• 我们东京为据点各地旅行

    We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there.


  • 飞机两倍于音速速度飞行。

    The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound.


  • 活动顿百家饭启动。

    The event will kick off with a potluck.


  • 下月这本杂志新的设计问世。

    The magazine will appear in a new design from next month.


  • 这场运动美国保险公司目标

    The campaign will target American insurance companies.


  • 核电厂低廉的成本生产电力

    It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.


  • 他们上演《卡门》来展开新的戏剧季

    They will open the new season with a performance of 'Carmen'.


  • 报酬美元支付。

    You will be paid in American dollars.


  • 无疑灾难告终

    This will surely end in disaster.


  • 火车每小时186英里速度快速穿过隧道

    Trains will speed through the tunnel at 186 mph.


  • 飞机旅行的人数每年大约6%的速度持续增加

    Air travel will continue to grow at about 6% per year.


  • 中央银行提供特别贷款,各家银行将以土地作为抵押品

    The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security.


  • 米歇尔盎司$2.25价格按照顾客要求为其纺羊毛呢。

    Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce.


  • 8月举行世界锦标赛上打破100世界纪录目标

    He said he would aim for the 100 metre world record at the world championships in August.


  • 标准时间为代价。

    Both these criteria would be at the expense of time.


  • 现在起,我将以更低的价格出售我的食物。

    From now on, I'll sell my food at lower prices.


  • 个故事将以更容易理解的方式教孩子如何预防该疾病。

    The story will gently teach children how to prevent the disease (疾病) in a language that they can easily understand.


  • 4月22日,世界各地的人们将以不同方式庆祝地球日。

    On April 22nd, people around the world would celebrate Earth Day in different ways.


  • 那里我最经常听到是诸如“我们将以小组形式做这个任务吗”此类的问题,和“每组四个学生”。

    What I heard most often there was questions like "Shall we do the task in pairs?" and "Four students each group."


  • 火车轮船额外价格运送这些补给品

    The trains and the ships would carry these supplies for an additional price.


  • 明天正式的古礼获得尊贵的地位。

    This very morrow shall he be installed in his princely dignity in due and ancient form.


  • 其他只读光盘存储器的形式出现,提供类似的资源

    Others will come with CD-ROMs that offer similar resources.


  • 假面骑士OOO最终形态恐龙核心勋章为基础。

    Kamen Rider OOO's final form will be based around the Dinosaur Core Medals.


  • 社交机器人一种人性化方式技术带到日常世界

    Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way.


  • 有人假设,新的超级大陆一种不同的方式形成

    But others hypothesize that a new supercontinent will form in a different way.


  • 如果粮食状况持续恶化那整个世界越来越快的速度崩溃

    If the food situation continues to worsen, entire nations will break down at an ever increasing rate.


  • 如果每次发牌都是的话,我哥伦比亚领带告终

    If I'm the one winning every time I deal, I'll end up with a Colombian necktie.


  • 为了获得最佳多元文化团队,领导人建议牢记

    So in order to get the best out of any multicultural team, leaders should keep the following tips in mind


  • 正如说过的,接下来的我们更广泛视角来研究地质学

    So for several weeks like I said we'll be addressing geology from a wider perspective.


  • 事后看来,这种互动似乎类似电力等其他伟大发明速度改变经济

    With the benefit of hindsight, it looks like the interaction will transform the economy at something like the pace of other great inventions like electricity.


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