• 1982年毕业小石城中学

    He graduated from Little Rock High in 1982.


  • 昨天小石城展开了他们死因的调查讯问。

    The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday in Little Rock.


  • 1932年,华州的小石城建立了所学校艺术家聚居区

    In 1932, he established a school and artists' colony in Stone City, Iowa.


  • 第二艾尔一起小石城慢跑一下,然后我们到了的家乡——田纳西州迦太基

    The next day, after Al and I went for a jog in Little Rock, we flew to his hometown, Carthage, Tennessee.


  • 这个公司总部位于小石城

    The headquarter of the company is at gravelstone city.


  • 即将小石城开业食品店站点主要销售本地食品

    The Station, a new grocery store about to open in Little Rock, will sell primarily local foods.


  • 杰克逊市、什里夫波特市、达拉斯市沃斯堡市沿着20号州际公路连成一排,左侧小石城俄克拉荷马

    Cities such as Jackson, Shreveport, Dallas and Forth Worth stand out along Interstate 20 and, at left, so do Little Rock and Oklahoma City.


  • 几个之前,弗农·乔丹小石城我们的时候,居然也向提起这个问题。

    Even Vernon Jordan had mentioned it to her when he came to Little Rock to visit us a few months earlier.


  • 第二家人飞抵小石城出席宣布仪式。

    The next day, he and his family flew to Little Rock for the announcement.


  • 一点本月小石城学校董事会的选举沦为一场不光彩的、事关种族问题的争吵,因为候选人白人一个是黑人

    More recently, an election this month to the Little Rock school board descended into an unseemly row about race because one candidate was white and the other black.


  • 母亲麻醉工作上出问题罗杰刚刚出狱两三希拉里父母准备搬小石城

    Mother was having problems in her anesthesia work, Roger had been out of prison only a couple of years, and Hillary's parents were moving to Little Rock.


  • 知道如果放行,会造成血流成河的后果。 与这样后果比起来,小石城中心中学所遭遇的危机就仿佛是星期天下午一场野餐会,不值一提。

    I knew what would happen if they did: a bloodbath that would make the Little Rock Central High crisis look like a Sunday afternoon picnic.


  • 6月希拉里坐飞机小石城探望我。

    In June, Hillary flew to Little Rock for a visit.


  • 这个故事打开大选8很慢消息小石城

    The story opens eight days after the election on a very slow news day in Little Rock.


  • 80年代后期回到小石城靠近母亲的身边,打电话她在份工作作为唱歌收入的补充。

    In the late eighties, she moved back to Little Rock to be near her mother and called to ask me to help her find a state job to supplement her income from singing.


  • 这个官邸殖民地时期风格房子,位于小石城美丽古老保区,距离州议会大厦不远,占地面积大约为1万平方英

    The mansion was a big colonial-style house of about ten thousand square feet in the beautiful old Quapaw Quarter of Little Rock, not far from the Capitol.


  • 小石城警方发言人Lt

    Little Rock police spokesman Lt. Terry Hastings said.


  • 1974年罗杰上大学不久组织了一个有水准的摇滚乐队,凭着在温泉小石城的俱乐部里演出,他可以维持生计

    Shortly after Roger went to college in 1974, he formed a rock band that was good enough to make a living from playing clubs in Hot Springs and Little Rock.


  • 一个帮助修建小石城新的酒店记住尽管州里需要更多税收却是最后一天工作而且没有份工作可做。

    Another man helping to build Little Rocks new Excelsior Hotel asked me to remember that while the state needed more taxes, he was in his last day on the job and didn't have another one waiting.


  • 后来林堡虚伪指责道:“调查白水事件或是该事件有关记者小石城遭到了殴打骚扰。”

    Later, Limbaugh falsely charged that journalists and others working on or involved in Whitewatergate have been beaten and harassed in Little Rock.


  • 如果小石城议会打算严禁使用可以穿透防弹衣的子弹,应对越来越猖獗帮会活动认为他们应该有权这样

    If the Little Rock City Council wanted to ban cop-killer bullets in the face of increasing gang activity, I thought they should have the right to do so.


  • 几年来,坐落于小石城,占地两英亩的邓巴社区菜园树立了一个标杆

    The two-acre Dunbar Community Garden in Little Rock has served as a model for several years.


  • 我们温泉母亲杰夫还有罗杰一块儿小住了两三天随后返回小石城去参加一门针对阿肯色州律师考试培训课程

    We spent a couple of days in Hot Springs with Mother, Jeff, and Roger, then went back to Little Rock for a prep course on the Arkansas Bar exam, which proved helpful enough that both of us passed.


  • 第二希拉里参加了位于小石城北郊舍伍德威廉.杰斐逊.克林顿重点小学的落成典礼。

    The next day Hillary and I attended the dedication of William Jefferson Clinton Elementary Magnet School in Sherwood, just outside North Little Rock.


  • 我们邀请了希拉里小石城第一联合卫理公会教堂牧师艾德.马修斯。 马修斯是个相当不错的,我们知道,假如午餐会陷入舌战,他我们这一边。

    We also invited Hillary’s minister at Little Rocks First United Methodist Church, Ed Matthews, a wonderful man who we knew would stick with us if the lunch deteriorated into a war of words.


  • 每当圣诞来临之际,在阿肯色州小石城议会大厦周围修剪整齐的草地上,都会起耶诞的布景

    ON A manicured lawn within the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol in Little Rock a Nativity scene is erected each Advent.


  • 因为保罗。贝加拉妻子安娜即将生下他们第一个孩子不能小石城做全职工作所以只好不情愿地乔治斯迪法诺普洛竞选专机调了出去。

    Because Paul Begala's wife, Diane, was expecting their first child, he couldn't come to Little Rock full-time, so reluctantly, I gave up George Stephanopoulos from the campaign plane.


  • 几年以前小石城行政管理工作。那里的各方面人物都非常熟悉,他待人友好、举止低调,多数相处得很好

    Don had been an administrator in the Little Rock system a few years earlier, so he knew a lot of the players, and he had a friendly, low-key manner and got along well with most of them.


  • 几年以前小石城行政管理工作。那里的各方面人物都非常熟悉,他待人友好、举止低调,多数相处得很好

    Don had been an administrator in the Little Rock system a few years earlier, so he knew a lot of the players, and he had a friendly, low-key manner and got along well with most of them.


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