• 男人承担更多家务他们做家务的时间甚至增加以上1976年的6小时增加2005年的13小时

    Men are taking on more housework, more than doubling their housework hours from six in 1976 to 13 in 2005.


  • 20分钟锻炼时间已经让觉得轻松时,就可以3040分钟,甚至逐渐增加1个小时

    Once it begins to feel way too easy, you can start increasing the length of your workouts, to 30 and then 40 minutes, and eventually up to an hour.


  • 要求他们参加22个咨询会每天饮食减少500卡路里每周运动量增加至少3小时

    They were asked to attend 22 counselling sessions, reduce their diet by 500 calories a day and increase the amount of exercise they took to at least three hours a week.


  • 开始可以提前15分钟睡觉,随之也要早起15分钟,渐渐地将时间增加小时然后小时

    Start with 15 minutes earlier, with the expectation of getting up 15 minutes earlier, then gradually increase this to half an hour and then to an hour.


  • 斜坡路面上,车速增加小时7英里

    I'm back on a semi-decent surface again and my speed increases to 7mph.


  • 购物者负载1秒钟0增加9,000,并且能够保持1个小时出现功能错误

    The load was ramped up from 0 to 9,000 concurrent shoppers in 1 second and was sustained without functional errors for one hour.


  • 1315岁,每天看电视时间增加到3.1个小时

    From age 13 to 15, time spent in front of the tube rose to an average of 3.1 hours a day.


  • 据称,工人轮班工作时间通常超过12小时每周要工作7,常常好几个都没有休息日,而了圣诞前期这类繁忙时节,轮班时间更是强制性增加到1923小时

    Shifts were allegedly routinely over 12 hours long, seven days a week, with no days off for many months, plus mandatory 19 - and 23-hour shifts at busy times such as the pre-Christmas rush.


  • 美国电视黄金时间广告干扰1992年的每小时13分钟增加到去年的每小时18分钟,根据ParksAssociates的统计数据。

    In American prime-time television, advertising interruptions added up to 18 minutes an hour last year, up from 13 minutes an hour in 1992, according to Parks Associates.


  • CraigBeesley一个跑步新手,跑步时长已三十增加接近小时

    Craig Beesley, a beginning runner, extended his longest run from 30 seconds to nearly 3 hours.


  • 该公司说,这种“的速度4.8秒内0增加100公里小时”。

    The car "catapults from zero to 100 kph (zero to 60 mph) in 4.8 seconds, " according to company literature.


  • 我们当中大多数从小知道人体每天需要78小时睡眠知道,如果睡眠少于6小时,发生意外几率就会增加到3倍?

    Most of us learned years ago that our bodies need 7-8 hours of sleep a day, but did you know that six hours or less triples our chance of an accident?


  • 方案增加每月半天现在贡献时间共4万小时

    The programme has expanded to half a day a month and now adds up to 40,000 donated hours a year.


  • 如果现在每天只花小时工作,那么时间增加46个或者更长能够理解。

    So if you're currently outputting 2 hours of productive work each day, it isn't unreasonable to push that up to 4, 6 or higher.


  • 过去几个小时里面超过3000人申请使得会员人数不足15000增加18000多人

    Over the past few hours over 3000 members applied, raising the member count from less than 15, 000 up to more than 18, 000.


  • N120触控板的尺寸三星第一NC10 netbook更大,而且键盘尺寸也有所增大,已经与12笔记本所使用的键盘尺寸接近。 续航时间更是增加到了10.5小时

    The touchpad is also larger than in Samsung's first NC10 netbook, while the keyboard is larger, sized just like ones from a 12-inch notebook PC.


  • 研究表明拥有本科学历美国男人每周工作超过50小时的比例1979年的24%增加到了2006年的28%。

    Other research shows that the share of college-educated American men regularly working more than 50 hours a week rose from 24% in 1979 to 28% in 2006.


  • 过去年中电视中的暴力行为数目小时大约19次增加27次

    And the number of violent ACTS on television in the past years has increased from about 19 to 27 per hour.


  • 如果可以增加天天锻炼小时然而获益也会上升癌症发生率下跌更多

    If you can step it up to an hour a day, then the gains rise as well, with the incidence of cancer falling by even more.


  • 采访当天爱德华兹空军基地F - 22中的开始了F - 22第89次飞行累积的飞行时数增加了190小时

    The day of the interview, one of the two F-22s at Edwards set off on the eighty-ninth F-22 flight and added to the 190 hours already accumulated.


  • 目前世界柴油陆地速度纪录增加到了235英里JCB目标小时300英里。

    The current world diesel land speed record stands at 235mph, while JCB is targeting 300mph.


  • 妻子承担更多增加家务,假如孩子数额多于三个她们每个礼拜家务的时间增加28个小时,然而丈夫仅10小时

    With more than three kids, for instance, wives took on more of the extra work, clocking about 28 hours a week compared with husbands' 10 hours.


  • 妻子承担更多增加家务,假如孩子数额多于三个她们每个礼拜家务的时间增加28个小时,然而丈夫仅10小时

    With more than three kids, for instance, wives took on more of the extra work, clocking about 28 hours a week compared with husbands' 10 hours.


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