• 海关例行公事不耐烦暗示着,小时知道存在克洛艾,已经产生了渴望状态

    My impatience with the customs ritual indicated that Chloe, who I had not known existed a few hours ago, had already acquired the status of a craving.


  • 完成了包括、每节课一小时课程后,他们持续表现出积极身体状态态度时间长达

    And they continued to exhibit positive body-image attitudes as long as three years after completing the program, which consists of four one-hour sessions.


  • 他们认为自己状态可以,因为他们可以六个半小时来过活,即使实际上,他们需要七个半小时小时甚至长的时间,才能达到精力充沛状态

    They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5, eight, or even more to feel ideally vigorous.


  • 多数人需要七到八小时的睡眠才能在白天保持最佳状态

    Most people need seven or eight hours of sleep to feel their best during the day.


  • 在经过几个小时自己所梦幻状态写作之后,他会先上床睡觉然后再8点30分起床编辑工作

    After a couple of hours of writing in what he calls a dreamlike state, he goes back to bed, then rises at 8:30 to edit his work.


  • 每个区间显示增加并发用户后一小时状态稳定平均水平

    Each interval shows the average of the one-hour steady state of each incremental set of concurrent users.


  • 通过脚本(大约)20分钟发出这个命令然后计算小时稳定状态期间的平均值

    This command was issued with a script every 20 minutes (approximately), and the resulting data then was averaged over the one-hour steady state time period.


  • 糟糕的是,有些家庭根本就没有选择,就是饿着——根据来自威尔士慈善组织最新报告显示,一个有孩子家庭处于食物缺乏状态超过24小时

    Even worse, there are families who have no choice but to go without food - according to a recent report by a Welsh charity, a family with small children went without food for more than 24 hours.


  • 斯坦利博士说:“夜间睡眠三个小时由于身体处于深度睡眠状态几乎不会醒来。”

    'you almost certainly won't wake up for the first three hours of night as you are deeply asleep,' says Dr Stanley.


  • 睡眠不足数量直接影响老鼠缺乏睡眠时,即若迫使老鼠一天20小时它一直处于清醒状态,老鼠大脑里则有更多噬斑。

    Lack of sleep also had an effect on plaque levels: when the mice were sleep-deprived - forced to stay awake for 20 hours of the day - they developed more plaques in their brains.


  • 随后基地几个小时关闭状态有流言称还有枪手目前在逃。基地被流言和恐惧所包围。

    For several hours the base was locked down and plunged into confusion, amid misplaced fears that more than one gunman was at large.


  • 结果发现,15人中有12个人通话接近手机大脑皮层内细胞处于活跃状态一个小时之内恢复了正常

    In 12 of the 15, the cells in the motor cortex adjacent to the cell phone showed excitability during phone use but returned to normal within an hour.


  • 还有一些球迷涌入酒吧家中观看比赛,致使西班牙在上周日晚间陷入瘫痪状态两个小时之久

    Others crammed into bars or gathered at home for the match, which left the country paralysed for two and a half hours Sunday evening.


  • 离世前星期这个使一天二十四小时昏迷状态中•的时候,常大声说出他所梦见的。

    In the final week of his life the disease kept him awake in a semi-conscious state nearly twenty-four hours a day. As he dreamed, he'd talk out loud about what he was dreaming.


  • 长达四个小时的厮杀,瓦林卡状态的调入晚对手瑞士人希望着如果找回感觉,一定能骁勇善战,气势

    Wawrinka had spent four and a half hours longer on court than his opponent, but the Swiss hoped that if he could find his game he could overcome such a disadvantage.


  • 手术全身麻醉下进行,所以病人在手术持续几个小时是处于睡眠状态

    You will be under general anesthesia - asleep - during the operation which may last several hours.


  • 接下来几个小时处于一种意识模糊状态,我强打着精神,用尽全力才把46岁孩子上床睡觉。

    The next few hours are a blur. Getting my children, 6 and 4, ready for bed required every ounce of my willpower.


  • 乘客在天空上停留2.5小时,其中5分钟实际失重状态

    Passengers will spentabout 2.5 hours in the air, with about 5 minutes of actualweightlessness.


  • 但是别的情况发生,这种药物昏迷也有可能留下某人小时几星期甚至几年无意识状态

    But not so with comas, which can leave a person unconscious for hours, weeks -- even years.


  • LITENING所有变量累计超过720000飞行小时大约一半配置战斗状态

    Together, all variants of the LITENING pod have amassed more than 720,000 flight hours, approximately half of which have been logged under deployed and combat conditions.


  • 如果我们保持每周二十四小时你死我活竞争状态,我们必然会污染我们内心世界,污染外部空间

    If we stay in the rat-race 24 hours, seven days a week, we are bound to pollute our inner space as well as the outer space.


  • 直到达到稳定状态两个小时,才开始记录平均值并且结果接近6个小时时间长度的平均值

    The average was not recorded until two hours after steady state, and the results were averaged over approximately six hours.


  • 喜欢干扰状态阅读我会小时小时左右。

    I like reading with no distractions. I'll read for about half an hour to an hour.


  • 对于每个过程模板可以指定删除处于特定结束状态过程,还可以指定删除之前处于状态

    You can specify for each process template in which end state its processes are deleted and the minimum time spent in this state before being deleted.


  • 经过过渡时期每一个工作负载都会保持稳定状态至少两个小时以上

    After the ramp-up period, each workload was maintained at "steady state" for at least two hours.


  • 正如刚才大部分需要每天大约8小时睡眠保证我们处于最好的状态

    As I've said before, most of us need around 8 hours of sleep each night to function at our best.


  • 每个数据点增加1,000个用户,这里CPU百分比是一小时稳定状态平均值

    The CPU percent showed the average of the one-hour steady state of each 1,000-user increment.


  • 每个数据点增加1,000个用户,这里CPU百分比是一小时稳定状态平均值

    The CPU percent showed the average of the one-hour steady state of each 1,000-user increment.


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