• 晚清小说类型很多,既有中国传统小说类型,又有引进西方类型

    There are many types of fictions in Late-Qing, including traditional Chinese fiction types and new western types.


  • 感伤主义小说其他小说类型一道促成中国小说叙事形式传统现代的转变。

    The sentimentalism novel together with other novel types has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern.


  • 感伤主义小说其他小说类型一道促成中国小说叙事形式传统现代的转变。

    The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern.


  • 小说文体角度看游历小说就是采用游踪结构游者视点”的小说类型

    Be observed with the Angle of novel style, traveling novel is a kind of novel genre which has adopted "traveling structure" and "viewpoint of traveler".


  • 才子佳人小说明末清初时期一种小说类型数量之多,延续时间之长创作倾向一致小说史上都是空前

    Romantic novel is a novel during the late Ming and early Qing type, their number and the duration of the long, creative tendencies of the agreement is unprecedented in the history of the novel.


  • 骗子小说中国古代一种重要小说类型起源于兴盛于明、,对中国古代小说的各种文体、各种类型都有所渗透。

    The fraud novel, which was an important genre of Chinese classical novels, originated in Tang dynasty and flourished in Ming or Qing dynasty.


  • 这些类似某种激进创意性小说类型电影往往自传性的,时常令人目眩地游离于现在过去之间,直到二者融为一体。

    Cinematic equivalents of a radical kind of creative nonfiction, they are often partly autobiographical and move vertiginously between present and past, until the two are one.


  • 目前研究不同,Mar研究并没有人们阅读不同类型小说他们进行测试

    Unlike the current study, Mar's study did not test people after having them read different types of fiction.


  • 尼娜·贝姆这种类型称为女性小说”,她认为,这些小说广泛流行女性写作行业占据了一席之地

    According to Nina Baym, who has termed this genre "woman's fiction", the massive popularity of these novels claimed a place for women in the writing profession.


  • NinaBay这种类型女性小说”,根据说法,这些小说爆红女性写作职业中赢得一席之地

    According to Nina Bay, who has termed this genre "woman's fiction", the massive popularity of these novels claimed a place for women in the writing profession.


  • 本文展示如何编写部署自定义模块创建一个小说内容类型

    This final installment shows how to write and deploy a custom module to create a novel content type.


  • 盘旋组和会汽车一样,这个想法实现,只是存在于蒸汽朋克类型小说演出

    Much like hoverpacks and flying cars, the idea never came to fruition, only to live on in steampunk style novels and shows.


  • 实际上很多刻意去寻找某种类型故事(比如历史小说),因为他们希望费力就可以了解真实

    Indeed, many people seek out certain types of fiction (historical novels, for example) because they want a painless way of learning about reality.


  • 西雅·沙利文这本奇异、异教离奇古怪的《麦尔》,主要为了年长读者使产生偏见之前开始喜欢上这种类型小说

    Read Tricia Sullivan's fantastic, profane and mind-bending Maul mainly because it's very important to start loving brilliant genre fiction before older readers can tell you to be a snob about it.


  • 为了展示如何小报篇小故事而作,可以成功地(把此公式)复制到绝大多数其他长度类型小说上。

    It was written to show how to write a short story for the pulps, but can be adapted successfully for most stories of any length or genre.


  • 毫不夸张地梅尔点燃了整个光之城”产业,更不用说所谓的“小说”的文学类型

    It is no exaggeration to say that Meyer has sparked an entire Twilight industry, not to mention a dubiously titled literary genre called Fang Bang fiction.


  • 可以肯定是,某些类型虚构文学作品——包括中篇长篇小说——很可能告别书籍的形式移师网络

    Certainly, some types of fictionnovels as well as novellasare also likely to migrate online and to cease being books.


  • “蒸汽朋克推想性小说类型类故事的发生背景通常设定过去未来相结合的城市维多利亚时代发明创造出现一个黑暗的异世界里。

    Steampunk is a kind of speculative fiction that usually takes place in urban Settings where the future meets the past: Victorian era inventions clash with often dark alternate realities.


  • 喜欢类型科幻言请历史等等很多非常好的小说

    Genres which you enjoy - science fiction, romance, historical, etc. There's plenty of great genre fiction out there.


  • 喜欢小说委员会开辟其他类型文学——歌词以及其他

    I love that the novel committee opens up for other kinds of literature - lyrics and so on.


  • 随后,在丈夫关于生活人类整体等话题次重要交谈中,告诉说:“应该小说就是沉迷阅读的那些类型小说。”

    But then, one day, during one of my epic conversations with my husband about life, the universe, and everything else, he told me: "you should write the novels that you're so addicted to reading."


  • 208工作高度,有才华艺术家充满342壮观艺术作品特点科幻小说幻想类型EXOTIQUE5动画,并超写实主义风格。

    The work of 208 highly-talented artists fill EXOTIQUE 5 with 342 pieces of spectacular character art in genres ranging from science fiction, fantasy, and anime, to photorealism and stylized realism.


  • 我们书店里所有类型小说奇幻的、科幻的、言情等等,都在楼上

    All our shop's genre fiction - fantasy, science fiction, romance and so on - is kept upstairs.


  • 一个可见的科学小说角色展示什么类型未来应该产生确定类型行为

    One vital role of science fiction is to show what kinds of future might result from certain kinds of human actions.


  • 尼古拉斯除了长篇小说以外还喜欢读什么其他类型文学作品吗?

    Nicholas: Besides novels, are there any other types of literary works that you indulge in?


  • 一些类型小说惊悚小说可能要求有详细计划不过必要遵循一个周密安排的结构

    Some types of novel might demand a detailed plan - a thriller, for example. But you don't have to write following a carefully prepared structure.


  • 小说理论是从康德主义黑格尔主义过渡性作品其中还有浓烈韦伯类型色彩

    "The theory of the novel" are from Kant and Hegel and to the transitional work, one of Weber have strong color typology.


  • 本文认为小说多元化首先表现题材类型方面。

    The pluralism, first, is showed in the theme type.


  • 本文认为小说多元化首先表现题材类型方面。

    The pluralism, first, is showed in the theme type.


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