• 还是女孩时候有个小男孩老是胖子

    When I was a little girl, there was this mean boy who called me fatso all the time.


  • 这些主人大多男孩女孩因为山羊友好,所以他们并不害怕它们

    These owners were mostly small boys and girls and, as the goats were friendly, they did not fear them.


  • 小男孩一个女孩只是在看着春天

    Two lads an' a little lass just lookin' on at th' springtime.


  • 然后两个男孩走出花园其中个拿着一把之前女孩拿来郁金香锋利剪刀。

    Then two little boys came out of the garden; one of them had a large sharp knife, like that with which the girl had cut the tulips.


  • 爸爸车开油站旁停下,看见一家总共5个人父母俩三个孩子两个女孩一个男孩

    When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children two girls and a small boy.


  • 爸爸车开油站旁停下,看见一家总共5个人父母俩三个孩子——两个女孩一个男孩

    When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children - two girls and a small boy.


  • 爸爸车开油站旁停下,看见一家总共5个人父母俩三个孩子--两个女孩一个男孩

    When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children - two girls and a small boy


  • 记得男孩抓走了另外女孩走了一的东西。

    I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon's ball. And the other girl picked up something of mine.


  • 随处停下来男孩女孩谈话,也向着母亲们微笑

    Here and there he halted, accosted the little boys and girls, and smiled upon the mothers.


  • 我就要女孩。”老鸨男孩非常坚持,而且又有钱支付,所以告诉左边的第一间屋子

    Since the little boy was so adamant and had the money to pay for it, the Madam told him to go to the first room on the right.


  • 接受见面邀请他们分离了70之后,她非常渴望见到即使他们不再是煤油灯柔光下的小男孩女孩

    She accepted his offer to meet for lunch, eager to see him after nearly 70 years, even if it wasn't in the soft glow of an oil lamp.


  • 队列有个女孩男孩

    "A girl in the line said to the little fellow."


  • 差点忘了告诉我们校长说,以前你,还是男孩还是一个女孩的时候。

    I forgot to tell you that our principal used to know you, when you were a little boy and she was a little girl, but I expect you have forgotten her, it was so long ago.


  • LoBueDeLoache给192个7个月5男孩女孩呈现一对物件(例如杯垫塑料夹子),然后他们一个

    LoBue and DeLoache presented 192 boys and girls aged between seven months and five years with pairs of small objects (e.g. coasters and plastic clips) and invited them to reach for one.


  • 另外一名六岁男孩五岁女孩受伤枪来小男孩也受伤。

    Another six-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl were injured, together with the boy who'd brought in the gun.


  • 特殊案例中的6葡萄牙女孩,她兽性早熟的影响,1939年通过剖腹产生下了一个健康小男孩

    The youngest was the extraordinary case of a six-year-old Peruvian, who suffered precocious puberty and gave birth to a healthy boy by caesarean in 1939.


  • 男孩女孩

    Little boys and girls.


  • 一天女孩男孩一起日托所里。

    A little girl and a little boy were at day care one day.


  • 将来阿拉巴马州,黑人男孩黑人女孩可以白人小男孩和白人女孩手拉手,就如亲兄弟姐妹般。

    One day right there in Alabam, little balck boys and black girls would be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.


  • 女孩一直以来都是那么的好心肠,找到时候,她已经埃尔维斯一个男孩抱着了。

    My little girl was always so big-hearted, and when I found her she had given Elvis to a little boy to hold.


  • 更多传统游戏设计者机会创造一些让女孩——只是男孩——成为英雄游戏

    But it also presents more conventional game designers with an opportunity to create games in which young girls, and not just young boys, actually become heroes themselves.


  • 试过怀个娃娃男孩或者女孩之类的?

    Have you tried a little bounce a little boy or girl?


  • 公园里,男孩捉弄一个女孩

    The little boys were teasing a girl in the park.


  • 一次我们考虑自己而是想着加沙拥有无尽梦想女孩或是斯德洛特希望睡觉不再火箭弹梦魇男孩

    This time, we will think not of ourselves, but of the young girl in Gaza who wants to have no ceiling on her dreams, or the young boy in Sderot who wants to sleep without the nightmare of rocket fire.


  • 知道女孩还是男孩的?

    I see. Will this be for a little girl or a little boy?


  • 脸上这么雀斑,都地方了!”队列有个女孩男孩

    "You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!" a girl in the line said to the little fellow.


  • 男孩不能提出一个女孩而不是找到勇气”,即使享受日期浪漫之

    A boy who can't propose a girl, not only find guts to say 'I Love You' but even enjoy dates, in his romantic dreams.


  • 男孩不能提出一个女孩而不是找到勇气”,即使享受日期浪漫之

    A boy who can't propose a girl, not only find guts to say 'I Love You' but even enjoy dates, in his romantic dreams.


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