• 来信往往使一天心情愉快。

    A personal letter will usually brighten up a person's day.


  • 那些专门去了

    He sent a special message to the men.


  • 西班牙于1522年接管了地区,并实施了赐制度

    The Spanish took over the area in 1522 and imposed the encomienda system.


  • 53之后于1958年的情书终于即将到达收信的手中。那时一名美国大学生而写信女友,不久成为妻子

    A love letter to a US college student from the girlfriend who was to become his wife is finally on its way to him - 53 years after it was written in 1958.


  • 如果一直一个那么就信,他们知道。

    If you're all alone then write a letter and let another know.


  • 养成这样习惯,就是当知道你共事的即将离职时要求他帮你写举荐信,顺便问问那个是否愿意担当你的口头举荐

    Get into the habit of asking for a letter of reference from someone who you have worked with who might be moving on and ask that person if they would be willing to serve as a verbal reference as well.


  • 认识到一些读到一些书,或者受到邮件。

    You may meet someone, read a book, or get an E-mail.


  • 悲剧发生,我们的记者书中每个波兰写了吊唁信。

    Your diarist wrote condolence notes to every Pole in his contacts book after the tragedy.


  • 所以这个…,另一个伪造了一保罗书信。

    So notice this guy, another guy sort of forging another letter by Paul.


  • 于是他坐了下来写了代理命令不论什么价钱赶快卖掉证券

    And, sitting down, he wrote a letter to his broker, ordering him to sell out at the market price.


  • 如果有另用户邮件先发那个地址,那么那个就会获得你发信,你也可以获得他发。并且,你们可以获得对方邮箱地址

    If another user sends an email to the same address as you, they get your note, and you get theirs, in addition to each receiving the email addresses both of you sent your Invisible note's from.


  • 第二是在几个小时同一发过来的,高兴告诉在场的情况下他们问题解决了,祝她假期开心。

    The second was a few hours later from the same person, happily telling the mom to enjoy her vacation since they'd figured out the problem without her.


  • 去年收到47电子邮件,发信正是“重逢”了的一对对爱侣,其中有六甚至他们婚礼请帖

    In the last year, I've had 47 emails from happily united couples. Six of them even asked me to illustrate their wedding invitations.


  • 飞快一个个照打不误允许自己改变想法时间最后,我联系到,该承诺发一信,告诉我一些中心治疗师他们职业者

    I quickly made these calls, not allowing myself time to change my mind, I finally reached someone who promised te mail me a list of the Center's former therapists who were in private practice.


  • 同一的吗?

    Were they written by the same person?


  • 不止邮件里回复这个问题一些明智,知道元组不可变,但是疑问怎么改变他们,我的答案

    And I responded to at least one email about this issue, someone quite correctly said tuple are immutable, how can I change one?


  • 看来认为好吧如果保罗之名伪书怎样才能相信真的?

    In my mind I'm thinking okay if you want to write a pseudonymous letter and claim to be Paul, how do you make it convincing?


  • 有一“中等”推荐但是有着详尽洞悉关于描述的推荐信才能招生办一个立体角度更加的了解你的

    It is always better to have a 'mid-ranked' recommender but with insight and detailed descriptions about you that allows the admissions board to get a three-dimensional view of who you are as a person.


  • 不要收件他们日程安排告诉(过程浪费了邮件)——而是将参会时间发送给他们

    Instead of asking your recipient to give you their schedule (and wasting an email in the process) - start out by sending them your available meeting times.


  • 留贝斯基解释说:“不同方法好地针对不同的的,坚持每日感恩日记似乎一些来讲有点做作,但是书写感激或许非常有意义。”

    "Different methods are a better fit for different people," Lyubomirsky explains."Keeping a daily gratitude journal seems hokey to some people, but writing a letter of gratitude may be very meaningful.


  • 可以减免税当然主要原因之一但是有时捐赠直接得到酬劳而且仅仅小小的感谢信足够劝说拿出钱来。

    Tax breaks are, of course, one of the main ones, but donors are also sometimes paid directly for their pains, and the mere thought of a thank-you letter can be enough to persuade others to cough up.


  • 波斯王朝奠基伟大的赛勒斯,自己伊朗之王

    Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, called himself "King of Iran".


  • 我们没有那么多手。” 在发出邮件斥责这些没有性”之后,被迫辞职

    She was forced to resign but not before begging readers of the e-mail to show they had a “sense of humour”.


  • 1937年电报发信已经模糊不清了:史蒂夫霍华德·众多笔名中的一个这位低调的迷恋着海普女士

    The sender of this 1937 telegram is unclear: Stephen was one of many pseudonyms used by Howard Hughes, the reclusive businessman who courted Ms. Hepburn.


  • 另一写道。邮件语气表示,她们被迫做某种确定事情感觉使深感不安。

    The tone of all three emails was of feeling forced into something they weren't sure about, and it made me feel acutely uncomfortable.


  • 为什么上网闲逛能朋友邮件能让恢复活力呢?

    Why is Web-surfing more restorative than, say, responding to a friend's email?


  • 身为内布拉斯加大学文学教授沃尔特惠特曼档案馆联合主任之一,普赖斯先生说惠特曼每日要写十二,“信中的话语判若两”。

    Twelve in one dayinhabiting the voice of another, ” notes Mr. Price, a literature professor at the University of Nebraska and co-director of the Walt Whitman Archive.


  • 身为内布拉斯加大学文学教授沃尔特惠特曼档案馆联合主任之一,普赖斯先生说惠特曼每日要写十二,“信中的话语判若两”。

    Twelve in one dayinhabiting the voice of another, ” notes Mr. Price, a literature professor at the University of Nebraska and co-director of the Walt Whitman Archive.


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