• 也许希望这个小小便利减缓女性不断增长倾向,即每次头发延长个月同时我们的头发恢复我们早已忘记原本的颜色

    Maybe she hoped this little amenity would slow the growing inclination of women to stretch each haircut to last four months while nursing our hair back to whatever natural colour we long ago forgot.


  • 开始未来失去希望我在经历了大大小小18手术妻子终于返回家中时,我已放弃了要成为一名建筑师梦想

    I began to lose hope about my future, and eventually my wife and I returned home, after 18 surgeries, where I gave up on continuing my dream of being an architect.


  • 我们希望郎姆成为球员们小小动力。能得到满满一桶上等朗姆酒,几乎没有一个特立尼达这样机会溜走。

    We hope that the barrel bonus will act as an extra incentive for the players as there are few Trinidadians who would not jump at the opportunity to own a full barrel of such fine rum.


  • 人们希望通过这次探索解开关于水星小小陌生世界一些谜团

    The goal is to unravel some of the mysteries of this strange little world.


  • 已经知道爱情已经不存在,深深地捉对方不放开,一些小小的,朋友间的关怀却当作天大的希望

    We already know the inexistence of love, but we still cling to his or her hands tightly and see some drops of friendly care as a great hope to redeem the lost love.


  • 小小请求希望能够答应

    I have one small request, hope you can agree.


  • 希望日常的文件上也点击那个小小大拇指

    Wish you could click that little thumbs up on actual paper documents?


  • 之前心里小小希望希望有朝一日英国人抓住万圣节夜的真正本质但是现在,我意识到了我的错误

    Before that night, I had harboured some small hope that Britain would one day grasp the true nature of Halloween, but now I realise my mistake.


  • 本文中,我们希望避免这种聪明做出小小贡献至少在我们比较精通领域避免滥用

    In this article, we hope to make a small contribution away from cleverness, at least in an area where we have some expertise, that being metaclass abuses.


  • 罗奇众星云集电影节颁奖仪式上领完大奖后:“我们希望这部影片英国面对帝国史方面向前迈出了一小步小小一步。”

    After receiving the award at a star-studded ceremony in Cannes, Loach said: "Our film is about, we hope, a little step, a very little step in the British confronting their imperialist history."


  • 通常希望一些小小变动,而不必编写新的样式

    Often I want to make small variations that do not warrant writing a new style sheet.


  • 我们希望这次小小的意外不会影响我们今后合作

    And we hope this accident won't affect future cooperation between us.


  • 所以希望个问题能够给每一个自认为是专业人士而从未认真自我怀疑过图书馆员一点小小的警示。

    So there. I hope these ten items put a little devil on the left shoulder of every librarian who claims professional status without a good dose of self-doubt to go with it.


  • 是个祝福,而不是什么希望;本来小小骨裂的,但是,亚茨拉斐尔实在抵挡不住任何行善的机会

    It was a statement, not a hope; there had been a minor fracture, but Aziraphale couldn't resist an opportunity to do good.


  • 充满希望的补充道:“山核桃只是小小奢侈品但它会让人们感到生活的舒适开心,而且当然了,不论是感恩节还是其它所有的节日,他们必不可少的。”

    Pecans are "just a small luxury. It's a comfort item. And of course," he said hopefully, "Thanksgiving and all, they'd be a staple they'll have to have.


  • 也许这样成千上万个人互相交换希望或者是想要小小商品服务技能交换。

    Perhaps it is something like this: Each of these millions sees that he can thus enchange his tiny knowhow for the goods and services he needs or wants.


  • 只是希望两三年内酸奶攒下足够一家小小山西小吃连锁店

    He just hopes that within two or three years, he can save enough of his yogurt profits to start a small chain store selling Shanxi snacks.


  • 最后,雅虎移动还有小小不足之处:即时通讯服务支持雅虎一种,我们希望看到更多服务。

    We do have just one tiny complaint before we close. Only one instant messaging service is supported: Yahoo!


  • 但是希望自己一百零二岁。我希望自己落跑气球,变成天空小小o,小你们只有起眼睛看得见

    I wish I was like a runaway balloon, like a tiny o in the sky, so tiny-tiny you have to close your eyes to see it.


  • 希望妈妈的回答能够解决这个难解之谜,能够那困惑小小心灵带来平静安宁。

    What she was hoping for was that the answer would unriddle the riddle, and bring rest and peace to her perplexed little mind.


  • 卡夫花旗银行这样的大公司赞助Causeworld希望购物基于位置实时公益营销相联系,从而人们变成小小慈善家。

    Sponsored by brands like Kraft and Citi, Causeworld is looking to connect shopping and buying with location-based, real-time cause marketing, turning us all into mini-philanthropists.


  • 不安身后,多希望一眼小小关注可是又多害怕你看着怕被你看到我的窘迫。

    Restless walk behind you, I hope you can see my one eye, want to be your little attention, however, I'm afraid you looked at me, if you see my distress.


  • 男人自尊女人有,不要介意有时候女人为了朋友间小小虚荣心自信所以希望别人

    There are self-esteem of men, women also, women do not mind sometimes to friends in the small vanity, and that is you have self-confidence, so I hope you strong than others.


  • 也许内心某个小小角落里希望有人感觉到他,看见他,阻拦他,但是隐形衣一如既往地完美丝不漏,很轻松地走到了门口

    Perhaps some tiny part of him hoped to be sensed, to be seen, to be stopped, but the Cloak was, as ever, impenetrable, perfect, and he reached the front doors easily.


  • 今天感恩节到了,发了小小短信但却包含大大的情谊希望赶走烦恼收获一份快乐,感恩节开心愉快

    In four, today is Thanksgiving, I sent you a little message, but with me for friendship, hope you get rid of worry, the harvest of a happy, happy Thanksgiving and happy.


  • 巷中顶花伞此时就是一道风景,因为让人心中已经升起了一轮小小太阳,重新燃起希望,如雨嫩芽充满旺盛的生命力

    Top Hua San Raining This is a picture at this time, because it makes a little heart has raised the sun, re-kindled the hope that the buds after the rain, full of vitality.


  • 这个小小空间一个刚刚开通希望通过这个空间更多朋友更加了解

    This small space has just opened a month ago, Hope that through this small room, more friends would know more about me.


  • 这个小小空间一个刚刚开通希望通过这个空间更多朋友更加了解

    This small space has just opened a month ago, Hope that through this small room, more friends would know more about me.


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