• 本文发表北京天文台60厘米施密特望远镜进行发射线星系物端棱镜巡天结果第四篇文章。

    This paper is the fourth in a series publishing the results of an objective prism survey for emission-line galaxies with the 60 cm Schmidt Telescope of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory.


  • 文中1包括100射线天体其中的96个射线星系其余的对象有3行星星云,1个发射线

    We find a total of 100 emission-line objects, of which 96 are galaxies, the rest being 3 planetary nebulae and 1 star.


  • 可见光扩展无线电波,再到X 射线伽马射线天文学总是发现不寻常物体射电星系类星体脉冲星

    The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays never failed to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies, quasars, and pulsars.


  • 收集数百万光年外的恒星星系宇宙射线信息

    It will also gather information from cosmic radiation sources on stars and galaxies millions of light years away.


  • 迄今为止,观察到的伽马射线来自遥远星系非来自我们银河系

    To date the GRBs observed have been in distant galaxies and not our own Milky Way.


  • 然而银河系这样的星系伽马射线爆很少发生。

    However, GRBs are rare in galaxies like the Milky Way.


  • 西斯特纳斯指出星系黑洞中,对于X射线活动强烈脉冲的开启过程,现在还不大了解

    Processes that switch on immense pulses of x-ray-generating activity in a galactic black hole aren't well understood, Cisternas notes.


  • 钱德勒射线探测仪的探测结果表明ngc6240的确两个从3000万年前开始合并的星系构成的。

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory observations show that NGC 6240 is actually two galaxies that started joining forces about 30 million years ago.


  • 我们星系中,大约一千万年会发生一次伽马射线爆。

    GRBs are likely to happen in our galaxy around every 10 million years or so.


  • 这种情况看,这个大家伙实质上来自70000光年之外星系螺旋线(宇宙射线视像,也即是类星体所在之处。

    The mirror, in this case, is a vast blob of gas about 70,000 light-years away from the center of a spiral galaxy, where the quasar resides.


  • 通过ChandraX射线观测台,我们观测到一个星系拖曳两个由X射线射流组成的壮丽尾巴

    Two spectacular tails of X-ray emission have been seen trailing behind a galaxy using the Chandra X-ray Observatory.


  • 通过ChandraX射线观测台,我们观测到一个星系拖曳两个由X射线射流组成的壮丽的大尾巴。

    Two spectacular tailsof X-ray emission have been seen trailing behind a galaxy using theChandra X-ray Observatory.


  • 南极天文台三大观测宇宙天文台之一,旨在检测由宇宙大爆炸而产生的大量存在于微光辐射中的扭曲现象,利用天文望远镜对宇宙射线背景进行筛选,再利用星系群的特点确定一个,即宇宙射线穿过气体时会产生轻微混乱,混乱的一刻就是所的那个点。

    The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.


  • 可见光波段的发光丝状物,黄色显示X射线波段气体,用蓝色显示,30光年我们近邻星系麦哲伦云中

    Glowing visible filaments, shown in yellow, and X-ray hot gas, shown in blue, span about 30 light-years in our neighboring galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud.


  • 通过“钱德拉X射线轨太空望远镜星系增长模式进行观测研究他们发现,正如“暗能量”理论预测一样星系增长受到了抑制。

    They used an orbiting X-ray telescope called Chandra to study the way that clusters of galaxies grow. They discovered that this growth is stifled in exactly the way that dark-energy theory predicts.


  • 事实上上面画面显示雨燕X射线天文台多个星系合并系统探测到超大质量黑洞(圆圈)。

    In fact, these panels show the location (circled) of Swift X-ray detected supermassive black holes in a variety of merging galaxy systems.


  • 早上我们费米伽马射线中的众多活跃星系观察其中一个星系的伽马射线变得极度明亮

    This morning we noticed that one of the many active galaxies in the Fermi sky had become extremely bright in gamma-rays.


  • 宇宙微波背景几乎并不均匀的,而已知的不均匀的射线认为是用来标记来自哪个星系(包括恒星系星系)。

    The CMB is almost, but not quite, uniform, and the known irregularities in it are thought to mark the seeds from which galaxies-and therefore stars and planets-grew.


  • 直到最近科学家们才相信大部分伽马射线遥远星系剧烈的宇宙活动产生的,比如超大质量恒星死亡

    Until quite recently, scientists believed that most gamma-rays are produced by cataclysmic events in distant galaxies, such as the death of supermassive stars.


  • 幅图像显示了M 87质量星系次极大“超级火山”喷发NASA钱德拉X射线望远镜国家科学基金会(nsf)的超大阵列(VLA)目击了此景。

    This image shows the eruption of a galactic "super-volcano" in the massive galaxy M87, as witnessed by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and NSF's Very Large Array (VLA).


  • 现在星系充满气体灰尘掩盖遥远超新星的可见性,但是(它的)残骸依然放射出可检测的无线电波X射线

    Now the galaxy is full of gas and dust, which could hide a distant supernova optically, but the remnant would still produce detectable radio waves and X-rays.


  • 研究环绕银河系星系中的暗物质放射的伽马射线

    Both groups searched for the gamma-ray glow from dark matter in dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way.


  • 不过现在NASA的雨燕卫星高能X射线巡天成果可靠地显示活动星系星系合并的紧密联系

    New results from a premier sky survey by NASA's Swift satellite at hard (energetic) X-ray energies now solidly show a strong association of AGN with merging galaxies, though.


  • 后发星系X射线发射性质在查证中。

    The nature of Coma's X-ray emission is still being investigated.


  • NGC 6240(星系图片来自钱德拉X射线天文台)X射线数据如图部分所示)哈勃望远镜于2008年首度公开的一张光学图像两者合成的。

    This image of NGC 6240 contains new X-ray data from Chandra (shown in red, orange, and yellow) that has been combined with an optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope originally released in 2008.


  • 热量多少(可以通过查看高温气体发出X射线进行测量)取决于星系团的质量,这个数据能够用于估计气体所在处多少物质

    The amount of heating (measured by looking at the X-rays emitted by the extremely hot gas) depends on the mass of the cluster, and can be used to estimate how much stuff is there.


  • 课题小组选择了140个活动星系简称agns,这些星系放射出大量X射线,X射线穿透阻挡观测的气体尘埃

    The team chose 140 active galactic nuclei, or AGNs, by selecting galaxies that emit a lot of X-rays, which can Pierce the galactic gas and dust that might otherwise block the nuclei from view.


  • 其中紫色喷发状物质几百万高温气体ChandraX射线天文中心探测其他颜色展示斯隆数字星空调查光学图片中的一些星系

    The purple emission is multi-million degree gas detected in X-rays by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the other colors show galaxies in an optical image from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.


  • 其中紫色喷发状物质几百万高温气体ChandraX射线天文中心探测其他颜色展示斯隆数字星空调查光学图片中的一些星系

    The purple emission is multi-million degree gas detected in X-rays by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the other colors show galaxies in an optical image from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.


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