考

    The combination could greatly save the costs and provide theoretical reference for mass rearing even commercial production of D. isaea.


  • 组合可以大大节约繁蜂成本豌豆大规模繁殖乃至商品化生产提供理论参考

    The combination could greatly save the costs and provide theoretical reference for mass rearing even commercial production of D. isaea.


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